
Anne Freaks

Coeur battant, mains salies par la terre et souffle court, Yuri, un lycéen au caractère habituellement calme et réservé, tente d’enterrer quelque chose sous un pont isole. Ce quelque chose… c’est sa mère ! Surpris par une jeune fille qui lui signale que l’endroit n’est peut-être pas vraiment bien choisi, Yuri panique et tente de l’attaquer : il sera mis hors d’état de nuire immédiatement. La beauté aux longs cheveux noirs qui lui fait face plonge alors ses yeux sans les siens et lui dit qu’elle va l’aider… Une aide qui se traduira concrètement par un ≪ travail ≫ macabre : les dents du cadavre sont arrachées, ses empreintes digitales taillades et son visage défiguré. Jeté aux ordures, il n’est désormais plus identifiable… Anne, jeune fille au regard franc mais au coeur froid, propose alors à Yuri de devenir son partenaire... pour l’aider à éliminer son père. Une proposition qu’il hésitera d’abord a accepter, mais qu’il ne pourra bientôt plus refuser...


Quand deux inspecteurs sur les traces d'un poseur de bombe se retrouvent nez à nez avec une jeune fille qui voit les morts, que faire ?Si cette jeune fille s'avère de plus être amnésique et capable de résoudre toutes leurs affaires, que faire ?
アルカナ, 神秘事件簿, Arcana Soul, ARCANA神秘事件簿
Murakami and Nakabayashi are just policemen trying to do their jobs. When there is a bomb explosion inside Shuei Primary School, they are asked to do their jobs as policemen and check out the lead. It turns out a doctor from a mental institution called in to warn about the explosion immediately before the bomb went off. And so begins their association with the nameless mental patient whom they would eventually call "Maki."For some reason, Maki can "speak" with spirits. There are spirits all around us, and Maki can communicate with them. These spirits tell Maki about deep dark things... things that go on when no one else is looking...
Une jeune fille, qui ne se rappelle plus de son nom, et qui ne se rappelle de rien sur elle-même arrive a l’hôpital psychiatrique a la suite d'un accident. Elle prétend voir les morts, les entendre, les écouter et leur parler. Deux inspecteurs, Murakami et Nakabayashi sont sur une affaire de bombes et leur piste débouche sur cette jeune fille. Cette fille qui fait ses preuves dans le domaine de la voyance sera alors très utile aux inspecteurs et elle les aidera a résoudre maintes affaires !
君のナイフ, 君之匕首, Kimi no Naifu, Your Knife
"If you can get 5 million yen for killing a person, what would you do?" A beautiful woman asks Shiki, a part-time lecturer, that question on their first meeting. Shiki answers "If it's an evil person...," mistaking this for a joke. But then the woman points out the target...
Linya (Tagalog)
From ADV: When popular high school student Chiko finds a cell phone, the voice on the other end tells her where she can witness a suicide! The phone doesn't stop ringing, and soon Chiko and her classmate Bando will have to race against time to save these lost souls.
おっとり捜査, 酷哥辣妹搜查网
The story is about a Detective named Akiba who crosses paths with a High School Idol named Mizuho. He was assigned to protect her. But he's also a young detective and a bit unorthodox.
死刑囚042, Détenu 042, Death Row Inmate 042, Prisoner 042, Shikeishu 042, Shikeishuu 042
Tajima Ryohei, aka Shikeisyu 042 is sentenced to death for murdering 7 men. However the government is planning on abolishing the death sentence for good. In order to accomplish this, Ryohei must prove that ex-criminals like him can live in society. During the 3 years he lives outside the prison, he will meet more than 1,000 people, clean restrooms, plant flowers and define the value of human life and kindness.
Shyooto Songu Tanka -  Tanka -  ショートソング
"Baren" is the name of a gathering of writers of tanka, a form of Japanese short poetry. Under the impression he's going on a date with his crush, Maiko, 19-year-old Kunitomo Katsuo finds himself pulled into the group.Surprisingly, Katsuo's first tanka is well-received, especially by the popular published tanka poet Iga Kansuke, who also happens to be Maiko's lover. Katsuo and Kansuke couldn't be more different; Kansuke is jaded, cruel, and sophisticated, while Katsuo is a modest, friendly virgin. Kansuke, darkly obsessed with his innocent young rival, takes Katsuo under his wing. Will Katsuo be able to retain both his skill with words and his good-natured heart as he gets pulled deeper into the drama of the tanka community?