
キスで誓約 -  Kisu de Seiyaku
From Winter Translations:Kotori Karaishi's family has a curse placed on them, of which they can only kiss one person their whole life. Kotori has tried her best to protect her lips...until a playboy became interested in her.
Deronga Five Alpha is a dying unstable planet which according to studies, used to be a very lush planet with all kinds of different species. The current state of the planet is a horrifying place where vicious carnivorous creatures fight in the “survival of the fittest.”Captain Bagures, the leader of the research spacecraft, is a cold and cruel woman who, despite the warnings, unnecessarily sends a military team down to the planet for research. The end result was a catastrophe with the team being slaughtered by the creatures on the planet. The leader of the team, Cannon, vows vengeance on Bagures before seemingly dying.Jump to 20 years later, a spaceship comes near Deronga Five Alpha to see the end of the planet. As the planet explodes, a foreign object attaches itself onto the spaceship. As nothing can survive a planetary explosion, the crew investigates the object only to find out it is one of the creatures from the planet Deronga. As the story progresses, the creature goes into a rage after seeing Bagures, now an extremely important person in the military, on the monitor screen. Could this creature be Cannon and how do you stop something that can withstand a planetary explosion?
この空に響け -  向天空大聲呼喊愛 -  บรรเลงรักให้ก้องฟ้า (Thai) -  Kono Sora Ni Hibiki Ke
1:Une belle histoire de musique, d'amitié et d'amour. Ils sont trois, deux frères et leur voisine unis pas la musique et une promesse... Et tandis que le sombre et indifférent Hajime en fait voir de toutes les couleurs à Miura, le lumineux Ryou semble veiller sur eux avec bienveillance et sagesse. A moins que les deux frères ne soient pas vraiment ce qu'ils paraissent... 2:Une histoire de chats… L’un est un vrai, l’autre est une jeune fille. Que voulez-vous, quand on est amoureuse, on fait un peu n’importe quoi, y compris accepter d’être considérée comme un chat. Après, peut-être que le dit « maître » est maladroit et ne sais pas trop quoi faire avec ses sentiments, vous ne croyez pas ? 3:Elle adore le basket, elle consacre sa vie à ce sport et ne pense qu’à ça du matin au soir. Tout l’opposé de son « rival », qui ne considère le basket que comme un passe temps ! Mais il semblerait que les apparences soient trompeuses…
クジラにキスする日 -  The Day I Kissed a Whale
High-school senior Nana seeks to photograph a whale in dedication to her dead boyfriend.
L'enfant sans loi
L'histoire prend place dans un monde alternatif, plus précisément dans une ville devenue une zone de non-droit ravagée par les combats ayant eu lieu entre les insurgés et les forces armées.Dans ce décor insalubre où règne le chaos, tentent de survivre un jeune garçon nommé Orga, sa petite sœur Harika et leur ami Nick.
An infamous delinquent is told that he would die soon unless he dates this girl from another school.

Lips (Yaoi)

ʚ•ɞ Projet présenté par la team The Heaven Squad Community ʚ•ɞ
Himari-kun and Shinigami-san -  愛哭鬼惡魔瑪利亞先生 -  毬谷くんと死神さん
This is a town in Japan in the human world where demons and gods of death also exist. One day, "Mr. Shinigami" was worried. It's because I can't help but worry about the beautiful human, Mariya, who has the same face as the cute devil Maria who has been humbled. I want to get closer to him somehow. I want to do that too...! Nonetheless, Kamiya is a stubborn sword. On the contrary, he said, "I'm not a killer." The word "killer" is shocking to him, who is Osigoto to bring a human being to his life. Mr. Shinigami, who has been making outstanding achievements in the world of Shinigami so far, makes a certain decision in order to dispel the image of "Shinigami = killer" that Kamiya holds. Second volume of "Nakimushi Devil Maria-kun" series! Related SeriesNakimushi Akuma no Maria-kun (Adapted From)
宗像教授伝奇考 -  Munakata Kyōju Denkikō -  The Legendary Musings of Professor Munakata
Munakata is an anthropology professor that studies the relationship between folklore or fairy tales and real historical events. He believes that many of these stories that most presume to be entirely fictional are actually based on real events. This manga tells the story of Professor Munakata as he follows the clues left from both the imaginary world of fairy tales and the real world historical evidence. This manga is highly educational and entertaining at the same time. The connections between the history of the land and the implications it has on the fairy tales are extremely intriguing. It is a breath of fresh air if all you read are the typical genres and want some diversity.
宗像教授異考録 -  Munakata Kyōju Ikōroku -  The Case Records of Professor Munakata
無職転生~エリスは本気で牙を砥ぐ~ -  Mushoku Tensei ~Eris wa Honki de Kiba o Togu~ -  Mushoku Tensei ~Eris ha Honki de Kiba wo Togu~ -  Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation ~Eris Sharpens Her Fangs~ -  Jobless Reincarnation ~Eris Seriously Sharpens Her Fangs~ -  Jobless Reincarnation: Eris Seriously Sharpens Her Fangs -  無職轉生~艾莉絲拿出真本事鍛磨利牙~ -  Mushoku Tensei: Eris Gaiden -  Mushoku Tensei - Eris Gaiden -  Jobless Reincarnation - Eris Gaiden -  Реинкарнация Безработного - История Эрис


Love Search
Yukihira Noah a décidé de suivre celle qu'elle aime au lycée artistique Saint Rinnell. Et puis elle commencera une histoire d'amour comme celles que ses parents lui racontaient...
Le protagoniste était un éternel aventurier de la zone frontalière . Il rencontra alors un monstre puissant à l'intérieur du labyrinthe, il est ensuite vaincu. Après sa défaite, il devient homme osseux "Squelette". Situation agaçante puisqu'il ne peut pas entrer dans la ville avec son état actuel. Dans le but de gagner un corps avec du muscle, il va battre les monstres du labyrinthe
Succession de one shot mettant en scène différentes histoires d’amour ayant cours dans le petit monde de la Mode.
お花の王子さま -  O-Hana no Ouji-sama -  O-Hana no Oujisama -  The Flower Prince
From Hanashi (Yaoi): The story is about the young man Takaaki (spoken as: Taka'aki) who waters a certain flower pot by chance. A small man who slept a thousand years inside the sprout comes out and needs to adapt to the new world--and to win Takaaki's heart, of course.
Scattered Courtesan
Je n'étais qu'une simple employée de bureau sur le chemin de chez elle, lorsque j'ai eu eu le malheur d'être impliquée dans un accident de la circulation.La seule chose que je sais, c'est que je me suis retrouvée à la période Edo, dans le quartier rouge ?!Est ce réel ?! Aurais-je remonté le temps ?
Our protagonist, Moji Shimeta, just so happens to fulfill the stereotype for being a worthless human. His inability to carry out a conversation has left him at the bottom of the barrel as far as friends are concerned.That Shimeta fell in love with the school idol Ishikawa Yuuko, however that kind of love is absolutely, perfectly, and completely impossible. During this time, the messenger of the gods, Osaki, appeared to grant Moji's request with a price attached concerning Moji's cooperation in catching some runaway evil spirits. However to catch them all, Osaki uses Moji as a vessel to become a servent of Uganomitamanokami (aka Inari) called Youko. Lots of Ecchi situations and humiliation abound at Moji's expense.
チャモチャモぷりてぃ -  チャモチャモ☆ぷりてぃ -  ポケットモンスター チャモチャモ★ぷりてぃ♪
A spinoff of Pocket Monsters PiPiPi ★ Adventures that features the adventures and exploits of Clefairy and Pikachu, as well as Torchic and Mightyena. The chamo-chamo refers to "Achamo", Torchic's Japanese name.
プロジェクト ドールフォン
Shinjirou's brother is a brilliant scientist whose chosen career is making weird cell phones. Shinjirou has received a gift of his brother's latest product, the Doll-Phone, which is a walking, talking, tiny girl who doubles as a cell phone. But he can't help feeling that a phone like that seems kind of perverted to use...
Sabel tiger est une compilation de 7 histoires fantastiques issues de l'imagination de Yukinobu Hoshino. Chacune de ces histoires nous plonge dans un aspect différent de la SF: altération spatiotemporelle, déterminisme génétique, civilisations perdues,... mais toutes ramènent l'humanité à sa place insignifiante face aux mystères de l'univers."

Saber Tiger

サーベル・タイガー -  Sabertooth Tiger -  Sergeant -  Adamas Diamonds -  Quo Vadis -  Asphaltic Trap -  The Planet of Winter
Sabel tiger est une compilation de 7 histoires fantastiques issues de l'imagination de Yukinobu Hoshino. Chacune de ces histoires nous plonge dans un aspect différent de la SF: altération spatiotemporelle, déterminisme génétique, civilisations perdues,... mais toutes ramènent l'humanité à sa place insignifiante face aux mystères de l'univers."
A Record of Semimaru's Remaining Days -  蝉丸残日録
Semimaru, an office worker who awoke one morning only to find that he had tragically become a cicada. A classic example of the short-lived, a cicada... After seeing that he did not have long to live, Semimaru decided to meet his end in a cool way. See his thrilling new daily life and his coworkers, who have to watch themselves around him!The curtain on the industry's first gag cartoon of a cicada at its time of death has finally opened!
Shiro and Tsubaki -  シロと椿
Le contenu suivant est destiné à un public mature et peut contenir des thèmes sexuels, du sang, de la violence et / ou un langage fort. La discrétion est conseillée.Tsubaki, mi-incubé et mi-humain, ne peut vivre sans consommer d'énergie humaine. Il complète son énergie en l'obtenant d'Hakuomi, un exorciste qui est aussi son ami d'enfance et camarade de classe. Ces jours-ci, le côté incubateur de Tsubaki semble devenir plus fort. Il dure à peine deux jours après avoir été avec Hakuomi. Embarrassé, Tsubaki essaie de cacher la vérité, mais Hakuomi voit à travers lui. Bien que Tsubaki ne veuille pas surcharger Hakuomi, Hakuomi veut qu'il compte sur lui encore plus. Mais, Hakuomi a un secret qu'il ne peut pas révéler à Tsubaki
Star Dust Memories /スターダストメモリーズ / 스타더스트 메모리즈
Stardust Memories est une compilation de nouvelles d'êtres humains dans un futur lointain où nous avons voyagé profondément dans l'espace. Chaque histoire décrit un dilemme moral que les gens qui voyagent dans l'espace peuvent vivre, ce que nous n'avons pas encore déterminé dans le monde actuel.Stardust Memories parle de problèmes tels que les implications de faire voyager les gens pendant des années, voire des décennies, dans l'univers froid, calme et sans fin. Une autre histoire raconte comment la présence humaine dans une galaxie étrangère affectera l'environnement. Les sujets sur lesquels l'auteur décide d'écrire sont intéressants et font réfléchir sur l'avenir.
Momose is an ordinary college student who harbors two secrets. The first is that, despite posting lots of sweet and sugary foods onto her social media, she actually hates them and wants to eat more fatty, rich meals. And the second is...[hr][url=]Official Spanish (Mangaplus)[/url]
We'll Look for Abandoned Cats. -  愛上無家可歸的貓 -  捨てネコ捜します。
Keigo Odagiri runs a detective agency in an old, run-down building on the outskirts of Tokyo with his assistant, Leo. All they get are relatively trivial cases, but they're happy as long as they have each other. They spend their days eating, sleeping, and after doing a little work, making love. Their simple, everyday life together is sweeter than anything...... This is a romantic story about two kind and gentle men!! (from Renta!)
Tabekake Fukuin Keikaku -  Tabekake Gospel Plan -  Tabekake Gospel Plan - Dear Succubus Sister -  たべかけゴスペルプラン 〜Dear Succubus Sister〜 -  たべかけ福音計画 〜Dear Succubus Sister〜
===Spanish===Miori una niña mitad humana mitad sucubo huye de su casa cuando su padre intento matarla al enterarse que la madre de Miori lo abandono, luego de escapar llega a una iglesia, Miori dada su condición de sucubo debe de tomar sangre humana, en ese momento es cuando entra Mahiro un chico que creció junto a ella en la iglesia.===English===Miori a half-human half-succubus girl, fleeing away from her home when her father tries to kill her when she learns that Miori's mother has abandoned her. After fleeing far enough and reach to the church, Miori who has the Succubus bloodline to survive must take human blood at the same time when Mahiro came, a boy who grew up with her in the church.
太陽が呼んでいる!, 陽光下的夏色戀曲
Rino hates baseball!! And yet, one day, she becomes the manager of the baseball club?! At first, she hated it, but Hibiya, the pitcher who dragged her into all this, said that he'll take her to Koshien*...?! (Koshien: location of Koshien Stadium, where the Japan National High School Baseball Tournament is held.) 
Ane ni naru hi -  姉になる日
After an unexpected accident, distraught Tsubaki Tsukishiro is left in denial of his sister's death. But after a moment of despair, he has an epiphany,"I don't need to exist if my sister is here."Donning his sister's clothes, he ventures out with the resolve to erase the existence of "Tsubaki" in favor of reviving "Chika". But while passing through the streets the day of her funeral, a man calls out to him with a single word,"Chika?"A short story about two men desperately clinging onto the image of someone they so dearly love.Note: This is not Shounen Ai. This is about a budding friendship born from two people dealing with a common loss.
This is a one-shot about a kid who inherited his grandfather’s store, which is filled with special items enchanted/possessed with spirits.