
The Sounds of a Lonely Bell -  孤独の鐘が鳴る
1) The Sound of a Lonely BellFather Michael liked his best friend and was tormented by it. Viscount Hagen Ostendorf found out and took the opportunity to confess to Father Michael. Father Michael was shocked. Under Viscount’s courtship, would Father Michael accept him?2) The Flower of CaptivityAs the powerless son of a rich family, Eugene is used to being manipulated for the good of the family name. But when he's captured by pirate Abram Roberts, his helplessness takes on a whole new dimension as the plaything of a ruthless buccaneer!3) The Prince and IHired as a Japanese tutor to Prince Syd Musafaru Baan, Mishima Kenichirou is shocked when the prince immediately asks him to be his lover! Can Mishima educate his troublesome student to the intricacies of the Japanese language and defend himself from the prince's devilishly charming sexual harassment?4) Bubbly NightFirst Lieutenant Hirose has a reputation for purity, but his love for his seriously ill sister makes him thrown away his pride and be embraced by another man for money to support her medical care. Even though their relationship is monetary, Hirose can't help but notice how gently Harada holds him...5) A Pure-Hearted Abortive FlowerWhen Yakuza Akira is given a incredibly dangerous mission he's not expected to survive, his "aniki" Kuga offers to treat him to something special to keep his spirits up. But Kuga doesn't expect Akira to say "I want you..."!6) The Place That You DesireAfter the war Masahito Takatou's family has lost the wealth and privilege that have insulated them for decades. But he has all he cares about, former servant and returned soldier Saeki Souji. Rescued as a child by the Takatou family, Souji's gratitude towards Masahito knows no bounds. Accepting that obligation has become painful for Masahito, who wants so much more from Souji than his "duty"...
The Far Eastern Bridegroom -  極東の花婿 -  極東的新郎
Chapitre 1 et 2 : … Kerk ! Avez-vous déjà lu un conte de fée qui démarre dans une maison close ? Et bien en voilà un. Le beau prince Asura arrache Cendri...heu Kichiya à sa vie de misère. C'est mignon mais complètement irréaliste !Chapitre 3 : J'ai beaucoup aimé. Le fait que les deux hommes soient des amis d'enfance forcés de devenir ennemis rend l'histoire captivante. Contrairement à ce que je pensais, ce n'est pas violent plus que ça, au contraire, c'est plutôt tendre. Et le best : Certaines personnes ont le courage de rester fidèles à elles même sans se laisser corrompre et ça, franchement, c'est beau.Chapitre 4 : Histoire vue et revue... ça reste tout de même mignon et sympa à lire.Chapitre 5 : J'ai bien aimé celui là. J'adore la personnalité du Seme Asami. Il veut vraiment protéger Shuuhei au point de se sacrifier lui même, c'est mignon. Shuuhei par contre fait vraiment trop féminin et qu'est ce qu'il est candide mon dieu ! Je ne le vois vraiment pas survivre dans ce monde de brutes !Chapitre 6 : Histoire excellente ! A mourir de rire ! C'est dingue ce qu'un petit quiproquo peut faire, ils auront tous les deux bien apprécié au final ! Fufufu !
我が愛しの執事殿, My Dear Steward
Because of Lionel’s viscount status, Ms Elena wanted to get engaged with him. However, Lionel was always in love with his steward, Isaac. Before the day of engagement, Lionel asked Isaac to hold him. Isaac, who was also in love with Lionel, couldn’t reject him. When Ms Elena demanded Lionel’s explanation of breaking off the engagement, Isaac felt hurt when Lionel refused to acknowledge his existence. Will our lovers be true to their own feelings?