

All Cuffs -  Arukafusu -  Алькафус -  アルカフス -  알카푸스
"Alcafus" est l'histoire d'une mystérieuse créature Kemonomimi que le protagoniste Tadashi a rencontré un jour lors de son enfance. Il avait découvert une fille avec des oreilles et une queue comme un animal se trouvant au sol dans un sanctuaire, quand il vérifiait si elle n'était pas blessée, il lui donna un bonbon qu'elle semblait vraiment apprécier. Après avoir été harcelé une seconde fois, il lui en a donné un deuxième et elle l'a remercié par un baiser, peu après qu'elle ait disparu. Dix ans se sont écoulés depuis, et quand il a entendu sa voix l'appeler, Tadashi a visité le sanctuaire de ses souvenirs et s'est égaré dans un monde mystérieux.
Naoto Saki is a typical young boy. He gets average grades in school, and nothing about him really stands out. His favorite thing to do is sleep - which doesn't exactly endear him to his teachers when he dozes off in class. Whenever he falls asleep, Naoto dreams of the same fantasy world. Then one day, Naoto gets magically summoned into the very world he had once only seen in dreams! All at once, he's caught up in a battle between the powerful beings called Elphis, and a group of human-like beings called the Sand Dusts. For Naoto, this desert world of Orgos is no longer a dream-he can feel pain here, and possibly even die. He decides he'd rather not risk his life, and would like nothing more than to return home. But the pretty sorceress who summoned him in the first place has other plans for him.
Haruhiko Hanna is just an ordinary man, with an ordinary life, one day he meets 3 witches in a small room on the old clock tower and that's when his ordinary life became not so ordinary at all.With the curse or gift, he was granted that he'll change, to a girl once the clock struck 12 at noon, and will change back on the 12th of midnight to a man, He then ask himself.., What on earth will happen if this goes on? Can I survive like this? Most of all will I turn back to Normal Again?!