
Spec ~Rei~, Spec ~Zero~, Spec零
Most people in this world utilize only 10% of their brains. There are some, however, who can tap into the remaining unused 90%, and draw out powers that appear supernatural to most others. These powers are called "SPEC".
テレビくんの気持ち -  愛上電視那端的你 -  Televi-kun no Kimochi -  TV-kun no Kimochi -  TV-kun's Feelings
University student, Keisuke, was suddenly asked by his childhood friend and an actor, Souta, "Can I kiss you?" Thinking that it's a practice for the kissing scene in his next drama, Keisuke kissed Souta without hesitation...
Souzoku Tantei -  相続探偵
[Google Translate]There are many cases of inheritances. In Japan, a country which has become an aging society is truly a big "conflict" era!Today a fierce "conflict" over heritage has begun at the funeral of the great writer. One man who came with such a stinky smell, his name is Nanao Ashie.Haie, who is a detective specializing in troubles related to inheritance, reveals the secret of the "video will" left by the writer with a hyena-like sense of smell.
Que feriez-vous si vous trouvez une patte de gorille qui puisse vous offrir trois voeux ? Mariko fait celui de ramener son petit ami Makoto, mort d’un accident. La surprise est de taille quand celui-ci revient d’entre les morts sous la forme d’un zombie. Découvrez la nouvelle vie de ce petit couple au quotidien.
つぼみ (Anthology) -  Chrysanthemum Garden -  Cotton Candy Love -  God and the Rainbringer -  Golden Shoes, Silver Shoes -  Have You Seen These Shoes -  Heart Ablaze
A bimonthly yuri anthology/magazine. (Only oneshots with no page of their own listed) Volume 1: • Love Fool, by Hattori Mitsuru An extremely short one-shot about two girls playing around in the water. • Camel, by Miyauchi Yuuka About addiction. • A Passing Story, by Ohtomo Megane A school doctor recounts a romance from her own school days Volume 2: • Heart Ablaze, by Miyauchi Yuuka Its about the pain and conflicting emotions of unrequited love Volume 3: • Unbalance, by Kigi Tatsumi Set in the same school as "Runner's High" from Tsubomi volume 1. It focuses on the interaction between the track team captain and the student council. Volume 4: • Michi, by Yoshida Mikiko About a girl who's worried that her girlfriend doesn't trust her. • Triangle of Love, by Ogawa Kidari Volume 5: • Roche Limit, by Sekiya Asami Volume 6: • Scissors and Fingers, by Inugami Sukune A girl tells a hairdresser about the feelings she has for a certain someone. • Massaging the Woman I Admire, by Amano Shiro Its about women who work in a salon. A trainee has to massage a senior employee as part of her work evaluation, so she picks the one she has a crush on. Volume 8: • God and the Rainbringer, by Yoshida Chiyu About a person that believes she can produce rain, a "Rain Woman". Volume 9: • Under, by Kazuto Izumi Volume 11: • Cotton Candy Love, by Tendou Kirin A woman steps in when she sees a girl being bullied. Volume 12: • My Beloved Kawano-san, by Acutta Fumie About a woman who's in love with a co-worker. • The Ocean Meets the Sky, by Koume Keito Volume 13: • Monologue Love, by Shimano Yae A girl is insecure about her relationship. Volume 14: * First Love, by Suga Atsushi A girl in the calligraphy club received a love letter. * Another Kiss, by Yurihara Aki April is a vampire and she's currently freeloading at Hikari's home. Volume 16: * Aoi Honoo Kaoru Tsuchi, by Naruko Hanaharu A girl joins the pottery club to find out who made a vase she saw.


I Can't Take it Anymore!; Yatteranneeze!; やってらんねェぜ!
Hiroya est l'un des meilleurs élèves de son lycée. Mais il n'en est pas heureux pour autant. La pression de ses parents et celle de ses professeurs font qu'il arrive à saturation. Il ne rêve que d'une seule chose : être comme Masaki, un jeune extrêmement apprécié dans tout le lycée et coureur de jupon. Pour réaliser son rêve, il est prêt à tout, même à se teindre les cheveux en blond. Il rencontre par hasard Masaki en sortant de chez le coiffeur et ose l'inviter à passer l'après-midi avec lui. Comment cette nouvelle amitié va-t'elle évoluée, Hiroya ayant menti à Masaki sur son identité.

Zankoku Yuugi

残酷遊戯 -  Cruel Game -  Zankoku Yugi
Différentes histoires.

Zutto Kitto

ずっときっと; ずっときみと; ずっととなりで; Now and Forever; Zutto Kimi to; Zutto Tonari de
« Où que nous soyons, nous sommes liés. » Au lycée, Hamura et Jin faisaient de l’athlétisme ensemble et étaient petit à petit devenus plus proches. Jusqu’au jour où dans un geste démesuré, Hamura a blessé Jin… Blessé dans ses sentiments mais aussi physiquement. Plusieurs années se sont écoulées et Hamura, maintenant à l’université, rongé par le remords, n’a qu’un seul souhait : revoir Jin. Mais c’est bien connu : le passé nous rattrape toujours au moment où on s’y attend le moins…