
恋じゃないけど -  雖然不是愛 -  It's Not Love, I Think -  Koi Janai Kedo -  Koi Janaikedo
From Fantasyshrine: Ever since he had sex with his childhood friend, Shinonome, the uptight Student Body VP, Yukimura, felt he was caught in a whirlwind. He found himself invaded by Shinonome in his own bedroom, in the library,everywhere…! Out of desperation, he found his only defense was to treat Shinonome coldly so he could keep his sanity intact. However, it only pushed Shinonome to go to the extreme…!! Will the head-strong, stubborn VP finally come to terms with his feelings…!? Sequel of Kirai ja nai kedo Part of Waruiko series: - I WANT TO BE NAUGHTY! / Warui Koto Shitai / - WARUI KOTO BAKKASHITE GOMENNASAI - KIRAI JA NAI KEDO - KOI JA NAI KEDO - MUJIHI NA OTOKO
戀。 [いとしい いとしい というこころ。]
During the entrance ceremony of high school, while looking at the rainbow after the rain, the main character Haru met, an unusual girl with an aura of 「air」-?
恋文日和 -  A Perfect Day for Love Letters
From Del Rey: George Asakura leads us through five stories with humor, wit, and enough mystery to keep us guessing with each new delivery. You’ve got mail!
On Such a Moonlit Night -  こんな月の夜には
From Peach Kyoudai:Kou, who was supposed to be a very ordinary businessman, unexpectedly had a pair of dog ears and a tail appearing on him all of a sudden. “What the heck is this?! A special constitution?!!” The perplexed Kou immediately turned to his senpai, Okitsu Miyabi, whom he has loved since his school days, for help.Miyabi-san is an exceptionally gorgeous person and he always seems to be looking somewhere far away (it seems he really can see something) with his beautiful eyes. He now runs a cafe he inherited from his grandfather. Even though Kou has been visiting the shop every day, Miyabi-san is still as indifferent as he was in the past. However, he seems to be very fond of Kou's ears and tail…?
From Attractive Fascinante: Kojima Shouji stayed at his dad’s friend’s house when he attended college. Hayase was lazy and Shouji often ended up doing all the household chores. Gradually, he found that he has feelings for Hayase and he confessed while they went on a trip. Their feelings were actually mutual. Hayase got to travel around for his work and Shouji found himself getting used to not having Hayase around. Is it coming to an end?
Korekara Doushiyou -  Where Do We Go From Here? -  これからどうしよう?
Kikuchi and Akitsu have an unusual yet comfortable friendship all through high school. But after high school, they've lost contact with each other until their path crossed again on their first day of work! On the surface, Akitsu seems to always verbally abuse the levelheaded Kikuchi. Until one day, Akitsu realizes that he has fallen for Kikuchi! Would Akitsu cross the line between friendship and love?Also included, the story of Shu and Shindo. After two years of absence, the gun-shy Shu runs into his previous lawyer lover and protector, Shindo. Will Shu overcome his fear of love this time and come together with Shindo bodily and wholeheartedly?
殺されるなら、いっそ桜の木の下で -  Dead Friend's Love Letter
Un jour Yukino reçoit un étrange message de sa meilleure amie: "fuis!" Quelques heures plus tard, elle apprend que celle-ci s'est suicidée. Des rumeurs circulent disant que la jeune fille aurait mis fin à ses jours parce qu'elle était persécutée et son dernier tweet laisse entendre qu'il s'agissait de Yukino elle-même. Mais alors, que pouvait bien signifier ce dernier message...?
殺されるなら、いっそ桜の木の下で, Dead Friend's Love Letter
One day, Yukino received a weird messagefrom her best friend Saho.Then when she came to school she heard abouther death. Truth is, she killed herself becauseshe was persecuted by her schoolmates...So why is her last message "run"...?
Endless Comfort -  A Permanent Place -  恒久の在り処
Deux ans après le décès de sa mère, Masaki retourne dans la maison où sa mère venait se reposer et où il passait tous ses weekends. Il y fait la connaissance de Yuu, le nouveau dresseur de chiens. Ce jeune homme d'apparence joyeuse et sociable cache pourtant au fond de lui un lourd secret...
小女子先生!! -  小女子老师!!
The appearance of a child. The years of an adult. Kounago Sensei. (4-koma)
コウヤニケモノドウコクス, 荒野に獣 慟哭す, In Wilder, The Beast Doth Lament, Kouya
荒野の恋, 荒野之恋, Arano no Koi, Areno no Koi
Yamanouchi Kouya, the daughter of a famous author, is a shy young girl just starting middle school. She is named class representative along with Kannatsuki Yuuya, a boy she met on her way to school who frightens her a little bit. They are trying to work together, but he always seems mad at her and she is painfully shy. The thing is, Yuuya knows something that Kouya doesn't know yet—that her famous father is going to marry his mother!
暗くなるまで待って, 等待黑暗降临, Wait Until It Gets Dark, Wait until It's Dark
Ushio just transferred from a prestigious high school. While running an errand after school, she collides with Mitsunashi, who's known as a studious robot, and breaks his glasses. Afterward, Mitsunashi invites Ushio to join the Astronomy Club. Will love blossom under the stars?


Une malédiction a transformé Kurohime, la sorcière la plus puissante du monde en une adolescente du nom de Himéko. Accompagnée de Shizuku qu'elle avait sauvé quand il était enfant, elle part à la recherche de la personne qui lui a jeté ce sort, mais surtout d'un moyen d'inverser le processus.
Dans un japon médiéval fantasmé, un jeune home, Kuro, et son compagnon Benkei fuient la guerre et les poursuivants qui en veulent à la vie de Kuro. Ils trouvent refuge chez une mystérieuse jeune femme, Kuromitsu, qui vit dans une demeure reculée au milieu des montagnes.En échange de son hospitalité, celle-ci a seulement une condition : ne jamais regarder dans la chambre à l'arrière de la maison, qui est sa chambre à coucher...
No More Need For Chains
今天的5年2班 -  今日の5の2 -  今日的5年2班 -  Kyo No Go No Ni -  Today In Class 5-2
Ryôta est du genre à se la jouer cool auprès de ses camarades de classe, et particulièrement auprès des filles. Mais il se retrouve toujours dans des situations où il passe pour le pervers de service. Il lui arrivera tout un tas de péripéties. Qui a dit qu'un primaire ne pouvait pas connaitre une histoire d'amour de lycéen ?
今日のケルベロス -  地狱三头犬的日常 -  Kyou no Kerberos -  Today's Kerberos
Depuis un incident ans son enfance, Chiaki n'a jamais été en mesure de se ressentir réellement de la joie ou du plaisir. Un jour, son père lui envoie une mystérieuse boîte en carton. Une fois ouverte, une jeune fille qui dit s'appeler Cerberus sort de la boîte ! Cette jeune fille, qui a trois personnalités en une seule, jure de protéger Chiaki de tout mal. Est-ce que Chiaki va être capable de vivre avec cette petite fille trois-en-un ?
Light BL Anthology
Haru and Aki are the masters of the branch store - an old-looking and very unusual shop. It sells only one thing: a special kind of incense that, when burned, allows the user to see and speak with the spirit of the dead person that appears in the smoke. Every customer has a different reason for calling up the dead, and how they use this unusual opportunity is up to them...
Hero of the Three Continents -  Champion of the Three Continents -  San Tairiku Eiyuuki -  三大陸英雄記
大事にするから食べていい? -  Can I Eat You If I Cherish You?
遊びで一回キスしてみたい - 
Lesbian Delivery Health Anthology -  Lesbian Delivery Health Anthology Premium -  Lesbian Delivery Health Anthology Repeater -  レズ風俗アンソロジー -  レズ風俗アンソロジー プレミアム -  レズ風俗アンソロジー リピーター
Covers: Homura SubaruVol 1[spoiler]1. Homura Subaru2. Iwami Kiyoko3. Kodama Naoko4. Mashimaru5. Nanatsu Fuji6. Ohsawa Yayoi7. Renjou Hani8. Katakura Ako[/spoiler]Vol 2[spoiler]Illustration: Namori1. Homura Subaru2. Mintarou3. Ihara Rio4. Kawanami Izumi5. Aikawa Ryou6. Nanatsu Fuji7. Sekihara8. Iwami Kiyoko[/spoiler]Vol 3[spoiler]1. Homura Subaru2. Namori3. merryhachi4. Mintarou 5. Ueshita6. Geshumaro7. Ohsawa Yayoi8. Iwami Kiyoko[/spoiler]
Rica Von Rozenberg a doctor in robotics starts working with a android that she names Elder. And Elder starts life out of that of a small child. She is able to to learn all sorts of things. But what happens when the creator isn't there to teach anymore?
The Lion and The Bride -  Lion and Bride -  ライオンと花嫁
Yua est une lycéenne dont le seul membre de sa famille restant, qui était sa grand-mère, décède. Il ne lui reste que son professeur, Ryota, qu'elle aime et c'est réciproque ! Ils se marient, cependant son époux lui apprend qu'il a déjà un fils et qu'il va dans la même classe qu'elle....
[From Lililicious]: "Little Birds of Paradise" is a short full-color story. Two girls discuss their plans for after graduation. Bittersweet.
Fateful Encounters: (Story 1) Love Lesson Abc- Watanabe Hitomi has the perfect look, she is pretty and has a nice body. Her classmates automatically assume that she is experienced and constantly come to her for advice. Little did they know that Hitomi has no experience in dating. She was also dumped by her boyfriend because she wouldn't sleep with him. Hitomi wants to know more about dating so she decides to date the schools most popular boy to gain experience But will it just be an experience or she will get more out of it? (Story 2)That guy I met I kissed- (Story 3)That person’s the best- (Story 4)Delicious darling-
[Kuusoubune (Kurage Modoki)] Nico-chan Daisuki! -  Nico-chan, we love you! (Love Live!) -  [空想舟 (くらげもどき)] にこちゃんだいすき! (ラブライブ!)
A peek at Nico's everyday life as she interacts with the rest of Muse.Any day can be a Nico day if you Nico Nico Nii hard enough btw.{ Nico x Everyone }[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]