
番人 -  Meguriai...Cosmo
Klaus est un affreux commandant d'une équipe affreuse interstellaire. Un jour, les membres de son équipe capturent le lieutenant-commandant Alex, un magnifique jeune homme, qui ressemble à une personne que le Klaus connaissait il y a de nombreuses années. Le commandant Klaus qui d'habitude n'épargne aucun de ses prisonniers de guerre ne comprend pas d'où vient cette attirance envers le lieutenant-commandant Alex.
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Only the Avatar can master all four elements, and stop the ruthless Fire Nation from conquering the world. But when the world needed him most, he disappeared. And he's been gone for a hundred years, until now... A young Waterbender named Katara and her brother Sokka rescue a strange twelve-year-old boy named Aang, who's been trapped inside an iceberg at the South Pole. Not only is Aang an Airbender - a race of people no one has been in a century - he's also the long-lost Avatar! Now Katara and Sokka must help Aang master all four elements so he can face his destiny, and save the world! The first twenty-six stories in Book 1 & 2 take place during the Avatar: The Last Airbender animated series, and show you what Aang and the gang were up to between your favorite episodes. The last two stories are special bonus adventures that take place further off the beated path...
The Search primarily focused on the mystery surrounding Zuko and Azula's long-lost mother, (Avatar Roku's granddaughter) Ursa. It will also reveal the details of former Princess Azula's imprisonment in a Fire Nation mental institution and what effects the imprisonment has had on her. The main characters will be the Fire Nation family, particularly Zuko and Azula. Avatar Aang, Toph, Sokka, and Katara will also appear, but in a more limited role than they have had in previous novels, as recurring characters. Gene Yang has noted that the series will focus more on the supernatural side of the Avatar world.
Beijing Chronicles -  Chroniques de Pékin -  北京
Ten different Chinese authors decided to talk about their own vision of Beijing life, and the changes made to the city due to the 2008 Olympics. Various subjects are drawn here (destruction of old houses, athlete selection, pollution...) and the graphic styles vary from standard black ink to coloured works looking like contemporary art.
Chroniques de Pékin
(Xiao Pan) Ten different Chinese authors decided to talk about their own vision of Beijing life, and the changes made to the city due to the 2008 Olympics. Various subjects are drawn here (destruction of old houses, athlete selection, pollution...) and the graphic styles vary from standard black ink to coloured works looking like contemporary art.
Baniwa Oppadeul / 바니와 오빠들/Bunny and her boys
"Je ne me soucis pas le moins du monde de l'apparence d'un garçon."
Bani-wa Oppadeul -  Baniwa Oppadeul -  Barney and Oppas -  Bunny and the Boys -  바니와 오빠들
"I don't care about a guy's appearance in the slightest." Bunny, as a freshman in university, experiences the worst first relationship of her life. Handsome guys were a no to her before,but when she finally decides to accept her natural instinct of liking handsome men, 5 of them appear in her life!But the question is who will turn out to be a shitty car and who will turn out to be a Mercedes-benz? Tune in to find out!
A venir...
Bonbon ou cigarette ?
An eight page short about a young woman and the man who appears in her life during dangerous times, from the manga, The Imaginary Garden
Cariño, estoy en casa.
"La destrucción está en su propia naturaleza. Nada sobrevive cuando es objeto de pensamiento."
Jun and Kaoru: Pure and Fragrant -  Jun to Kaoru -  純とかおる
The same highschool, the same class, and houses next to another. Jun and Kaoru are childhood friends with a secret everyone knows about... New series from the author of [url=]Kanojo wa Rokurokubi[/url]. The artist is working on this series, published in Bessatsu Shounen Magazine, as well as [url=]Ka「」Ku「」Shi「」Go「」To「[/url], published in Gekkan Komikku @ Banchi, simultaneously.
彼女はろくろ首 -  Kanojo Wa Rokuro Kubi -  She Is A Rokurokubi
L'histoire d'amour d'une jeune fille au long coup : Entre Kanoi Natsuki et son ami d'enfance Itsuki, il semblerait qu'il y ait plus que de l'amitié. En tant que Rokurokubi, son long coup qui peut s'étirer semble normal pour elle et son entourage, mais c'est pas toujours de sa volonté qu'il s'étire, surtout qu'elle a des sentiments pour Itsuki, elle ne peut pas lui dire ce qu'elle ressent. Et en plus de ça elle doit passer par des malentendus et des situations gênantes.
Une jeune fille par à la recherche du meurtrier de sa soeur, un petit combat s'annonce...
くるぶし骨 -  Ankle Bone
Ishikawa, being a klutz, is home for Golden Week, and Yamaguchi is going to nurse him back to health... sort of? The sweet couple is back and enjoying their first holiday together!


Basé sur le jeu vidéo chinois de NetEase.
Short and sweet oneshot about Gen-san, a self-described "old guy" who drops by Yuu's house on his way elsewhere. -Bakaupdates
Ie ni Kitsune ga Iru Kurashi -  Vivendo com um Kitsune -  家にキツネがいる暮らし
[url=][img][/img] Mangaka's Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Mangaka's Pixiv[/url][url=h][img][/img] Mangaka's FANBOX[/url]
4 Years to Send -  2 Days to Receive -  A Pure Love -  Aşkın Saf Hâli. -  Excuse Me -  Japanese Manga from the World -  Love Letter from a Shadow's Past -  Roach Story -  Silent Manga Audition 2013 Compilation Book
Recueil de One Shot sur le thème "Lettre d'amour" (Vainqueur Grand Prix du Manga Silencieux de 2013) :1. Sky Sky. Prema-Ja (Thaïlande) :Une histoire silencieuse sur une jeune fille et sa propre façon de faire face à la mort de son vieux chien.2. Excusez-moi. Alex Irzaqi (Indonésie)3. Un amour pur. Dee Juusan (Jordanie)4. HISTOIRE DE ROCHERS. Erwin Prasetya (Indonésie)5. Début et adieu. Vincent Lange (Allemagne)6. Donner. Rouge (Viet Nam)7. Cœur. Ink-pop (Allemagne)8. Miaw Miaw. Olvyanda Ariesta (Indonésie)9. Facteur. Marx Markuz (Thaïlande)10. Ensemble pour toujours. Eduard Balust (Espagne)11. Un meilleur lendemain. Miyuli (Allemagne)12. Konga konga. Mikko Raassina (Finlande)13. Lettre d'amour du passé d'une ombre. Lydia (Malaisie)14. L'amour à quatre feuilles. Deathdy (Indonésie)15. Canggung. Bening (Indonésie)16. Miaou Crunch. Melanie Schober (Autriche)17. Morceau d'amour. Alhamra (Indonésie)18. Courage. Mimi N (Indonésie)19. Livre de croquis. Matto (Indonésie)20. La mémoire de l'amour. Arial (Italie)21. La fleur du bonheur. Vanille (Indonésie)22. LIFE LINE. Enigme du MoMo (Italie)23. Tutor Love. theterm (Thaïlande)24. Déjà vu. Le Manh Cuong (Viet Nam)25. 4 ans pour envoyer, 2 jours pour recevoir. vinhnyu (France)26. Une lettre d'amour manga. Wopanda (Allemagne)
From PresenceDear: Mami believes she has met her Prince Charming when the handsome Ushio Shironagasu transfers to her school. But Ushio has a deep, dark secret that could drive away even the most ardent lover. Sakai Kunie is the pen name of Saika Kunieda.
The Love Letter
Kagawa recounts his meeting and becoming friends with Okada when he is introduced to Okada's fiancee. But can their incredibly complicated relationship really be summed up simply as friends? Sakai Kunie is the pen name of Saika Kunieda.
4 Years to Send -  2 Days to Receive -  A Pure Love -  Aşkın Saf Hâli. -  Excuse Me -  Japanese Manga from the World -  Love Letter from a Shadow's Past -  Roach Story -  Silent Manga Audition 2013 Compilation Book
Recueil de One Shot sur le thème "Lettre d'amour" (Vainqueur Grand Prix du Manga Silencieux de 2013) :1. Sky Sky. Prema-Ja (Thaïlande) :Une histoire silencieuse sur une jeune fille et sa propre façon de faire face à la mort de son vieux chien. 2. Excuse Me. Alex Irzaqi (Indonésie)3. A Pure Love. Dee Juusan (Jordanie)4. ROACH STORY. Erwin Prasetya (Indonésie)5. Beginning and Farewell. Vincent Lange (Allemagne)6. To Give. Red (Viet Nam)7. Heart. Ink-pop (Allemagne)8. Miaw Miaw. Olvyanda Ariesta (Indonésie)9. Postman. Marx Markuz (Thaïlande)10. Together Forever. Eduard Balust (Espagne)11. A better tomorrow. Miyuli (Allemagne)12. Konga konga. Mikko Raassina (Finlande)13. Love letter from a shadow’s past. Lydia (Malaisie)14. Four Leaf Love. Deathdy (Indonésie)15. Canggung. Bening (Indonésie)16. Meow Crunch. Melanie Schober (Autriche)17. Piece of Love. Alhamra (Indonésie)18. Courage. Mimi N (Indonésie)19. Sketches Book. Matto (Indonésie)20. The Memory of Love. Arial (Italie)21. The Flower Of Happiness. Vanilla (Indonésie)22. LIFE LINE. MoMo Riddle (Italie)23. Tutor Love. theterm (Thaïlande)24. Déjà vu. Le Manh Cuong (Viet Nam)25. 4 years to send, 2 days to receive. vinhnyu (France)26. A manga loveletter. Wopanda (Allemagne)
後ろ姿の夏の猫 -  摸耳垂的理由 -  耳たぶの理由 -  A Reason for Earlobes -  On the Palm of Your Hand -  The Reason His Earlobes Redden -  The Summer Cat Turns Its Back (KUNIEDA SAIKA
From Bushido Angel Adventures Yamaguchi is a notorious womanizer. Some men admire him; others can't stand him. Ishikawa is definitely one of the latter. Nevertheless, when Yamaguchi's latest girlfriend dumps him, Ishikawa jokingly offers to comfort him with his own body. Unfortunately for Ishikawa, Yamaguchi takes the offer seriously. And, to make matters worse, Ishikawa discovers that he can't say no! (by presencedear). The series (of 4 oneshots) goes on like that: 1. The Reason for Earlobes (Mimitabu no Riyuu) 2. Yubisaki no Biyaku 3. Kuchibiru no Teppen 4. Sumuji no Mannaka
自動販売機に生まれ変わった俺は迷宮を彷徨う -  ,I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine -  Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine -  Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou -  REBORN AS A VENDING MACHINE, I NOW WANDER THE DUNGEON
Les charmantes demoiselles de fleurs de Moonlight Garden sont convoitées par tous, car elles sont connues pour offrir des plaisirs sexuels au-delà de l'imagination. Mais Dohwa, une jeune fille aux fleurs qui n'a pas encore "fleuri" ,concocte des potions dans l'espoir d'échapper à son destin au bordel. Une nuit, elle est surprise en train de voler des ingrédients pour ses potions par Lady Hyewon, la nouvelle maîtresse du jardin. Mais il s'avère que Dohwa n'est pas le seul à avoir un agenda. Lady Hyewon recèle quelques terribles secrets qui lui sont propres .
Mu Xing Zhoukan Guanggaobu
La vie quotidienne des auteurs Old Xian de 19 Days et Tan Jiu de Their Story, avec leur chef de studio Moss, alors qu'ils dirigent leur agence de publicité. La série comprend également divers concepts publicitaires et quelques histoires parallèles, ainsi que des apparitions d'invités des autres séries des auteurs !
À ce moment-là, quelqu'un m'a demandé, quel genre de personne est mon père ? C'est l'histoire de mon père.
What to do when you're a young Asian immigrant, living in a European slum, with no choice but to hit rock-bottom? On the usual menu, blackmailing, theft, prostitution…until one day, enough is enough. But the mafia won’t stand for that! Narrowly escaping the people who wanted him dead, Maoye is then picked up by a bizarre old woman. Taken care of in her hut filled with killer bees, he must listen to the strange stories she tells him every day. A story of wild young kids, even wilder and younger than him. They're on the run as well...but ready to do anything to find love and peace, no matter the price!
Nan Hao & Shang Feng the Odd Couple -  南号尚风
Une comédie sur deux lycéens ordinaires.