
傷跡まで愛して -  The Billionaire Boss's Forbidden Mistress
Leah Johanssen est une très belle jeune femme qui travaille en tant que réceptionniste dans une société de cosmétiques. Un jour, la société est rachetée par un certain Jason Pollack, connu pour avoir épousé une riche veuve de 15 ans son aînée et avoir revendu ses biens juste après sa mort, soit deux ans après leur mariage.... Pour quelle raison cet homme riche comme Crésus a-t-il décidé de racheter cette petite entreprise de cosmétiques alors qu'il n'y connait absolument rien ?
ミスターXをさがせ, Mister X wo Sagase, The Seduction Project
When Molly transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Sydney stood up and took notice! But her new look was for Liam Delaney's benefit alone; she loved him and she wished he felt the same about her. However it was passion that Molly inspired in Liam! And the fact that he thought she had another male admirer only made him desire her more. Though Molly had never rushed into a physical relationship with any man, perhaps the time had come for seduction? Madeover Molly might be, but deep down inside the was just an inexperienced virgin...
La célèbre mannequin Charmaine n'aurait jamais imaginé, que quelqu'un comme le prince de Dubar, Ali, dépenserait cinq millions de dollars pour dîner avec elle. En effet, c'est un playboy extrêmement riche, connu dans le monde entier. C'est le genre d'homme qu'elle hait. Elle voit le feu bruler dans ses yeux, et pense qu'il veux se venger d'avoir été rejeté il y a un an. Une chose est sûre, ce sera une nuit dont ils se souviendront !
運命の夜に -  Maddie's Love-child
Miles, the British aristocrat, can't get his mind off Maddie, a woman he met a year ago in Australia on a business trip. He wants her so much that he ends his engagement and heads to her homeland! Meanwhile, Maddie desperately wants to have a child, but doesn't want to be tied down with a husband. All she wants is a sperm donor with brains, looks and class so she could raise the child on her own. Maddie's mind is made up... Or is it?
歓びの代償, Marriage at a Price
Courtney, a young horse farm owner, is glammed up to mingle with high society at a racecourse, hoping to find an investor for her business. Socializing with the rich, dolled up in a frilly dress, puts tomboy Courtney out of her comfort zone, but she has no choice. She has to find a way to repay the debt her deceased mother left her. She meets Jack, a mysterious man who seems interested in investing, but she had no idea he would come to see the farm for himself. Spending days with this handsome man, under the same roof...?