
ガンダム EXA
Gundam EXA (ガンダム EXA) is a manga written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Kōichi Tokita, published by Kadokawa Shoten and serialized in Gundam Ace magazine in 2011. Being Gundam Ace's 10th Anniversary Project, it is tied in with the arcade and PS3 Game Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost.The story takes place in unnamed timeline, where humanity has highly advanced technology. However, the human population is decreasing and it seems that they're on their way to extinction.The protagonists are Leos Alloy, Sthesia Awar and their Haro. They work on a Jupiter base called "Jupiter X", using "General Answer" (or "GA") which contains a massive repository of data about the previous eras of humanity, Leos travels to the Earths' of the previous eras in an effort to collect data that might give them a hint for the evolution of mankind.
群青, Gun-jou
群青 -  Gun-jou
Michi Yomogihara, a petite girl with slender legs and a running pace that puts motorcycles to shame. After spending most of her life abroad, she returns to Japan to pursue her passion and her idol. Upon coming face to face with said idol, however, it becomes apparent that things won't go as smoothly as she had hoped.
Ultramarine Siren
Deux gars : cousins, tous deux gauchers, tous les deux passionnés de devenir le meilleur lanceur de leur équipe scolaire. L'un d'eux a déjà perdu sa place une fois - à l'école primaire - et son cousin a déménagé peu de temps après, apparemment sans aucune idée du fait qu'il laissait le gars qui l'avait introduit au baseball découragé et vaincu. Maintenant, Yoshizawa Sora est de retour, souriant toujours innocemment tout en encourageant Yoshizawa Shuuji à revenir dans le jeu. Shuuji accepte, déterminé à vaincre le gars qui, à ses yeux, lui a pris la seule chose qui comptait pour lui.
グラゼニ -  Gurazeni
紅蓮のアルマ, Guren no Alma
Enter Weiter Andreon, a young witch with special abilities to communicate with fairies. That day, saddened by her parent’s death, Weiter wanders into her back garden where she finds a wounded young man. Weiter decides to take this young man under her wing despite meeting objections from everyone else but her uncle's friends. In the magical lands of Alma, where Gurens are worshipped as guardians and protectors, Weiter finds herself beginning a new adventure with this mysterious young man who appears to be more than what he seems
C’est l’histoire de deux amis d’enfance qui font de la boxe, l’un des deux va s’arrêter…
Adversity Nine -  All-Out Nine -  GK9 -  Nine in Adversity
Persistent mediocrity hasn't dissuaded Fukutsu Toshi, captain of a lame high school baseball team, from his love of the game. But when the principal, dissatisfied with their winless performances, threatens to take away their playing field, Toshis is forced into action to turn things around with all out efforts. But facing him at every turn is endless adversity. Nothing is ever easy for him, but luckily, Toshi has the determination to beat it all. -Bakaupdates
逆襲のドラゴンライダー, Dragon Rider's Counter Attack, Dragon Rider's Counterattack
On the floating island of Lithos, war is ever-raging and there seems to be no end in sight as the three nations that live atop it vie for control. However, as the battles rage on, it is discovered that the crystal that makes the island's floating possible is diminishing in power and the risk of the island falling becoming ever closer to reality. Seeking to find another place to live, the three kingdoms appoint their own elite soldier, a "Dragon Rider" , to fly to the ground below in search for the utopia known as "Arcadia" where there is no such thing as war.
Gal & Dino -  Gal and Dinosaur -  Gal to Kyouryuu -  Galkyo -  Gyaru to Kyōryū -  Gyaru to Kyouryuu -  My Roomie Is a Dino -  ギャルと恐竜
A story of a gyaru who picks up a dinosaur.[*][url=]Official site[/url]
Gyeongseong during the Japanese colonial rule in 1928, the reversed fate of the two girls.
Nozaki Momiji hasn’t been designing clothes recently. Tani-sensei worries that Momiji might be in a slump, so she makes her student participate in a school fashion show against Momiji’s will. Tani-sensei introduces to Momiji an upperclassman named Miyata. He’s a very attractive young man that he could make a girl drool with just a glance. He makes a wonderful model… However… he wears nothing but a muffler! Now Momiji doesn’t only have to design clothes for him… she’ll also need to make him put something on!
裸の王子様~Love Kingdom~ -  Hadaka No Oujisama ~ Love Kingdom
Nanako a perdu ses parents, elle n'a jamais connu son père et sa mère est morte lorsqu' elle est entrée au collège. Depuis, elle habite au temple avec d'autres orphelins. Nanako a toujours bénéficié de l'aide de Seitou, un ami de son père. Un jour, Seitou transfère Nanako dans une luxieuse école à Tokyo. Là-bas, un garçon l'embrasse et une situation très particulière se développe..
はどうのもん, 破道の門, Gate to the Path of Destruction, Road of the Broken
Fujisawa Kenji, 17 years old. Born in Yubari, Hokkaido, a boy with the dream of being a mob member. After dropping out of school, Kenji went to his local Kumicho, who told him to learn the way of the Yakuza from a man known as "The Master Gangster" - Kujo Eiji. So Kenji went to Sapporo, where his new life would begin... The two men meet, an event that sears the souls of both - Who will be strongest in this new era gangster epic?
ハゲルヤ!, Growing up! Love comedy of hair restoration
Shouta Tanaka is a high-schooler with an unusual problem; he’s going bald! Worried what his classmates will think, and how it will affect his future, things seem grim for Shouta. But then his biology teacher approaches him one day and states “I will find a cure for your baldness!” Could this really be answer for his problem?
I'm disabled, so I started a new life in a VRMMO with my gamer little sister. -  廃ゲーマーな妹と始めるVRMMO生活
Chitose is a high school baseball player who had to abandon baseball due to injury. One day, when Chitose was spending a boring day off without any goal, Chitose's life changed completely with a "VRMMO game" that was suddenly sent by his sister Haruka! “Oy Onii-chan, let's play a game together in our spare time!” A high school baseball player became a gamer at the invitation of his cute sister! ? Using his "excellent baseball sense" to enjoy a fun game in a VR world!
The Cinder Twins will Save the World without Black or White. -  灰の双子は白黒つけずに世界を救います。
14 years have passed since the White Hero's and the Black Demon King's decisive conflict during the war of Black and White. The world, now lacking a Hero, was dominated by self-proclaimed "Heroes" who were showing off their power. However, some mysterious twins turn the tables around with their wisdom and ability...!
灰と幻想のグリムガル -  Grimgal of Ashes and Illusions
Before Haruhiro had realized what happened, he was surrounded by darkness. Why was he here? Where was here? Even now, he still didn’t know. Those around him were the same as him, no one remembered anything other than their own names. And when they emerged from the darkness, the world that awaited them seemed like something out of a videogame. In order to survive, Haruhiro forms a party with the others, learns fighting skills, and as a soldier in the reserve force, takes his first steps into the world of Grimgal. What awaits him there, he doesn’t know… This the story of an adventure born from the ashes.
Marika, jeune fille qui ne connaît rien du monde extérieur, grandit dans une école très stricte, sur la séparation des sexes, réservée aux nobles. Elle, qui a toujours été tel un oiseau en cage, fera un jour la rencontre de Kanzaki, un élève problématique. Et c’est au centre de la sainte Église qu’ils commenceront une relation interdite… ! Une grande nouveauté pour Momono Miku ! Un amour défendu !
はじまりのにいな -  新菜重新开始 -  重新出發新菜 -  Niina’s First Love Story
Niina est une petite fille de 11 ans très spéciale. En effet, elle se souvient de sa vie passée sous le nom de Chitose.Parmi ces souvenirs, Chitose avait fait une promesse à son petit ami...Niina est bien décidée à la tenir, mais cela sera t-il possible ?
はじめの一歩 -  Hajime no Ippo. The Fighting!
Lycéen timide et souffre-douleur rêvé pour les bourreaux qui lui servent de camarades de classe, Ippo Makunouchi a pris l'habitude de subir chaque jour diverses humiliations physiques et morales. Le jeune homme, qui occupe tout son temps libre à venir en aide à sa mère au magasin de pêche familial, n'a guère le temps de se faire des amis. Le jour où il rencontre un boxeur du nom de Mamoru Takamura qui le sauve des poings d'une bande de voyous, il se prend d'admiration pour son sauveur et ses aptitudes au combat. Consumé par son désir de devenir fort et de pouvoir enfin faire face à un quotidien qui lui échappe, Ippo se lance corps et âme dans sa nouvelle raison de vivre : la boxe.
Hajimete Dakedo Kamera no Maede -  It's My First Time, but I'm in Front of a Camera! -  ハジメテだけどカメラの前で
[Being taught pleasure through the amazing techniques of an AV actor...] Satsuki’s just started a part-time job at an AV studio and has been assigned to the set of a gay AV. He’s complaining to a friend during his break when Sudou, who stars as the handsome top, appears looking for Satsuki. Satsuki hurries back to work, but he knocks over and breaks a camera in the process... In order to compensate the studio for the expensive camera, he stars in a gay AV himself. Despite it being his first time, with Sudou’s amazing techniques he’s even able to have an anal orgasm. After this, will Sudou and Satsuki’s work become a series...?!
After years of being childhood friends, Tatsuya suddenly confesses to his childhood friend, Yuuri. Yuuri is unsure of how to feel and act and slowly, she finds herself feeling things she'd never felt before...
The young Saori-chan visits her cousin, asking about sex nervously after just learning that her friends had done it. Note: Nothing of the sort actually really happens at all.
初めて、彼女と。 -  Hajimete, Kanojo to -  Our First Time
Noritaka Sawamura is a teenager; until this day, everybody has been making fun of him. Now he enters the high school which is an opportunity for him to restart a new life! He loves a girl of his school, but he needs to be a little bit stronger to be recognized by everybody. So he joins the Thai boxing section. His entertainment is very special, due to his master who seems to be a little mad. Noritaka will make you laugh, for sure! Note: My favorite passage is when Sawamura spins through a window with a helmet, his trousers missing, with crap coming out of his ass, and everybody looking at him. He is the most ridiculous man in the world at this moment!
はこぶね白書, Animal Academy, Trường học bí ẩn
"Can you be your natural self, if you know the truth?""Can you assimilate into our school?""Can you pledge secrecy when you are a human being?"Fukuta Neko somehow finds herself applying to and enrolling in a secret school created by and specifically for animal/human shapeshifters, though only after difficult tribulations with those who manage the school. Neko befriends a fellow classmate, the cute Suzuhara Miiko, prior to the tough task of enrolling, and afterwards discovers her new found friend's "feline" side, though this changes nothing in regards to the close relationship just started between them. Join Neko on her journey into the mysteries of the prosperous Moritaka school for the sons and daughters of this literal Noah's ark.
Une boîte qui permet de réaliser trois voeux... Du moins, c'est ce que Keita pensait.Mais à l'intérieur de la boîte, il trouva une fille. Et cette fille n'est pas un génie mais une princesse démoniaque, se prénommant Maki, venue pour s'emparer de l'âme de Seita.Mais pour pouvoir en prendre possession, Maki devra d'abord exaucer les trois voeux de Seita...


"Un jour de printemps, les fleurs de cerisiers flottant dans les airs, sous l'effet d'une brise…"En ce jour banal, une lycéenne, Ichijou Seika, d'une peau blanche et pure comme la porcelaine, rencontre Manabe Akiharu, un jeune peintre de génie. Ses tableaux reflètent son innocence, l'innocence sur la société, sur la vie, sur l'amour.Que leur réserve l'avenir, à cette pureté pas si innocente, à cet innocent pas si pur ?
壳都市之梦, 殻都市の夢, Dreams from Shell City, Hallucination from the Womb
In his second collection of short stories, Mohiro Kitoh recounts the tragic fates of people living in a half-futuristic, half-fantasy city whose inexorable structural decay seems to be mirrored in its citizens’ hearts.