
ハルの雨 -  Spring Rain (MINAMI Maki)
Yuina can't figure out why her boyfriend keeps avoiding her.
La vie de deux lycéennes "normales" ? Su Mu veut surmonter son anxiété pour se confesser à Lin Dai Xue. De l'autre côté, Dai Xue continue à lui donner des occasions de se confesser. Les deux se connaissent bien mais aucune des deux n'est disposée à être honnête avec l'autre.La série de Today I'll (Make You) Confess
"I want to make you mine at any cost." Experience the thrilling high school drama about a student obsessed with getting what he wants. That first love with an older student you secretly have a crush on - even if it never comes true, it usually turns into a bittersweet memory. Usually. But if it leads to morbid thoughts, this perverted love makes a jet-black "flower" blossom in the heart of the young man, which transforms the fleeting feeling of infatuation into something completely different. . . Where will this love-hate relationship lead those with whom it plays its game?
Il existe deux rumeurs sur le dortoir Aoba, celui qu'Hinato vient d'intégrer pour ses trois années de lycée. La première c'est que tous les membres sont des délinquants et la deuxième c'est qu'ils sont tous gays. Pour son premier jour là-bas, Hinato peut dire que la première est totalement fausse, mais que la seconde va très vite se révéler vraie, la preuve en est que lors de sa première matinée, il trouve Sôya dans son lit. Celui-ci a en fait l'habitude de dormir dans cette chambre et d'embrasser celui qui viendra le réveiller, bref entre lui et notre héros, c'est un mauvais départ.Mais la vie au dortoir va rapidement devenir un vrai paradis, c'est juste que Sôya ne peut pas s'empêcher d'embêter le petit nouveau. Mais à trop le titiller, il va finir par tomber lui-même dans le piège amoureux.
蜜×蜜ドロップス -  蜜X蜜DROPS -  허니허니드롭스 -  Honey x Honey (French) -  Honey & Honey Drops -  Honey x Honey Drops -  MitsuXMitsu Drops
Yuzuru est une lycéenne ordinaire qui, de job en petit boulot, cherche à se faire un peu d'argent durant les vacances d'été, côtoyant à cette occasion la jeune bourgeoisie japonaise. Mais son travail se révèle loin d'être de tout repos ainsi qu'elle le découvre suite à une altercation avec le fougueux et hautain Kai Renge. Pire, une fois la rentrée venue, elle découvre que le bellâtre a jeté son dévolu sur elle, et veut la choisir pour faire d'elle une " Honey ", une sorte employée personnelle, à son entière disposition... presque une esclave. En contrepartie, son " maître " lui paiera sa scolarité ! Tiraillé entre ses problèmes financiers, ses craintes envers Kai... mais aussi son attirance pour le beau jeune homme qui s'avère être un talentueux basketteur, Yuzuru finit par accepter cette offre sulfureuse. Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire ?
Kiyoko is in a bar one day, drowning her sorrows, when she runs into a girl who used to have a crush on her in school, Ayumi. They end up hooking up. Kiyoko knows she's gay, but Ayumi has never been with another woman before. Will they manage to work things out?
鉄腕アトムクラブ [ジャングル大帝], Tetsuwan Atom kurabu [Jungle Taitei]
The Mighty Atom Club magazine was launched after the grand success of the 1963 anime, "Mighty Atom" (Astro Boy). It was a part of the official fan club: "Mushi Productions Tomo no Kai (Friends Association)". It disbanded after Mighty Atom's initial airing on TV in late 1966.Based on Tezuka Osamu's manga series "Jungle Emperor" from 1950, one-shots started to appear in the magazine in March of 1966 (Vol. 20-28). Drawn by Tezuka's associates, these eight stories would later air as episodes from the first and second anime series.The Jungle Emperor chapters were never re-printed and stay exclusive to the original magazines.

Junk! Boys

Dans le lycée pour garçons, Jinnan Gakuen, il y a un groupe appelé Junk ! Des garçons qui aident les gens qui ont des problèmes d'amour et des situations. Personne ne sait qui ils sont, et leur identité reste donc un mystère dans toute l'école. Mais Fujino Tomoya a rencontré deux élèves de la classe supérieure, le franc et sociable Kajimoto Takato, et le mystérieux mais sympathique Sakuma Tsukasa. Cependant, il a été entraîné dans ces deux "emplois secondaires" de deuxième année et est devenu le nouveau membre de la célèbre Junk ! Boys.
掛け値ナシのLOVE取引 -  A Love Transaction without Overcharging
Story 01) Kakene Nashi no LOVE Torihiki (A Love Transaction without Overcharging): Since Ami Kirisawa's father passed away, she's had to make it on her own. Now she's built a reputation as an enterprising young woman who will do anything for money. However, when Ruka Hakomori (of the Hakomori Financial empire) makes assumptions about how much of Ami his money can buy, Ami fearlessly proves him wrong. Ruka decides he wants her to help him get out of a marriage interview, but opposing Ruka's ruthless parents isn't going to be easy, no matter how fearless Ami is. Story 02) Kokoro Goku Ama-jitate (Very Sweetly Cut Heart): Suzuko runs into Riki-kun while shopping for Valentine Chocolate. When he learns that she doesn't have a boyfriend, he asks her to give him chocolate that day. The two become close but will Riki-kun's fanclub grows jealous and will do everything they can to separate them. Will they succeed or will love triumph? Story 03) Kyokou Shinwa ~Sekando Reipu~ (Made-up Myth ~Second Rape~): This is a serious story about the effects of rape. Wakana is a shy and unspectacular girl who has been text messaging the spectacular Taku for three months. Suddenly, Taku suggests that they meet, and when they do... he rapes her. Wakana goes to the police, only to go through "second rape" -- the doubts of others who think she brought it on herself.
You're My Girlfriend -  キミはガールフレンド
Hatsune Sugina est une lycéenne au cœur tendre qui n'a jamais réussi à se faire le moindre ami pour la simple et bonne raison qu'elle est incapable de se comporter ou de formuler une phrase sans que celle-ci ne tourne à l'arrogance. Malgré tout ses efforts pour contenir cette pulsion, sa langue fourche inéluctablement. Rejetée de tous et obligée d'intégrer un club, elle se retrouve au Maiden's Club, dirigée par Kirie Koganezawa, un président gay obsédé par le relooking féminin ! Saura-t-il remédier au "léger" problème d'Hatsune enfin qu'elle puisse atteindre son rêve, se faire un tas d'amis fille ?
仔羊捕獲ケーカク! -  仔羊捕获 -  Capturing the Lambs -  Kohitsuji Hokaku Keekaku! -  Kohitsuji Hokaku Kekaku!
Katsutaka and Kazuomi are seniors with a secret hobby: they love watching a pair of younger boys making love. Katsutaka and Kazuomi have fallen completely in love with Yuki and Kaede, and vow to capture them once they enter high school. That awaited day has finally arrived, but will the two seniors be able to reach their goal? And are Kaede and Yuki really who the seniors imagined them to be?
This is not like love -  恋のようなものじゃなく
While visiting her future high school, Osanai Mini instinctively interferes in a conflict between two strangers. Just when she's about to be in danger, a handsome boy swoops in and rescues her, leaving only a small handkerchief behind. Spring arrives and Mini recognizes the boy who saved her at her new high school. Despite her confusion about what love means due to the scars of her past, she finds that she is drawn to him in a way she's never experienced before. What kind of relationship will these two develop? A sweet story about young love begins!!
Aşkı Bilmeyen Bizler -  Koi o Shiranai Boku-tachi wa -  Koi o Shiranai Bokutachi wa -  We don't know love yet. -  Мы ничего не знаем о любви -  对恋爱懵懂无知的我们 -  恋を知らない僕たちは -  我们还不懂爱情 -  사랑을 모르는 우리는
Eiji, Naohiko and Izumi have been friends since middle school. Naohiko started going out with Izumi later on. Meanwhile, Eiji seemed to easily find his crushes one after the other, more often his seniors than not, yet maintained a laid back attitude when it came to being really serious about romance.Now in their high school, it has been a while since Izumi has left the city and is in a long distance relationship with Naohiko. Eiji, still a single, wonders if he has been missing something in his life. Maybe it's just his poor grades but for the time being, he wants to avoid Ikezawa, his strict, serious and diligent classmate, as much as possible. Furthermore, he is aware of Taichi, a boy from a different class, who has a crush on Ikezawa.The romantic story involving six boys and girls is about to unfold as they don't know love yet.
コイビト志願 -  Applicant Lover
Ce volume comporte 6 chapitres aux histoires différentes et deux extras (chapitres courts poursuivant le ch.6).
Applicant Lover -  コイビト志願
Ce volume comporte 6 chapitres aux histoires différentes et deux extra (chapitres courts poursuivant le ch.6).
こももコンフィズリー, 胡桃的糖果
クセになりそう -  我這樣愛你
A collection of touching love stories all around the world.Story 1: The only one the virile King Lehar wants to embrace in his arms, even if he has to destroy the whole country, is the lascivious commander of the neighboring country, Lilienthal, whose appearance is as lovely as a princess. Together in battle, they have also spent many affectionate nights of mutual love.Story 2: Kyoujirou is set on destroying a flute his family made that curses those who hear it. But the current owner doesn't want to give it up. (Contains incest and bondage.)Story 3: Randy's mission is to retrieve a bastard child who was kidnapped by his father. But what should he do, as there is no future for the infant, and the father is not a con-man as he was led to believe?Story 4: Hina will do anything to get Mizuki's attention; even steal the relic from the snake god's shrine. Unfortunately, soon follows a drought, so they investigate a well that is rumored to fill with snakes when dry. On top of that, Mizuki gets amnesia.
Cute short story about Kuuchan the cat and his adventures at the animal hospital.
Kyou, Koi o Hajimemasu -  今天 开始恋爱吧 -  今日、恋をはじめます -  今天、开始恋爱 -  Kyo, Koi wo Hajimemasu -  Today the love begins. -  Today, Love Starts! -  Today, We'll Start Our Lov
Tsubaki is a girl who loves making her younger sister's hair pretty every morning, but she doesn't think that kind of style suits herself! The day of her High School Beginning Ceremony, after she failed in being the top student (who usually makes the ceremony speech), she finds herself sitting next to the actual top student of the first years, the worst, rudest guy ever, Kyouta. She ends up cutting his hair on purpose because of the awful things he says to her. Kyouta demands that Tsubaki pays him back with her body, but Tsubaki fixes his hair instead--making it even shorter! After that, Kyouta unexpectedly kisses Tsubaki and swears that he'll take away all her firsts.
Territory m no juunin / テリトリーMの住人
Suite au divorce de ses parents, Ema déménage dans la petite ville de Ginnezu. Là, elle va vivre avec sa mère dans un immeuble peuplé de personnes diverses et variées ; l'occasion pour notre jeune lycéenne de faire de nouvelles rencontres.
Okazawa Shouji est un étudiant de 1ère année à l'Académie privée Shouka. Il ne supporte plus de voir son senpai et camarade de chambre, Hanabishi Yuu, à moitié nu quand il peint. Qu'arrivera-t-il entre nos deux protagonistes ?
For his boyfriend's birthday, Chiyoki agrees to play 'newlyweds.' However, the cos in this cosplay turns out to be an apron - and nothing else. (from Liquid Passion)
Meet rookie Detective Glen and his superior, the youthful Inspector Marcus. You never know what the Inspector is thinking, but when Glen is injured by someone during the investigation of a horrific murder, Marcus visits his hospital room often, teasing and taunting Glen.All the while, shaking with temptation, Glen has to wonder, What is Marcus' intent? Who injured him? And who is the gruesome, horrible murderer?Along with this rough tale, see Japan in retrospect as it becomes the stage for a powerful story about childhood friends...
迷える庶民に愛の手を -  Mayoeru Shomin Ai no Te wo -  Mayoeru Shomin ni Ai no Te wo -  Mayoeru Shomini Ai no Te wo
From Liquid Passion: After getting into the super-elite private school, our uke has to be the Student Council President's 'servant'. When the President's rival is also interested, trouble is on the horizon.
未成年だけどコドモじゃない, Miseinen Dakedo Kodomo Janai
蜜×蜜ドロップス, 蜜X蜜DROPS, 허니허니드롭스, Honey & Honey Drops, Honey x Honey (French), Honey x Honey Drops, MitsuXMitsu Drops
Yuzuru is a fifteen year old girl who is attending her first year in Houjou Academy. At her summer job, she met a troublesome rich boy, Renge Kai, who is attending the same school as her. Kai is part of the Kugeka, a class opened only to the rich students of Houjou.
メビウス同盟 -  秘密同盟
Matsuri TAKANOSE a first year high school student. Her mother is the board chairman of the school, and Matsuri is under a LOT of pressure to be the perfect student. One day after a grueling meeting in her mother's office at school, Matsuri encounters two boys who treat her differently. One is Takemasa ANDOU-kun, a smart, quiet guy who is known for keeping to himself and not talking much. The other is Watanuki-kun. Kaguya WATANUKI is a very cute, outgoing, athletic guy. He and Andou-kun are classmates, but they don't appear to be friends. Later Matsuri happens to find out about her favorite idol pop singer and those two's relationship... This sets up an interesting love triangle...
Momo Mimi Pheromone -  Peach Ears Feramone
From Yaoi Is Life: Living in an all boy’s dorm, it’s standard to do ecchi things with your roommate. Truth is, Mao wants more. How is he to keep his real feelings hidden when Hayato says, “I like your scent the most.” The only problem, Mao isn’t the only one whose scent Hayato likes.
虹色DAYS, Oh My God Days, Rainbow Days