
Kondo Masahito est un dur à cuir au lycée tandis que son grand frère, Yoshio, est un instituteur calme et gentil. Il n'est donc pas rare que ce dernier soit protégé par son cadet. Ayant des caractère différents il est difficile pour Masahito de comprendre son aîné, mais il essaye tout de même.
Kondo Masahito is a tough high school senior, while his older brother Yoshio is a calm and gentle kindergarten teacher, so it is not rare that younger brother protects the older one. Different personalities make it difficult for Masahito to understand his brother, but he still tries.
Love is made with a Sullen Look -  仏頂面に恋をして
A collection of oneshots.1) To Love A Straight Face GuyFuyuki is dating his personal tutor, Takashi, but Fuyuki is so frustrated with Takashi lack of emotional response.2) You Are My Destined PersonA boy runs away from the orphanage and is picked up by a charismatic rich man.3) That Summer StoryThe memory of his first love.4) Fiery KissA student teacher falls in love at first sight with his adorable pupil.5) The Children in the Broken Shack6) An Eternity Under the Starry SkyCaught by their parents and forced to part, they run away together...7) The Night of the Full Moon8) The Way of the Moon and Your Voice9) Such Happy Times10) Shiba's Tale
分別と多感, Funbetsu to Takan, Sense & Sensiblity Sense and Sensibility
1-3) Bunbetsu to TakanAya has a great boyfriend Kento who treasures her a lot. But she is also attracted to Kento's older brother, who has a twisted personality. How come she can't stay away from him and she goes so far to cheat on her boyfriend? Will Aya's sense prevails over her sensibility?2) Delusional DiaryFrom Evil Flowers3) The Little Mermaid who Became a Witch: Everyone knows the story of the little mermaid who felt in love with the prince and exchanged her voice for a pair of feet. Did anyone wonder about the witch’s story and why was she so bitter towards the young mermaid? An interesting twist of the classic “The little mermaid”, this time, from the witch’s point of view.


無頼庵, Buraian
When his family dojo is forcibly taken by Yakuza due to his debt Yachiyomaru with his bodyguard Burai An stand against them in order to retrieve it! Before they know it, in prevailing over trials one after another, a deep affection is born between them...!
Toki Mishiba, Nobuto Nakajyo, and Kazuo Saitoh are hired to play the Biz Game, a game much like capture the flag, only with company secrets and insane amounts of money involved. At first they think it's a crazy but fun way to get some money, but as the game goes on, they hear stories about mysterious deaths on the news, and recognize the victims as members of the teams they've beaten in the game. When one of the losers of a game dies right in front of them, they realize what is really at stake - their very lives!
By ヒーロー
C'est l'histoire d'un adorable petit oiseau qui se retrouve blessé et soigné par Kosaki, jeune fille quelque peu garçon manqué, au coeur tendre couramment taquinée par Aise. Que va-t-il se passer pour ce petit oiseau qui a donc si peur des humains... ? Et pour Kosaki ?


Netsuryou ~Calorie~热量熱量~カロリー~
1-4, extra) Calorie - HeatToshiyuki aime son meilleur ami (et hétérosexuel) Yasuhira depuis 15 longues années, mais décide de renoncer à son amour infructueux. Alors Jun, qui est leur ami commun et qui connaît l'amour non partagé de Toshiyuki, se présente comme candidat amant. Toshiyuki est heureux, bien qu'il sache que Jun a toujours réconforté son cœur brisé chaque fois que Yasuhira s'est trouvé une nouvelle petite amie. Pourtant, il décide de saisir sa première chance en amour....5) Eyes That Don't LieLe petit ami de Yasuhira, Chizuru, aime voir son expression quand il n'est pas heureux et fait toujours des choses qu'il déteste. Même si Shou veut avoir une relation normale, il supporte son étrange fétiche parce qu'il ne veut pas que Chizuru se désintéresse de lui. Cependant, que se passe-t-il lorsque Shou lui montre une expression alors qu'il n'est pas en colère ?
Cardcaptor Sakura dj - Milk Crown
Touya is bugged by Sakura in the snow, and Sakura is bugged by Touya at home. But despite their ups and downs, the brother and sister still love one another.
カテゴリ:フリークス -  Category Freaks
From DrMaster: Supernatural phenomena and strange occurrences are no sweat for the Nanami Paranormal Investigation agency, headed by Asagi Nanami. As "freak" activity grows to a terrifying fever pitch, Asagi's assistants -- Naoki, Tokiko, and Mahime -- help to solve several major "freak" cases. Freaks are creatures with the ability to possess humans and prey on their weaknesses. However, Asagi and his gang are no ordinary humans; each is equipped with a special power to vanquish Freaks.
From Intercross: Eishi is one of those popular guys that are smart, good looking, and is good at sports. However, he thinks people and "love" are bothersome and would rather not deal with either of them. When his teacher told him to help this girl, Uta, to study, he dreaded the idea of having to stick with such an annoying girl. Soon, though, his heart starts to lighten up towards her.
Ethan est un garçon de 17 ans tout à fait normal. Mais il est juif.
Dans la vie de tous les jours, Sara est une étudiante en art du spectacle tout ce qu'il y a de plus normal. Personne ne sait que lors de ses temps libre elle devient ‘Sala', jeune chanteuse prometteuse dont le public ignore si elle est une fille ou un garçon. Cependant tout se complique quand elle commence à se rapprocher de Hayase, camarade de classe et chanteur reconnu qu'elle admire. Qui gagnera le coeur de Hayase, Sala ou Sara ? Et elle-même, arrivera t'elle à gérer ses sentiments et sa carrière de front, alors que sa mère, également sa productrice, souhaite à tout prix qu'elle conserve son secret ?
ちびまる子ちゃん, Chibi Maruko Chan, Nhóc Maruko
The title character, Maruko, is a nine-year-old third-grade student. She is lazy, disorganized and usually late for school, in strong contrast with her neat and tidy older sister who must share her room with her. Maruko, like many kids, tries to avoid homework and chores, takes advantage of her doting grandfather and squabbles with her sister. Nevertheless, she is a well-meaning child who tries to do good.Maruko's real name is Momoko Sakura (さくらももこ Sakura Momoko), the same as the pen-name of her creator Miki Miura 三浦 美紀 (who used her own childhood experiences as inspiration). Her nickname "Maruko" is made of marui ("round", because of her round face) and -ko (girl child); the prefix chibi and the suffix -chan also refer to a cute child.Maruko's trademark face fault in reaction to embarrassment is the sudden appearance of vertical lines on her face, sometimes with an unexplained gust of wind blowing behind her head. This is sometimes mimicked by female fans of the series who draw the fingers of one hand down across the face to show embarrassment. On the internet this is often used as emoticons, by speech marks. For example: -_-"Other characters include Maruko's classmate and best friend Tama-chan. A fan favorite is Maruko's kind but absent-minded grandfather. Naive and easily tricked, he keeps a pet turtle and loves watching TV with Maruko. When feeling distressed or nostalgic, he spontaneously retreats to a surreal inner world for a few seconds to improvise a sad yet comical haiku about his state of mind.
citrus コミックアンソロジー - 
Official anthology of the popular yuri manga Citrus. A collection of 17 oneshots.Story 1 : be careful not to play games to much (Eku Takeshima)Story 2: ear-nimal pandemic (Neji)Story 3: the things i want to watch with you (Kayako)Story 4: taboo (Kiyoko Iwami)Story 5: if (Aoto Hibiki) Story 6 : hair arrange (kurakawa)Story 7 : imaginery wedding (Naoko Kodama)Story 8: sweet time (Haruka Kiriyama)Story 9 : Hydrangea’s floriography (Yuuki Goto)Story 10 : love scream (Ameno)Story 11: blast (Miyami Oomiya)Story 12: M.I.B. Mei in black (kuraukoStory 13 : two sisters (Mako Takahashi)Story 14 dead or love (kino kiyuki)Story 15: Hathews (yuki yukio)Story 16 : have a bite (fujieda)Story 17 : wait for sleep… (yayoi osawa)
クラスメート、上村ユウカはこう言った。 -  同班同学 上村由香如是说 -  Kuras
Shirasaki est incroyablement ennuyé par sa vie scolaire, quotidienne et immuable. Il finit par rencontrer son étrange camarade de classe, Kamimura Yuuka qui essaye de changer le monde de ses camarades indifférents. Cependant, quand elle lui révèle la vérité sur la nature de son monde à lui, tout va vite devenir plus étrange à un niveau qu'il n'aurait jamais soupçonné !
クラッシュ (桜沢エリカ)
A romantic story set in the show business and modeling world, CRASH reveals the influence played and the links joining the publicity, cinema, and TV worlds: as a vector to the image manipulation, that tends too often to dehumanize the top model or actor, reducing him to a simple image in 2-dimension.
クラウン・クレイズ -  王冠狂熱
In a room lie the two real brothers, the 17-year-old Kuruto and the 15 year old Enishi. —This is the good night kiss— They have been together since they were small. It was a natural thing for them to spend time together but that is slowly starting to change. The day the relationship between the two of them becomes awkward is when Kuruto returns home after a long time. The brothers attitude towards each other are so different and suddenly Kuruto tells the younger brother “Don’t think of saying you love me again”…?
Daten no Inugami -SLASHDØG- -  Daten no Inugami SLASHDOG -  Daten no Inugami: Slash Døg -  Fallen Dog God - SLASHDOG- -  SLASH/DOG -  堕天の狗神-SLASHDOG- -  堕天的狗神 -SLASHDØG - 
Pris d'une forte fièvre, Tobio Ikuse, un lycéen de deuxième année, a été contraint de manquer son voyage scolaire sur un luxueux paquebot avec ses camarades de classe. Quatre jours plus tard, Tobio entend la nouvelle de la disparition des professeurs et des élèves de deuxième année de son école, et cela le dévaste. Quelques mois après l'incident, Tobio, qui s'est lentement remis de la perte soudaine de ses amis, rencontre à nouveau l'un d'eux par hasard. Poursuivant son ami disparu Sasaki, Tobio parvient finalement à le rattraper, mais il est choqué de voir Sasaki aux côtés d'un monstre lézard qui l'attaque en même temps que le monstre. Coincé par le monstre, Tobio est secouru par un autre survivant du paquebot de luxe disparu, Natsume Minagawa, qui lui tend alors un œuf avant de se séparer. Plus tard dans la nuit, Tobio se retrouve à nouveau attaqué, cette fois par deux personnes avec des monstres. Au milieu du chaos qui s'ensuit, de l'ombre de Tobio, sort un chiot qui le sauve. Après avoir repoussé les deux monstres, Natsume s'approche à nouveau de Tobio avant de décider finalement de l'emmener dans leur cachette.
ディア グリーン
From Intercross: Aoi has always been the delinquent kind of girl, not taking her future seriously. She's always being compared to her talented older sister, and she's already so fed up with it. As a child, she has always loved the flute, but even then, she gave up because of her lack of self-confidence. While in her secret quiet place, she runs into genius photographer Yohsuke who can hopefully give her the confidence to move on in life.
The Despair Village -  Zetsubou Shuuraku -  絶望集落
If you meet them, will you be raped, eaten, or both? In a certain prefecture and a certain region. Misawa, a high school student, was spending going through daily life. However, one day an incident occurred in which his sister was assaulted in the mountains. His sister said that her fiancée was "eaten" ... The ultimate monster panic set in the regions of modern Japan!!!
ディナーのあとは大人の時間 -  晚饭后是大人的时间
動乱, Douran, Hỏa Phụng Thần Kiếm
General Tokugawa was given 13 sacred swords to bring peace to Japan. However just when Tokugawa started a new dynasty, he was assassinated by his 12 commanders, aka masters of the 12 sacred swords. The last one, Crimson Firebird, was given to Dohran, Tokugawa's naive son . Many years have passed and now, under the cover of a travelling performer, Dohran is seeking revenge and also to bring back the smile in the faces of people.

Double Visage

Ici vous découvrirez des histoires étranges, non pas dans le sens surnaturel, mais, plus dans des meurtres, de la violence gratuite et autres... Je vous laisse découvrir ces petites histoires sorties tout droit de mon imagination. Je le déconseille à ceux de -16 ans, juste au cas où. PLAGIAT INTERDIT Ces minis histoires sont écrits par moi-même
ドラゴンドライブ, 드래곤 드라이브, Doragon Doraibu, Rồng ma trận
Reiji Ozora thinks he's no good at anything--especially schoolwork! Then one day he's introducted to a game called Dragon Drive and gets his very own virtual dragon named Chibi. Small and weak, Chibi appears to be as big a loser as Reiji! But after their first battle, Reiji realizes there may be more to his tiny friend than meets the eyes.
Chikyū kiroku 0001 -  地球記録0001 -  地球记录0001
Astronaut Mawatari encounters a humanoid creature during a moon surface investigation. Because they are both lonely, they promise to teach each other about the universe and the earth...!?
Quatre histoires différentes :1. Eikoku Kizoku Goyoutashi2. Senya Ichiya (A Thousand And One Nights)3. Mitsuboshi School Days4. Love Bite
Cтратегия электрического угря -  Denki Unagi no Bishoujo Kouryaku -  電気ウナギの美少女攻略〈すとらてじー〉
Shunichi Odagiri can hear humans' inner thoughts through their spirit animals which are called heart beasts. Shunichi, who knows the ugliness and foolishness of human beings more than anyone else, have felt that he'll be alone forever. Until a beautiful girl who doesn't have a beast appears in front of him...