
Aチャンネル, A-Channel

Amari Mawari

Guy has some "precious book" with some "wonderful pictures" that he can't show to anyone.... The reason being, most of his college friends can't really understand his "tendencies".Of course, we wouldn't have a story if the guy didn't go through some life changing encounters (all thanks to that very same book).
ケータイ少女子 Heaven -  ケータイ少女子Heaven -  ケータイ少女子Heaven
Ginta's father works at a cellphone company called "Choto Bank." Their new cellphone is a humanoid cellphone. Gina's father sent his son a prototype version of the humanoid cellphone, but Ginta's sister unexpectedly made some "changes" to the new cellphone and due to that it makes countless mistakes. What will Ginta do with these new troubles in his life? (First chapters read from left to right)