
Toukyou Akazukin -  Tokyo Red Riding Hood
In the urban city of Tokyo, there exists a defiled world full of lecherous fiends. Living amongst them is Akazukin (Red Riding Hood), a little girl with a strange persona and an even stranger desire: to be eaten by Mr. Wolf. WARNING: This manga is suitable for an adult audience due to its sexually and gory explict theme.
ともだちと恋のまんなか; 朋友以上恋人未满
"Si à cet instant précis je ne t'avais pas rencontré, je n'aurais probablement jamais éprouvé de tels sentiments..."
"For a change, this time Alice is the center of others’ attentions. And somewhat unexpected others, at that."


TSUYOSHI Daremo Katenai -  Aitsu ni waTSUYOSHI 誰も勝てない、アイツには
姑獲鳥の夏 -  The Summer of the Ubume
Come on Over / うちにおいでよ / Uchi ni Oideyo
Natsuki, qui ne peut pas s'endormir à moins qu'il ne soit complètement épuisé par le sexe, vit une vie de débauche sans aucune condition. Une nuit, il trouve un jeune homme qui attend devant son appartement sous la pluie. ... Natsuki laisse le gars vivre avec lui, mais seulement sous certaines conditions... Plus une autre histoire
The story of an Ω (Omega) girl who is torn between "a favorite person" and "a man she wants”. In addition to gender, the world has three "attributes": elite α (alpha), ordinary human β (beta), and Ω (omega) who go into estrus. Mio works as an apprentice to the bestselling author Aida. "I loved the gentle Aida, but one day I met Kariya, my fated mate. There’s someone else I like, but I want to do it with this man… I can't take it anymore! I should have been embraced by my favorite person, but I somehow ended up going into estrus with a man I just met!"
Ultra Journey -  Ultra Kaiju Humanization Project Ultra Journey Twin Tail Girl and Twin Tail Me -  ウルトラジャーニー -  ウルトラジャーニー ツインテール少女とツインテールな僕
Hina and Nata lived as childhood friends born on the same birthday of the same year. However, after the entering to high school, Nata decided to leave the town and gradually became estranged from Hina because of that. One day two witches Sabbath and Pargo mysteriously landed on Earth. Hina protected Nata from one of Sabbath's attack and receives a fatal injury. The other witch, Pargo who saw that gives Hina and Nata a magical power at a cost of his body, and tells Nata to go on an adventure with Hina to regain his lost body.Thus, the adventurous journey of Hina and Nata began to regain what they lost and to stop the ambition of Sabbath...
Setogawa Aya est amoureuse de Yukimura depuis plusieurs années. Son goût pour les cigarettes et la baston ne l'ont jamais repoussée ; bien au contraire ! Mais leurs caractères totalement opposés vont-ils les rapprocher ou les éloigner l'un de l'autre ?
VIKING LORD is a manga that flips traditional Manga on its head. Instead of your traditional bright orange heroes that go on about unity and doing the right thing with a positive attitude, we meet, Yoyo Kato who is the complete opposite. Background Lore:Years ago in the Viking world, four of the strongest houses engaged in war and political violence against each other. Those houses were House Kato, House Sontamari, House Jeger, and house Seed. House Sontamari dominated the houses in all political and war aspects, going to far as to even enslave the other three houses. House Kato after a revolutionary ten-year war decided to offer a peace treaty. Losing the war the Sontamari agreed but before they could all four Houses were destroyed in one night leaving nothing but death behind.Story begins: After the destruction of the four strongest houses, house Kato left behind two surviving members that were rescued by their also surviving grandfather and brought to a secret island that's always moving! This island is filled with other orphans from smaller destroyed houses. Yoyo won't even try to blend in and make friends, his only goal is to kill those who wronged him and his house! Follow Yoyo as he battles between forgiveness and destruction!
From JKP: Hana's a high school girl with a life that's only composed of one catastrophy after another. Her bad luck is only matched by her even worse temper and oversized ego. Tagging along are her best friend Sua and the poor victim Jiyong for some of the funniest misunderstandings and catastrophies. Vitamin's a korean Shoujo manga about comedy and love; made by the infamous Yeo Ho Kyoung. Highly recommended for some good laughs!
Arisa Nagamine, surnommé la "Vierge de fer" par ses collègues, est secrétaire dans une grande société de négoce.Par un malencontreux concours de circonstances, elle va faire la connaissance d'Akagi. Ce dernier qui revient à peine du bureau de la branche européenne, est reconnu comme l'acheteur légendaire et excelle dans son métier.Cependant, il est aussi surnommé "La Bête"...Que découlera-t-il de cette rencontre inattendue ?
闇のイージス, 어둠의 이지스, Aegis in the Dark, Aegis of Darkness
Karito Tate is a bodyguard who takes on various jobs to protect VIPs using martial arts, various firearms, or high-tech gadgets.
Restaurant Die Kriegsgeschichte eines Kleinen Mädchen -  Youjo Senki Shokudou -  幼女戦記食堂
Tanya Degurechaff is a reincarnated Japanese salesman-turned-sociopathic child soldier, forced by the almighty Being X to fight an endless war. But soldiers need to eat, too. So join Tanya as she samples fine wartime meals.
勇者になれなかった俺はしぶしぶ就職を決意しました。, I, Who Didn't Become a Hero, Reluctantly Decided to Find a Job, Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore ha Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui