
[From DMP]: The Hybrid Child is an amazing android that can grow if it is lavished with enough love and care from its owner. Neither fully machine nor fully human, the various Hybrid Child models develop strong emotional bonds with their owners. This volume contains several short stories of love, sacrifice, and drama: Young Kotaro learns the importance of responsibility when his Hybrid Child's lifespan runs out. The tragic swordsman Seya learns to love again with the help of his Hybrid child, Yuzu. The final tale tells the story of Kuroda, the creator of the Hybrid Child designs, and how his lost love inspired their creation. [From Mochi*Mochi]: ----I said that I wouldn't accept anything else but Hazuki--- Kotarou found Hazuki at the trash dump one day and took him into his home. It turned out that Hazuki was a Hybrid Child, a doll that grew and developed in response to its owner's love and attention. Experience Nakamura-sensei's stories of earnest, pure love in this three-part series, including a never-before published short and extra!!
Pure Minimum -  純情ミニマム
Quel est le secret d'Aikawa-san pour rester calme malgré le très fantasque Usagi-san ? Cette photo de l'écrivain pousse Misaki à se demander à quoi il pouvait bien ressembler à l'époque.
純情ミステイク; Junjou Mystique
Fils du propriétaire de la maison d'édition Marukawa, et doué dans son travail, Ryûichirô Isaka semble avoir tout pour lui. Cependant, au fil du temps, il est devenu dépendant de son ami d'enfance, Kaworu Asahina, pour toutes les petites choses du quotidien. De plus, il nourrit en secret de tendres sentiments envers lui. Mais voir Asahina être aux petits soins pour son père, alors qu'il ne lui sourit jamais, est de plus en plus difficile à vivre pour Ryûichirô...
Pure Romance, Junjo Romantica, Junjou Romantica, Pure Romance, Jyunjyou Romantica, Junjou Egoist, Junjo Egoist
満月物語, The Full Moon's Tale
After a scandal got him kicked out of his position at court, Takaaki's been idling the days away at his manor, impulsive and bored. Then one day his friend Naruhito stops by and tells him an insane story about the most beautiful woman alive -- and drags him off in his attempt to win her heart. Tagging along, Takaaki soon realizes that the "Princess" isn't exactly who she (he!?) seems to be. Who exactly is Princess Kaguya, and what is the dark secret behind her (his!?) past?
ルート・ダブリュー・ピー・ビー, ルートW.P.B., √W.P.B., Root WPB
One day, as Suzuri was walking past a river, she suddenly saw a HUGE peach slowly flowing! Due to the fact she has not eaten since the start of her journey, she decided to just conclude the huge peach was a god sent and did the most logical thing anyone would have done - eat it. However, just as she had her first bite, a young male jumps out of the peach! And before Suzuri knows it, she’s the 18th master to Momo who could do anything that Suzuri commands! What kind of danger would they encounter on their journey as they face a god that goes by the name Kyuui? And what dark secret does Momo have?!
東山道転墜異聞 -  Touzando Tentsui Ibun
From back cover: He was robbed of his position as the heir and hunted down by his own stepmother. While escaping, the impoverished Shuri happened to meet Gunji, who was the spitting image of his older brother and attendant Shuri loved the most – Heikurou. From then on, they began living together. But though Gunji was willing to sacrifice himself to ward off Shuri's pursuers, Shuri was...? The first volume interweaves an old love tale between a clumsy, violent ronin samurai and a naive young master. Accompanied with it is a 66-page modern love story – "Red Tears," and the extra part. Popular for Junjou Romantica, Shungiku's earlier works were more samurai romance/yaoi of this sort. Here we have a basic spoiled brat and his bodyguard developing feelings for one another. by Yasha
月は闇夜に隠るが如く; 月如隐于闇夜中; As Though the Moon is Hidden by the Dark Night; Castilla
La rumeur raconte que parfois, tard dans la nuit, un monstre blanc apparaît et que si vous deviez le regarder vous seriez dévoré. Une nuit Tetsu arrive à entrevoir l'homme derrière le monstre et décide que cet homme lui apprendrait à manier l'épée, pour lui permettre de prendre sa revanche. Toutefois le maître des épées Shino n'est guère intéressé pour prendre avec lui un apprenti. Comment va faire Tetsu pour se venger et qu'est-il arrivé à Shino dans le passé pour qu'il soit devenu comme ça... ?
海ニ眠ル花, Sleeping Flower
The young pirate head Sakaki met the autistic but beautiful samurai Murou...Why did Murou have the other half of the treasure island map left by Sakaki's grandfather? Why did Murou keep to himself? Could Sakaki open Murou's closed heart? And how should he handle his best friend who loved him, Juurou?