
番人 -  Meguriai...Cosmo
Klaus est un affreux commandant d'une équipe affreuse interstellaire. Un jour, les membres de son équipe capturent le lieutenant-commandant Alex, un magnifique jeune homme, qui ressemble à une personne que le Klaus connaissait il y a de nombreuses années. Le commandant Klaus qui d'habitude n'épargne aucun de ses prisonniers de guerre ne comprend pas d'où vient cette attirance envers le lieutenant-commandant Alex.
An eight page short about a young woman and the man who appears in her life during dangerous times, from the manga, The Imaginary Garden
くるぶし骨 -  Ankle Bone
Ishikawa, being a klutz, is home for Golden Week, and Yamaguchi is going to nurse him back to health... sort of? The sweet couple is back and enjoying their first holiday together!
Short and sweet oneshot about Gen-san, a self-described "old guy" who drops by Yuu's house on his way elsewhere. -Bakaupdates
後ろ姿の夏の猫 -  摸耳垂的理由 -  耳たぶの理由 -  A Reason for Earlobes -  On the Palm of Your Hand -  The Reason His Earlobes Redden -  The Summer Cat Turns Its Back (KUNIEDA SAIKA
From Bushido Angel Adventures Yamaguchi is a notorious womanizer. Some men admire him; others can't stand him. Ishikawa is definitely one of the latter. Nevertheless, when Yamaguchi's latest girlfriend dumps him, Ishikawa jokingly offers to comfort him with his own body. Unfortunately for Ishikawa, Yamaguchi takes the offer seriously. And, to make matters worse, Ishikawa discovers that he can't say no! (by presencedear). The series (of 4 oneshots) goes on like that: 1. The Reason for Earlobes (Mimitabu no Riyuu) 2. Yubisaki no Biyaku 3. Kuchibiru no Teppen 4. Sumuji no Mannaka
夏時間, Natsu Jikan, Summertime, Summertime Memory
1) Natsu JikanA boy goes to meet a stranger after his mother died. The mother left a lot of love-letters to this man...2) Torrid NightAfter years have past Takaaki has returned to his childhood home and his stepbrother Nozomi. They are the only family they have left, and both hold secrets from the past that can destroy them. But the dark passion they feel is dangerous too...3-4) That's What God Says & Sweet Little DevilIzumi and Tetsuya are neighbors, both with very similar problems. Does one's appearance really determine who you are or how you should be? Were these neighbors fated to be together?5) The Sleeping ManNaoki and Tatsuya were high school classmates and close friends, with Tatsuya having the task of waking up his ever sleeping friend. They agreed to meet at the dawn of the new millennium, and though they both show up, there's something off....
Jun, élève je-m'en-foutiste, est tombé amoureux de Yûya, son "professeur particulier". Très vite, il se rend compte que Yûya est, lui-même, très amoureux de son grand-frère. Il utilise cette information pour forcer Yûya à coucher avec lui.
後ろ姿の夏の猫; The Summer Cat Turns Its Back
C'est l'été, il fait chaud, et Nakatsu a des visions...Il croise un chat noir qui lui est familier, et pas n'importe quel chat...