
特に負けても構わない戦いがそこにはある -  It Doesn't Matter if We Lose, Especially if the Match Will Be Held Here
From Suimasen Scanlations: Milan’s father is a soccer manager. On his deathbed, he entrusts her with the team, FC Sudden Death. Once a great power in J1, they’ve found themselves kicked out of the league and on the skids. Will Milan be able to turn the team around, or will she fall victim to the numerous pranks the team members play on each other?
東京ミュウミュウあ・ら・もーど, Tokyo Mew Mew in Fashion
With Mew Ichigo Momomiya studying abroad in London with Masaya, the remaining four girls from Cafe Mew Mew are one too few. Luckily, a new Mew is about to emerge. Berry Shirayuki just transferred to a different junior high because she thought their school outfits were cute. Little does she know she's about to become the first Mew Mew with TWO sets of animal genes in her blood. Half cat, half rabbit, she's joining the Mew Mew team just in time. A new gang calling itself the Crusaders has appeared, and its leader just happens to love wild game like rabbit - well done and served for his dinner! When Mew Ichigo returns from London she's going to be very, very surprised!
東京ミュウミュウあ・ら・もーど -  Tokyo Mew Mew in fashion
In the story it is revealed that when Ichigo Momomiya, the protagonist from the original Tokyo Mew Mew, is studying in England with Masaya Aoyama, Berry Shirayuki is introduced. Berry is trying to adjust to the private school which she has just transferred to. She later runs into Ryou Shirogane, who she follows into Café Mew Mew. While Berry is staring in awe at the cakes and pastries, Ryou sees her and yells, wondering who she is. Berry, caught by surprise, falls on top of the snacks. Embarrassed, she runs with her eyes closed into the employee's only section of the Café, and runs into the DNA-infusion device. She is transformed into a Mew Mew, with the DNA of a rabbit and a cat. She must temporarily take Ichigo's place as leader of the Mews to defend Tokyo from the Saint Rose Crusaders, while juggling her schoolwork and her new job at the Café. When Ichigo returns, she and Berry quickly become friends and she and the other Mew Mews move to her school in case of an attack
I Love You -  as a Friend -  Tomodachi Toshite Daisuki -  作为朋友,最喜欢你了 -  友達として大好き
Sanako tente de s'échapper de la petite amie en colère d'un garçon avec qui elle vient d'avoir une relation. Elle entre dans une pièce au hasard et rencontre Yuito, un garçon sérieux dont elle tombe immédiatement amoureuse. Prenant à cœur la règle de l'école qui interdit aux élèves de nouer des relations amoureuses, le trop sérieux Yuito refuse sa déclaration d'amour. Alors, que doit-elle faire ? Naturellement, le harceler sexuellement avec l'excuse que c'est simplement une petite relation entre amis jusqu'à ce qu'il cède.
The School of Water Business -  Toritsu Mizusho -  School of Water Business
from Mizushoubai (water business) is the term for Japan's night life activities, such as fuuzoku (similar to prostitution but none of the illegal bits), hosting and managing (entertaining at bars), and kyabakura (night clubs). Recently, it was decided that a high school should be founded to educate the youth in these area where they'd previously had no such guidance: the School of Water Business, "Mizushou", located in Tokyo's Shinjuku ward. The story is from the perspective of a teacher, Tanabe Keisuke, who was transferred there to help teach that school's first generation of students. --------------------------- From the Old Gringo --------------------------- Toritsu Mizushou first appeared as a light novel by Hikaru Morozumi. The manga series doesn't seem to share very much with the novel other than the setting, so in a way you might call it an authorized doujin. Shinobu Inokuma's series before this was Salad Days, and you can find similar character designs there. One character in Salad Days is cloned into an entire baseball team in Mizushou. But unlike Salad Days, Mizushou is much more focused on major characters, and story arcs tend to become longer as the series goes on. All in all, great comedy and good soap opera. Explicit sexual content has been surprisingly rare, more or less equivalent to Kenichi Sonada's Gunsmith Cats or Cannon God Exaxxion. Inokuma has a web site, "The Garden Plot" at
走狗ノ牙, Touhou dj - Hunting Dog's Fangs
Momiji is torn between trying to reconcile her white wolf instincts with the order and protocol of tengu society. But what is a domesticated wolf if not but a dog?
Touhou dj - When You Wish Upon A STAR
Marisa and Hijiri develop a student and mentor relationship, but that is only hiding some of the young witch’s deeper feelings and memories.
透明人間の失踪, Forest of the Ice Needles
Includes six short stories.Story 1, Forest of the Ice Needles: a middle school student just wants a normal life, but his cultish mother is determined to raise him as she sees fit. Throw in a mysterious boy and some soccer, and you have this enigmatic tale.


Kuroe un vagabond et voleur est retrouvé à moitié mort sur le bord de la rivière, on le transporte à l’hôpital de la ville ou travaille Azuma. Il se trouve que Kuroe est en fait l’ami d’enfance d’Azuma, qui avait quitté la ville quelques années auparavant. Malgré le fait qu’ils se connaissent, Azuma a du mail à regarder en face Kuroe. Qu’a-t-il bien pu se passer entre ces deux hommes, pour que Kuroe ait envie de partir le plus rapidement de l’hôpital ?
Unofficial compilation of Undertale short comics by [url=]@okmy_rr[/url]
Come Over -  Ureoji BL - Uke -  Ureoji BL -Uke- -  熟れおじBL -受-
V.2 Uke Contents:[*] Come Over』by Niyama:A continuation of a blossoming romance between middle-aged Koga-san and his much younger lover Rei.(Sequel to Coming! from the 1st volume)[*] Nayamashii Otoko by YOSHIMOTO Senco[*]『抱きしめないで、側にいて』by KUMOI Natsume[*]『ブリュッセルの恋人』by Uzui[*]『ヤンキーくんとマシュマロパパ』by KIJIMA Hyougo[*]『ないしょの準備室』by HARUYAMA Moto[*]『その道の名前は茨』by yoshi[*]『可愛くてしょうがないくせに』by NERIMA zim[*]『茨の道』by AGA Naomi 《novel》
Uri Sangnyuyeonae Halkkayo? -  우리 상류연애 할까요? -  要谈个上流恋爱吗
Beau, élégant et talentueux, Jin Ah est souvent confondu avec l'héritier de l'entreprise dans laquelle il travaille. En réalité, son look poli n'est que cela - une façade qu'il maintient dans l'espoir d'entrer dans la société d'élite. Ce n'est pas facile de garder cette façade, mais Jin Ah est en train de gravir les échelons sociaux. En attendant, un subordonné maladroit surnommé la «bombe à retardement» est affecté à son équipe. Comme Jin Ah, le nouveau membre de l'équipe, Do Hyeon, n'est pas ce qu'il semble être.
ヴァージンな関係, 处女的关系, 暧昧关系, 风情万种, Virgin Relationship
Kimijima is a freelance worker who seeks to become a contributing member of society. After a night of passion with a beautiful woman goes wrong, he finds himself rushing to make an early job interview. However, the interviewer turns out to be the woman with whom he spent the previous night.
ヴァージンな関係R, 脸红心跳的关系, 臉紅心跳的關係
Preview contains spoilers from the prequel Virgin na Kankei manga.
Yakiniku shop Sengoku -  焼肉店センゴク
やさしいセカイのつくりかた -  打造温柔心世界 -  บทเรียนสร้างโลกสวย (Thai) -  A Method To Make A Gentle World -  A Method To Make The World Gentle -  A Way To Make A Gentle Wor
Yû Tomonoga est un génie admis dans une université américaine à l'âge de 13 ans, avant d'intégrer le programme de recherches de cette dernière. Malheureusement, il perd ses fonds de recherches, et décide alors de quitter l'université pour continuer à son compte. Il retourne au Japon dans l'espoir de lever les fonds nécessaires, mais se retrouve rapidement à court d'argent pour vivre. Heureusement, il reçoit l'appel d'un ancien ami qui lui propose d'enseigner dans un lycée pour filles.
汚れてる暇なんかない, 没有空错爱, No Free Time to Get Dirty
Matsumi Sachiko's always searching for love in the wrong places. She's made more blunders in the love department than she can count over the years, and things just never seem to go well for her. She's quick to sleep with others in her search for that special someone only to regret it later. Lately, her luck's taken an even bigger turn for the worst when the guy she'd started to have feelings for asked her if she wanted to become his "sex friend"! Will she ever find "the one"?
"I have to protect him."Yuki is overprotective of his friend Natsu, who remains childlike even as his body grows.Will Natsu, who follows Yuki around like a dog, finally be able to become independent...!?
行け!!南国アイスホッケー部, Go!! Southern Ice Hockey Club, Southern Ice Hockey Club
The misadventures of a high school hockey club featuring a student who has returned to Japan after playing hockey in Canada.


斩·碎 -  斬バラ!
Ichiyo et Akehiko (tous les deux âgés de 15 ans) ont été élevés dans un bon environnement, dans un restaurant prospère au Japon. Ils vivent une vie heureuse et sans danger, mais, comme c'était la norme dans le Japon féodal, ils s'entraînent au dojo local avec la détermination de devenir forts. Les temps sont agités, et la violence déborde dans les rues de XIXe siècle au Japon. Dans ces conditions, les garçons vont devoir apprendre la signification du maniement de l'épée, de prendre la vie de quelqu'un, et de comprendre la vie précaire que l'on a en suivant ce chemin.
ジグ・ザグ丼, ジグ☆ザグ丼, 曲折爱情路
Ichina is a 2nd year high school student. She lives with her mother Youko who she hates with a passion. After getting dumped by her boyfriend she ends up having a one-night stand with her best friend Sekitani who also recently broke up with his long-time girlfriend. Will they become more than friends? And who is the strange guy who's waiting at home with Youko when she gets back? 
調律葬交Zyklus, CODE, Chouritsu Houmuru Zyklus, Code, Zyklus, Code