
Marriage Royale's story revolves around the male protagonist, a high school student named Tsukasa Hinomoto, who is told one day by his parents that he was adopted. Furthermore, they tell him that his real father is a manager of a large company, meaning he is very rich and holds a lot of power. Tsukasa's real father wants his son to marry a good woman, so he sets up an event known as Marriage Royale where beautiful girls from all over Japan will come together at a school built especially for the event and vie to become Tsukasa's fiancé. The school is located on an isolated island near Japan, and Tsukasa himself is taken there to live in a mansion in the care of two twin maids: Miku, the elder sister, and Miu, the younger sister.
Really? Really!-REMEMBER MEMORIES-, Shuffle: Really Really, Shuffle: Really? Really!
Really? Really!-REMEMBER MEMORIES- -  Shuffle: Really Really -  Shuffle: Really? Really!
Kaede loses her memory so Rin and friends must help her recover them! Phoenix Wright style! Rin and Kaede's childhood friend, Sakura returns and a new love triangle begins.
Tick! Tack!
Rin, Nerine, Itsuki, et Mayumi ont trouvé une montre étrange qui peut les transporter dans le temps. Ils vont voir Forbesii avant qu'il soit mariée et qu'il est eu Nerine. Alors qu'il est engagé à Ai, sa servante, Sage, est aussi amoureux de lui, ce qui provoque un triangle amoureux...