
オオカミが来る! GIB MIR SONNE -  オオカミが来る! -  The Wolf Comes! -  The Wolf is Coming!!
From Aerandria Scans: In order to investigate the strange phenomenon occuring in Northern Bayern, Germany, the church (KIRCHE) have dispatched the slayer Sirius. He rescues a young woman, Beate, who was being attacked by zombies. However, as the two attempt to leave, they’re attacked by more zombies...
新約オオカミが来る! -  New Testament Wolf Is Coming!
L'histoire se déroule en Allemagne, Sirius un chasseur de monstre travail pour une organisation qui lutte contre les phénomènes surnaturels au sein du KIRCHE "église", lors du mission de purification dans un château il fait la connaissance d'une jeune fille passionnée par les vampires qui n'est autre que la petite fille du propriétaire du château qui les a engagé, il se voit donc contraint de la secourir des attaques de zombies mais la tâche n'est pas facile car un personnage plus terrifiant fera son apparition qui l'oblige a dévoiler son secret...
苍海决战, 蒼海訣戰, God Save The Empress
The island nation of Tsushima is comprised of 3 different races of people. The Akitsu race is the majority and comprises of 80% of the population, the Shiomi population comprises of the upper 10% and the Oina race, most known for their tail and neko mimi (cat ears), makes up the remaining small percentage. Tsushima is also known for its relatively strong military force.Mikasa Sanekiyo, formerly of the Sakune family, was adopted by a family after his parents and grandparents passed away. His older stepbrother, Mitsukiyo, is already an accomplished military commander and Sanekiyo looks up dearly to him for moral and emotional guidance. Following in his footsteps, Sanekiyo is accepted into the navy academy as the top chair of his class. Little does he know how discriminatory the Akitsu are against the other two races and how hard the training is going to be. Sanekiyo has to learn how to be a great leader and overcome these obstacles if he plans to lead the navy fleet someday.