
From YumeDream: Shinobu is a figure skater who loves ice-skating. First of the 2 stories of the volume is about the growing feelings Shinobu has for her new, young, and total bishie of a trainer. The last story of the volume is about a love triangle among childhood friends.
Purusateia no Densetsu
[Modified from Pipe Dream Holidays (formerly Kyuumu Scanlations)]: This is a volume containing three short stories ("Legend of Purusateia", "My Most Important Thing!" & "Angel's Love Song"). They're all really cute and have happy cute endings so if you like cute shoujo, this is something you might want to read.
君は青空の下にいる -  Kimi wa Aozora no Shita ni Iru
From PDH: This series is about a girl who plays baseball. No not softball, BASEBALL. It's really cute though. ^^