
In the year 2199 a diving mecha gains consciousness, with the help of a Guardian of Atlantis crystal, and declares war on mankind. Believing that if humans are allowed to live, the Earth will die, the robot builds an army to cleanse the Earth of the human race. The robot, who calls himself Absolute, also learned how to use the “Light of Atlantis” power source to raise the city from the depths of the Atlantic ocean, and turn it into a robot city. There are humans that hold crystals as well, but it’s taking all the power they have just to keep themselves alive. For 100 years Absolute did everything in his power to wipe out the human race…until the day the first Guardian of Atlantis, Saturn, returned to Earth to reclaim his city. Upon arriving, Saturn reluctantly teams with the humans to try to defeat the mighty Absolute. Saturn and the other 5 Guardians, must find a way to reach New Atlantis, and destroy Absolute if they are to reclaim the city…and reclaim Earth.
In the year 2162, a tiger cub named Koga was transported to Earth from another dimension. Originally thought to be a normal tiger cub, he was brought up on an endangered animal reserve. Eventually he starts talking, and walking on 2 feet. In 2170, the Earth is attacked by an alien weapon that has the power to destroy countries...Koga is now fully matured and decides to join the Space Force to protect the ones he loves. In 2172, they travel to the alien world to destroy it.
Willow is a young, blind girl, who is born with telekinetic and psychic powers. Her parents tell her to hide her abilities and never use them in an attempt to keep her from hurting herself, or others. But when her parents are killed by home invaders, while Willow and her sister hide, she vows to become stronger so she never feels helpless again. 8 years later, and Willow had made only a little progress with her powers...but her world is quickly turned upside down when a mysterious boy with similar powers suddenly joins her class.