
This anthology contains three fictional manga sagas set in the historic era of the Vikings, told through the eyes of a ship builder, a shamanistic Völva and a warrior twin couple. In the lives of these Vikings, storytelling and mystique guides them through their challenges.
The homeless kitten Ville is adopted by a young lady and brought home to her other cat Vanilj. They quickly become friends and start their everyday adventures!
Nosebleed Studio reser i den svenska historien
Manga included in this anthology:Häxan by Joakim WallerSofia is a normal girl, who is timetravelled back to a witch trial in the 1700 Sweden.Adjö Sverige by Natalia BatistaIn the end of the 19th Century, as many as 1.5 million Sweedes emigrated to America. This story follows one of them, Selma Ankerberg.Lailas resa by Magnolia WinrothTo escape the second world war, the young Laila and Ekkie travel to Sweden from Finland, like many other Finish children had to do all alone.
In a world where the Queens rule with the power of magic, Princess Amaltea is sent out to rescue a prince from a dragon to marry him. This gender-flipped fairy tale uses humour and adventure to challenge how we view gender norms.