
Jun Watanabe est un paria ordinaire. Il est en troisième année de lycée, mais il a l'air d'être en première année. Il veut jouer au foot, mais il est nul en sport. Et pour couronner le tout.... il est gay. Cependant, quand Akihiro, le géant de l'école, vient à son secours, Jun découvre que les apparences peuvent être trompeuses, que les premiers amours sont souvent pleins de malentendus, et que ce qui compte le plus, ce n'est pas l'apparence, mais ce qu'il y a dans le cœur.
Moving from S city to coastal city Q, Dahlia Lime was enrolled in Mingtang Private Highschool. Taking the wrong road, on the first day of school, she accidentally witnessed the crying of Julian Summer, who is a delicate and good-looking top student in Mingtang High School, and their first meeting turned to be an unpleasant one. Then, fate brought her to Jared, the Prince Charming of all girls at school, and they even appointed to gamble through basketball. Being noticed by two top lady-killers in campus, even Dahlia herself was amazed. However...As they got familiar with each other, their relationship began to shift. A series of hilarious and warm stories thus happened among them.