
Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin - The Garden of Sinners/Recalled Out Summer -  空の境界 未来福音 -  空の境界 未来福音 the Garden of sinners/recalled out summer - 
The main theme of this novel centers around two people who have eyes capable of precognition, and how Shiki and Mikiya interact with them.See link for more info.
Kara no Kyoukai dépeint un monde où la vraie nature sombre de l'être humain est en cours de révision et exposés par des événements traumatisants et impitoyables, et dans le centre de tout cela, nous avons Ryougi Shiki, la véritable héritière du riche et mystérieux clan Ryougi longtemps vécu, et Kokutou Mikiya, est un lycéen normal s'il n'avait pas son incroyable don pour les progrès déductifs et pour les enquêtes. Le moment où Kokutou et Shiki se rencontrent est le moment où la roue du destin a commencé de tourner, mais... Est-ce que ce sort progresse naturellement de son propre gré, ou est-ce que tout a été orchestré dans les coulisses par un personnage énigmatique ? Seul le temps nous le dira...
恋する・救急箱, 恋する救急箱, 热恋急救箱, Koi suru Kyukyu Bako, Koi suru Kyukyubako
Momo never cared about guys. She was always a jock with a spectacular throwing/catching arm. One day, however, at the start of a new term, she meets a guy who throws her off her feet. He's part of the baseball team and to get close to him, she joins the cheerleading team in hopes of cheering him on at his baseball games. After a series of event she wants to join the female baseball team but she's stuck with the cheerleading team. Who knew the cheerleading team was full of surprises.....
Az est une androïde créée par Athéna, la déesse Olympienne. Enfin c'est ce qu'il semble. La pauvre se retrouve embarquée dans une aventure d'envergure mondiale, pleine de rencontres et d'expériences, alors qu'une menace omniprésente s'intensifie.
로또 황녀님 -  Lottery Princess
Doctor Liming -  Mad Doctor Li Ming -  Plague Doctor Li Ming -  黎明医生
In the old days, the streets in the downtown area are now dead silent. Hoarse and frantic weird whispers entangled in the sky, and the indescribable ancient giant shadow of a cosmic being floated in the sea. Unknown disease outbreaks, terrible disasters raging, panic among humans. It's the end of times when humans sought in vain refuge day and night. The rain is blood-drenched, and the lightning illuminated the sky gathering the crows to feast on corpses, never again, never again, they replied."We can see that this weird creature has twelve pairs of ribs just like humans, but it also has a transverse bone piece that humans don't have..." In medical school, he continued to wield the scalpel to save the people. These medical students showed the thoracic structure of the weird creature on the experimental platform. The mysterious and treacherous age has come, the truth has collapsed, the order has collapsed, and mankind can only move forward unyieldingly through intellectual power while insanity creeps in closer ever so slightly."What will you do?"Let the madness guides you.
언니가 남자 주인공을 주워 왔다
-Réservé par la Asia Academie Le personnage principal se réincarne dans un personnage secondaire d'un roman qu'elle avait lu auparavant. Elle devient Amy, une jeune propriétaire, qui a une sœur aînée. D'après ce dont elle se souvient dans le roman original, sa soeur devient le premier amour du personnage principal masculin qu'elle a choisi et se fait brutalement assassiner dans un avenir proche. Le protagoniste masculin a un tempérament de sociopathe, qui provient de l'environnement mal aimé dans lequel il a grandi. Une malédiction lui a également été infligée, où son corps et son esprit se transformaient en adolescent pendant la journée. La malédiction du plomb masculin peut-elle être levée ?
우리동네 비뇨기과
Un taux de traitement de cent pour cent ! Bienvenue à la One Shot Men's Clinic !
오렌지 버블껌
Yoo-i is a very special girl -- she's like refreshing and fragrant orange bubble gum... A boy appears all of a sudden and becomes a natural part of her life, as natural as breathing air... His name is Joo-in. He says, "Do you know nuna? Nuna is.. my past, my present, and my future... You are like this ladder connecting me to this world..."
Ha-Ru is the daughter of a family that rules a remote island--she is also the heiress to this secluded land, something that Ha-Ru's half sister, Mi-Ru, resents. When Mi-Ru becomes upset and runs away, Ha-Ru follows her--and magically they are ushered into a foreign desert! And in this land, it's survival of the fittest!
Die After Making Love -  It's Fatal to Be in Love With Her -  Sahwa Và Nhiệm Vụ Bí Mật Của Cô Ấy -  Sahwa: Eunmilhan Uiloe -  Sahwa: Private Request -  Sát Thủ Sahwa -  사화(巳花): 은밀한 의뢰 - 
真月譚月姫, 真月谭月姬, นัยตามรณะ พันธสัญญาเลือด, 진월담 월희, Lunar Legend Chronicles, Lunar Legend Tsukihime, True Lunar Chronicle Tsukihime, Tsukihime
The story follows Tohno Shiki, a teenage boy who, after a near-fatal accident in his childhood, gained the mysterious power to perceive lines covering everything around him. When he cuts along these lines, whatever it was immediately falls apart with a clean cut; in other words, killing it. He would have quickly gone insane from living in a world that could fall apart so easily, had it not been for a wandering self-proclaimed magician who gave him a pair of glasses that blocked his unnatural perception when worn.Soon afterwards, he was disinherited from his family and sent to live with some relatives. For eight years he lived a normal life, hiding his special eyes, until one day he receives a letter inviting him to come back home. Shiki suddenly becomes caught up in strange and life-threatening series of events, ones that are somehow linked to his childhood accident and a forgotten past...
The Last Gravekeeper -  The Last Guardian -  The Silver Guardian -  Gin No Guardian -  Yín Zhī Shǒu Mù Rén -  Yin Zhi Shoumuren -  銀の墓守り -  银之守墓人 -  은의 묘지기
Lu Shuiyin est un lycéen sans-le-sou, fossoyeur à mi-temps et féru de jeux. Son ami populaire l'implique dans la résolution d'une affaire de meurtre, qui l'entraîne dans le jeu "Les Pilleurs de Tombes"...
Tamaki Kondo, un étudiant a un amour non partagé pour son ami Akisa Kagari. Un jour, Aki, qui se saoule, est ramené chez lui.
[From Lililicious]: Swear is a very short one-shot based on the video game Akai Ito (Red Thread).
A história do rei sem memórias que não é um elfo começa! O que será que aconteceu com seu reino?
Daughter of the ArchmagePutri Penyihir AgungThe Magician’s Daughter대마법사의 딸
Maybelle a vécu une vie misérable avec ses parents. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle découvre que ces "parents" ne sont pas ses vrais parents biologiques et que son père existe quelque part, le cœur triste, Maybelle se lance alors à sa recherche.
역대급 영지 설계사 -  Yeokdaegeup Yeongji Seolgyesa -  Le plus grand concepteur immobilier
악녀 카루나가 작아졌어요
Caruna a fait beaucoup de choses afin d'être la fiancée du prince héritier, le jour où elle devient enfin la fiancée du prince, elle a été poignardé par le duc.Oh, je savais que ça allait arriver... alors maintenant je dois revenir dans le passé ?Mais pourquoi ne suis-je pas retourné dans le passé bien avant ?Pourquoi mon environnement est-il resté le même et je suis la seule à redevenir un enfant ?Pourquoi est-ce que tu me fais ça ?Quand le duc envoyait un tueur, le tueur ne pouvait pas me tuer.Eh bien, son silence n'est-il pas meilleur ?Eh bien, je pense que oui."Bonjour ma femme, je t'ai enfin trouvé"hein ?N'est-il pas mieux de dire "J'attends avec impatience que tu meurs ma femme"
이 소년이 사는 법
Dohun Yu has been living in England ever since his family collapsed. One day, Dohun comes to Korea almost forcefully without proper preparation. Don't ask me why, but I think it's his personality. (He does do things without planning anyway). Dohun loses his bag as he arrives in Seoul (the capital city of Korea) along with all his money. He comes completely money less within a day. A week later, he encounters an ad where it said "Seeking a friend! Paying well...yada yada blah blah, girl only!". Still having his suitcase which was confused with his sister's, he had girl's clothes. Having no other choice, he applies.NOTE: This series was abandoned by the author at 4 volumes, with the story incomplete.
Tan's job as the King's royal advisor has nothing to do with his hatred for witches, but it does make him a prime target for a curse that turns him into a BULL! The only way to undo this hex is to rely on the beautiful witch, Aro. Can her kindness turn his feelings around, and break this spell?Original:
그들도 사랑을 한다, For They, Too, Love., They Too Love
Jung Euimoon and Eun Myroyung are both members of the second Biology Club, which has been downgraded to the oldest facilities in the school to make room for the new Biology Club. Jung Euimoon uses Bunsen burners to cook his breakfast and routinely camps out at the Biology Club room to get away from his numerous siblings. Eun is a loner and reads tarot cards--which always foretell unhappy auguries--to amuse herself. They each think the other is strange. These two seem to be opposites, but they have more in common than they think. Who knows what the future holds in store for them.
The Three Fairies hear a news while sneaking inside Hakurei Shrine. there will be a festival held at Youkai Mountain.
The story takes place in approximately the year 3000, when humankind arrived at the peak of its civilization, but is losing its will to keep living. It follows a girl, called "princess" by those around her, living on a small island with a fifty person colony and a shinning coral reef. She is descendent of Moon people, and it focuses upon how her ancestor supposedly came to Earth.
我家卖A书的, 私のおウチはHON屋さん, My Home is a Bookstore, Watashi no Ouchi wa Hon Ya-san, Watashi no Ouchi wa Hon-Ya-san, Watashi no Ouchi wa Honya san
龍飛不敗, 용비불패, Long Phi Bất Bại, Yongbi Bulpae, Yongbi l'invincible, Yongbi the Invincible
Kubota Tougo, étudiant à l'université, traîne dans la maison de sa petite amie. Cependant, un jour, elle le met à la porte de chez elle. En rentrant chez lui après avoir bu, il croise un voisin et passe la nuit chez lui… C'est une histoire qui raconte comment un homme hétéro se transforme en garce.
Kubota Tougo, étudiant à l'université, traîne dans la maison de sa petite amie. Cependant, un jour, elle le met à la porte de chez elle. En rentrant chez lui après avoir bu, il croise un voisin et passe la nuit chez lui… C'est une histoire qui raconte comment un homme hétéro se transforme en garce.