

Sex Exercise -  섹서사이즈
Bae Woong était autrefois un athlète fort et en pleine forme - du moins dans son esprit. Désireux de retrouver son ancien physique, il se met en quête d'une salle de sport dans le quartier. Il en trouve une qui semble étrangement chère et discrète. Il n'est même pas autorisé à entendre parler des entraînements spécifiques qu'ils proposent avant d'avoir signé un accord de non-divulgation. Il trouve cela étrange, mais les femmes qui y travaillent sont très attirantes et Woong n'a rien à perdre. Après avoir signé l'accord, il apprend le secret de leur corps : le sexe.
シアワセ食卓 -  Happy table

Shiiku Hime

Depuis l'enfance, Hime entraîne Nachi pour qu'il devienne parfait dans tous les domaines. Elle est très directive avec lui et le considère comme son toutou personnel. Leur relation est d'ailleurs perçue comme telle par les autres élèves du lycée. Un jour, une autre fille commence à avoir des vues sur Nachi. Comment Hime va-t-elle réagir ?
シカバネ★チェリー, Cereza Cadáver, Zombie Cherry
Miu has always been aggravated with a certain problem: She has a weak constitution and spends most of her days either sick or extremely exhausted.After falling ill before a very important date, she decides to take a large quantity of a mysterious medicine which was supposed to cure her and keep her looking fresh and energetic. To her surprise, she finds it has turned her into one of the undead instead!
Energetic and strong-willed, Beni doesn't care if she lives or dies as long as her death will result in embarassing her arrogant father! But one day, she suddenly encounters Kagetora, a ninja who's fallen from the sky and swears complete loyalty to her -- as her bodyguard. Kagetora has time traveled from a long, long time ago, and has devoted his life to protecting Princess Beni. Little does Kagetora know that this Beni is not the real princess... Can true love and honor survive after a centuries-long time warp -- in a crazy modern world?
新約オオカミが来る! -  New Testament Wolf Is Coming!
L'histoire se déroule en Allemagne, Sirius un chasseur de monstre travail pour une organisation qui lutte contre les phénomènes surnaturels au sein du KIRCHE "église", lors du mission de purification dans un château il fait la connaissance d'une jeune fille passionnée par les vampires qui n'est autre que la petite fille du propriétaire du château qui les a engagé, il se voit donc contraint de la secourir des attaques de zombies mais la tâche n'est pas facile car un personnage plus terrifiant fera son apparition qui l'oblige a dévoiler son secret...
Shippo no Kimochi Completed -  Shippo no Kimochi Kanpeki -  Shippo's Feelings -  しっぽのきもち -  しっぽのきもち かんぺき
Two adorable kittens and an older wounded cat have little adventures in the country home of their gay owners. The story focuses on the youngest kitten; the owners are featured in the last chapter.
白い月光, White Moonlight
Shiroi Gekkou is a simple boy who grew up in the mountains. He travels to the city with the duty to protect Hikaru from perverted, twisted guys who all try to do the same thing - get into Hikaru's panties. Then again, Shiroi wants to, too...
Shôjotachi no Kaidan; 少女達の怪談
Recueil de oneshots.
少年よ大志を抱け!, Boys Be Ambitious, Shounen yo Taishi wo Dake!
Without doing much research on the school or surrounding areas, Hibino Ryouichiro picks an art school in Hokkaido. Tricked by the school adversisements, he goes to the campus only to find out it is a desolate and cold campus. The only glimmer of happiness for Ryouichiro are the girls on campus. Just hours after meeting Kisaragi Riho, the cute girl on campus, she seduces him only to find himself outside naked after she is done with him. Feeling heartbroken and used, he finds comfort in Aso Tomoe, who lives on the floor below at the dorms. Although it is freezing outside, it is hot underneath the sheets for Ryouichiro.
スキンクリームで濡らして -  Skincream de Nurashite
Nao, the vice-president of the public morals committee has one mission--to get Narumi, his junior with the bright blonde hair, to dye it a more sober color. But while Nao is doing his job Narumi manages to kiss him, leaving him confused and flustered. Finally, Narumi agrees to change the color of his hair, but only if Nao agrees to go out with him. (from p-s)
Set about two years before the events in Les Mille Fleurs, it follows the story of Chika’s brother, Shin, a talented artist in the 12th grade, and Ayana, a clumsy high-school freshman.
From Akimoto Nami's story Les Mille Fleurs a short romantic story about Chika's older brother Shin from when he was in 12th grade and a 10th grader by the name Ayana.
Hold Me With Those Arms -  Sono Ude de Boku wo Daite -  その腕で僕を抱いて
1. The Temple of the Sun EmperorMessara is a provider of slaves to the decadent roman emperor Heliogabalus. One day a germanian barbarian, Dorugu, captures his eye; he seems perfect for the emperor's somewhat rough tastes. But when he starts Dorugu's training, things don't quite go according to plan.2. SalamanderDespised, feared, hunted, Salamander lives hidden in the woods. His strange birthmark made people distrust him, and blame all sorts of mishaps on him, until they finally cast him out of the village. Dermud is hunting him too, but when he is captured, he seems to be so simple-minded, not having any words, that Dermud feels sorry for him, and gives him a piece of cloth with which to cover himself. But when he returns with some food, Salamander has fled.
If It Flowered in the Heavens
From Osuwari Team: A prostitute's service in the red light district is coming to an end. Will she be able to return to a regular life?
苍海决战, 蒼海訣戰, God Save The Empress
The island nation of Tsushima is comprised of 3 different races of people. The Akitsu race is the majority and comprises of 80% of the population, the Shiomi population comprises of the upper 10% and the Oina race, most known for their tail and neko mimi (cat ears), makes up the remaining small percentage. Tsushima is also known for its relatively strong military force.Mikasa Sanekiyo, formerly of the Sakune family, was adopted by a family after his parents and grandparents passed away. His older stepbrother, Mitsukiyo, is already an accomplished military commander and Sanekiyo looks up dearly to him for moral and emotional guidance. Following in his footsteps, Sanekiyo is accepted into the navy academy as the top chair of his class. Little does he know how discriminatory the Akitsu are against the other two races and how hard the training is going to be. Sanekiyo has to learn how to be a great leader and overcome these obstacles if he plans to lead the navy fleet someday.
( NEKO DREAM YAOI) Le prince Aron Vaughn déteste le surdoué Quinton Underwood, et ce sentiment est absolument réciproque. Aron s'efforce de faire expulser Quinton sans l'aide de son père, le roi. Il vaincra son ennemi par ses propres moyens ! Mais au fil des ans, les deux garçons ne cessent de se chamailler, ce qui change leur relation autrefois difficile et les mène vers un territoire nouveau et inconnu qu'aucun des deux n'est sûr d'être prêt à affronter. Sont-ils des ennemis ? Sont-ils des amis ? Ou sont-ils plus que cela ?
S・A スペシャル・エー, S・A Lớp học ưu tú, S・A(スペシャル・エー), S.A特优生, SA, Special A, S•A
Her whole life, Hikari Hanazono has been consumed with the desire to win against her school rival, Kei Takishima--at anything. He always comes out on top no matter what he does, and Hikari is determined to do whatever it takes to beat this guy!At age 6 Hikari lost to Kei in an impromptu wrestling match. Now, at 15, Hikari joins "Special A," a group of the top seven students at a private academy, for the opportunity to trounce the guy who made her suffer her first defeat.
A gentle slice of life that explores the nature of loneliness and companionship.
好きじゃないけど愛してる -  I Don't Like You, But I Love You -  Suki Janai kedo Aishiteru
Kouki Hanashima and Asahi Hidaka share a class-recognized love, although it's a relationship that seems to have its ups and downs. One day, out of nowhere, Kouki's older sister pushes her young infant son on the couple, saying that her duties as a stewardess requires her to be away for a month. Not only is the child named Asahi as well, but it seems that he's becoming a rival for the older Asahi!
スマない!!マスミくん -  非常抱歉!真清君
Shiraishi Shoutarou, a novelist, just learnt that his young and honest editor-in-charge, Osanai Masumi, would marry his precious daughter. But his daughter went missing right before the wedding! So now, Shoutarou is living under the same roof with the man who was supposed to be his son-in-law...


Takamachi Moka a manqué l'école l'année dernière à cause d'une maladie aux poumons, du coup elle redouble. Elle se retrouve en première année tandis que ses amies elles, en deuxième; elle déjeune seule, jusqu'à ce qu'un garçon tombe à côté d'elle.

Superior Day

Que feriez-vous si vous appreniez que votre voisin est un serial killer ? Mais plus important... que feriez-vous si un inconnu tentait de vous obliger à le tuer ?
凄ノ王 -  Suna no Ou -  Sunano Ou -  Susa the King -  Susano Oh -  Susanoo (NAGAI Go)


SWEET -  彼の甘い甘い味 -  sucré
Yuushi est un jeune homme ambitieux qui veut ce qu'il y a de mieux pour l'entreprise dans laquelle il travaille. Lorsque son patron lui propose d'ajouter des pâtisseries à leur catalogue de vente en ligne, Yuushi s'empresse d'aller négocier pour obtenir les meilleurs produits possibles. Seulement, son futur partenaire commercial entend bien négocier le contrat à sa façon…
Eu e Yuuto somos amigos de infância que acabaram de se tornar namorados! Mas isso não significa que nosso relacionamento seja tão simples quanto gostaríamos que fosse. Yuuto é um cara popular na escola, meu irmão tem um complexo agudo de irmã e sinto que todo mundo me trata como uma criança que não pode ser namorada de ninguém!
テイルズ オブデスティニーディレクターズカット-儚き刻のリオン- -  テイルズオブデスティニー ディレクターズカット -  -儚き刻のリオン- -  Tales of Destiny - Hakanaki Koku no Lion -  Tales of Destiny - Hakanakikoku no Lio
From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game "Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut", which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...
Dans le monde d'Asélia, un groupe de quatre héros parvinrent à vaincre et à sceller le Roi des Démons, Dhaos, à l'aide de pendentifs. Dix années plus tard, Cless, le fils de deux des quatre héros qui ont scellé Dhaos vit dans le village de Toltus avec ses parents et son meilleur ami, Chester. Mais un jour, pendant que Cless et Chester partent chasser, le village est détruit par un homme voulant récupérer les deux pendentifs et faire revenir le Roi des Démons, Dhaos. Mais, le chevalier noir Mars parviendra à libérer Dhaos et Morrison enverra Cless et Mint dans le passé afin qu'ils trouvent des personnes capables d'utiliser la magie car seule elle peut permettre de vaincre Dhaos.