
Three students find out they all share the same name--Hiiro Takumi. They quickly become friends and make up nick-names for one another. One boy will go by Takumi and the other will go by Hiiro. The girl is called Mametaku, meaning “Small Takumi.” A strong bond is formed between the three, but what happens when the two boys both start to have stronger feelings for Mametaku? Who will she choose, and will their friendship survive?!
Lidia is a young empress with a pendant that has a counterpart out there somewhere – which is carried by a young thief tamed Keitsu who runs with wolves. The thief and the empress become friends fairly quickly as they figure out the significance of their respective pendants, but they don’t realize that the entire world is about the be changed by them…
4-koma stories of the joy and horror of working a retail job as seen through the eyes of our protagonist, Miss Vanilla and the cast of weirdos who work at Smiley-Mart.

*Chapters every Wednesday and Saturday starting in July, make sure to follow!*
Pétales de Réincarnation -  Pétalos de Reencarnación -  Petals of Reincarnation -  Лепестки реинкарнации -  リィンカーネーションの花弁 -  轮回的花瓣
Striving for talent, Senji Touya tries everything he can so he can find it. Kendou, dancing, swimming, basketball, soccer, chess... anything he tries, he fails to exceed it. One day, his classmate, Haito, came to school for once in a long time. Senji refers to her as someone who "has it" or someone who has talent. Later on, he found out that she isn't just someone who has talent, but someone who "took" the talent of herself in her past life. And, those who "took" the talent from their past lives, are also known as "Returners"…
N'oubliez pas d'oublier
Remember to forget est un scénario de quatre pages d'une histoire avec une tournure humaine dans un décor dystopique de science-fiction. Il est ouvert, ce qui permet un plus grand engagement et un investissement émotionnel de la part du lecteur. Le protagoniste, un jeune extraterrestre sans nom, a passé la nuit à réfléchir sur sa vie. Il fait partie d'une race de guerriers intergalactiques qui traitent leurs atrocités avec désinvolture et au hasard. Cette bizarrerie vient du fait que chaque jour, après avoir terminé les horreurs de leur conquête, ils sont soumis à un processus qui ne fait qu'effacer une partie de leurs souvenirs et de leurs expériences quotidiennes (leurs émotions négatives et la conscience sédimentaire et résiduelle qu'ils ont pu laisser concernant ce qu'ils ont fait). C'est quelque chose qui, à long terme, laisse tout le monde dépourvu d'empathie et de réalisation. Cette mise au point perpétuelle amène le protagoniste à se demander : "Qu'est-ce qui est pire ? Le fait que nous nuisions aux autres ou que nous ignorions que nous avons fait du mal aux autres" ?
仙術師と復讐の琴 -  仙術師と災厄の壷 -  仙術師と魔神の城 -  仙術師はくじけない -  仙術師は恋におぼれる -  仙術師は熱愛される -  恋愛中毒的仙術師 -  Celestial in Love -  Renai Chuudokuteki Senjutsushi wa Kujikenai -  Senjutsushi
In the Ren'ai Chuudokuteki Senjutsushi series: 1) Senjutsushi wa Kujikenai 2) Senjutsushi wa Koi ni Oboreru 3) Senjutsushi wa Netsuaisareru 4) Senjutsushi to Majin no Shiro 5) Senjutsushi to Fukushuu no Koto 6) Senjutsushi to Saiyaku no Tsubo West town is famous for having celestial mages. One day, a west town mage comes to a village to help them figure out the mystery behind the disappearance of all the towns' girls! The mage is an extremely beautiful man who prefer boys over girls!
恋愛ゲーム -  戀愛遊戲 -  Love Like a Game
Love Linguistics -  恋愛言語学 -  戀愛語言學
Because of the two senpais passionate affections towards each other, there isn’t any new recruit for the Archery Club. As a result, the club might be disbanded. However, there might be hope if the two freshmen, who have been studying archery for over ten years, join the club. Will the boys agree to join a club that has only three members and without a consultant? And will their relationship advance to the next stage? Includes a one-shot of a sweet love confession between a sensei and an intern.Included oneshot "Love internship".
Pretend-Lovers Serenade -  伪恋小夜曲 -  恋愛ごっこ小夜曲
Tough luck for Sayo, who was suddenly presented with the sight of her boyfriend cheating on her while at work. Thereafter, her boss forces a close coverage program on her, but the composer, Kobuchi Chizuru, outright rejects her! However, he will agree to do the program if Sayo agrees to be his contract lover?! An eccentric composer who doesn’t know what love is x a really unlucky girl at both her job and love life, a heart-racing lovers’ contract!
Love Equation (KODAKA Kazuma) -  Ren-ai Houteishiki -  Ren'ai Houteishiki -  Ren'aihouteishiki -  Уравнение любви -  恋愛方程式
The one-year-younger cry-baby and childhood friend, Kanade, suddenly took Meguru’s first kiss! Though he's grown taller a bit recently, and the girls made a big fuss and called him “the piano prince”, I will not be tricked. He’s a pervert who steals another guy’s lips! With additional pages, the perfect version is now on sale. ♥
レンアイ・女子ファイル -  Renai Jyoshi File -  Romance Girls File
Une jeune lycéenne s'est faite rejetée par sa senpai et tombe sur deux femmes qui la soutiennent et l'encouragent en se souvenant des débuts de leur romance.
Women's Division
Nous suivons les histoires d'amour de femmes travaillant dans une agence de mariage.L'histoire principale est celle d'Alice et de Saki. Alice est tombée amoureuse de Saki, qui est déjà en couple avec une mangaka, Kimiko. Cette dernière étant très submergée par les échéances, a cessé de communiqué avec Saki. Maintenant que son projet est terminé, Kimiko tente de revenir vers Saki, mais il est peut-être trop tard...
恋愛改造のススメ -  Ren'ai Kaizou no Susume -  Renai Kaisou no Susume
From Eternal Dream: In order to present a report for his class, college student Niwa Kyouichi had to pair up with Sakashita Hitomi, a taciturn guy who lets his hair and beard grow wild, wears unattractive clothing, and is difficult to understand. At first, Kyouichi thought it would be hard dealing with Hitomi, but as they spent more time together, Kyouichi discovered the appealing aspects of Hitomi’s personality. Wanting others to know about this side of Hitomi, Kyouichi started thinking about a plan for Hitomi’s makeover...!?
レンアイマンガ -  Love Manga -  My Beloved Cartoonist and Clumsy Me.
New manga editor Haruka has just been assigned to her favorite manga artist ever, Kuroi Ritsu. Kuroi-sensei's manga, "With You" motivated her to turn her life around. When she finally meets shut-in, mopey, entirely unfashionable Kuroi-sensei, Haruka is in for a bit of a shock. Source: Okazu
恋愛メンタリズム -  Love Mentalism -  Renai (Love) Mentalism
A girl who was suffering of an unrequited love received a "mentalism comic"! the mentalist Daigo is popular and we can see him on TV and magazines. He can read people's heart thank to mentalism and he can also find love to people !!
The Skill of Love -  恋愛のスキル -  背叛爱情
For Fujimiya who is a very competent guy at the company, Yuuki, a grandson of the Chairman of the Board has been his longtime rival. Yuuki bears away all girls around Fujimiya, so Fujimiya has been "unskilled at love" yet. Yuuki asks Fujimiya to take care of his "pride and joy", Shuuta Takahashi during Yuuki's overseas business trip of half-year. Shuuta was a playmate of Yuuki and has no experience of working at office but is very eager to become an accomplished office worker to help Yuuki. Fujimiya is moved by Shuuta's enthusiasm and teaches Shuuta personal computer after his working. Fujimiya can not help loving Shuuta when he drinks too much at the party and is looked after tenderly by Shuuta. But when Yuuki returns he is not all that happy with how the things evolved between Fujimiya and Shuuta...Also includes a short story with the junior high school students Tamura and Mikami from Love Trivia before they become quiz game partners.
Pheromone Kata Chuuihou -  Renai Plus Alpha -  True Love Plus Extra -  フェロモン過多注意報 -  恋愛プラスα -  恋爱加分指数 -  親密接觸心疼心 -  親密接觸長相依
When the last night of the field trip comes around, teachers will throw a party and become less mindful of the students. Whilst students use the great opportunity to run off somewhere, the night becomes a time when everyone can kick off their shoes.Student Search Group Teacher, Natsukawa Hikaru, is in charge of finding delinquents truanting and is most commonly known to be dumb. However, on the hunt of such students, Natsukawa-sensei seems to have caught himself in trouble. Overseeing the innocent Natsukawa-sensei in trouble, illegal leave-taking student, Koga Takaya, comes to the rescue. Having finding an interest in the dumb-witted Natsukawa-sensei, Koga asks for a kiss in return. Not knowing Koga is actually one of the delinquents he is suppose to be looking for, due to his vacuity, Natsukawa-sensei is disturbed to the departed fact that Koga knows exactly who he is. Having become close throughout the story, will Natsukawa realize the fact that he is in love with Koga Takaya, or will his incompetency lead him to loneliness?Contains four oneshots:Side Effect (oneshot) [spoiler]When Itsuki met Washinomiya-sempai, he was a post-graduate, and Itsuki was in the university he attended. Two years later, Washinomiya graduated and got a job, whilst Itsuki was still a student... so they lost contact.Washinomiya found a job at the corporate headquarters of Tanzawa Pharmaceuticals. Wanting to be by his side, Itsuki becomes a guinea pig for Washinomiya-sempai by taking pills. Asking himself a question, Itsuki accidentally slips and awakens to him being shackled to Washinomiya-sempai's bed! In a story of desperation for each other, what will be the outcome, and what exactly are these pills Washinomiya-sempai is giving to Itsuki? Read and unravel the mysteries...[/spoiler]Sore Demo (oneshot) [spoiler]Satoshi Ichirou begins training to be a teacher in two days, so he had to borrow materials from his friend (Itsuki). However, accidentally eating one of the pills Washinomiya created, the pill completely changed Satoshi into a female, only to have a lasting effect of six hours. Looking and thinking like a female, Satoshi is seen to be leaning on a display glass of a female jacket. The store manager sees the suspicious Satoshi and invites him into the store. After trying on an outfit, Satoshi pulls out his wallet to see if he has any money, whilst at the same time a movie ticket floats out onto the ground. Satoshi crouches down to grab the ticket, but at the same time, a man with boxes blocking his view from below topples over Satoshi. Who is this charming man, and what will happen between the two? It is definitely a must read, that will encase your heart to what is known as love at first sight.[/spoiler]Cigar Boy (oneshot) [spoiler]Sugita Nobuyoshi (25 years old) is everyone's acknowledged lolicon, and he admits it himself. Going out and about from the office to fetch a carton of maisen, he is mistaken for an old man and is given a weird brand of cigarettes called 'Cigar Boy' from a mysterious kid who is a boy but happens to look too much like a girl. Not daring to smoke them, Sugita throws the packet away, but curiosity killed the cat and got the better of him. After taking a couple of puffs, a cigarette genie appeared from the smoke and announces that he will grant three wishes! Will Sugita wish for fame, wealth, and power, or will it be something that money can't buy, fame cannot get, and power cannot control: love? The intensity of the story will have every reader on the edge of surprise![/spoiler]Dr. Vamp (oneshot) [spoiler]Tanzawa Chemical Production Second Department new employee Okamoto, seems to be a bit lethargic at the moment. He and fellow colleagues discuss what might be wrong. Being scared of what might be the problem that they discussed, Okamoto takes a trip to the Hospital and for a curious reason too. When he is called to the doctors room, he is asked to take a blood test. Unsure of what this means, Okamoto jumps to conclusions, thinking he is going to die. However, he is gravely mistaken and his curiosity will soon establish into an entire different feeling that will want to give more blood.[/spoiler]
恋痴な日本 -  恋痴日本
Mogami Himoto shouldn't have any problems. He's rich. He's smart. He's athletic. He's incredibly attractive. He's an "ikemen." Meeting Yaenami Yukka plunges his life into chaos. First, she mistakenly accuses him of molesting her and broadcasts the news to the whole school. Then she ropes him into pretending to be his fiancee... which might not be so bad if not for the self-defense mechanism which results in her punching any ikemen who comes close to her. And then there's the curse...

Renren Zakari

Le matin de son entrée au lycée, Sumika est arrivée en retard. A cause de cela elle ne pourra pas repérer les beaux garçons?! C'est alors qu'elle fera la connaissance de deux garçons. Elle sera alors obligé de faire des travaux supplémentaires avec ces deux-là. et c'est ainsi que les ennuies commenceront !!
命中注定恋上你, 命运之恋想, 恋想 の アリア
Aria’s parents have been gone since she was very young. Thus, she’s had to grow up in a “foster home” of sorts, and was raised by nuns. On her 16th birthday, Aria recieves a present in the mail– a ring from her “Daddy-long-legs” (a man who protects someone from afar while they’re growing up)! All of a sudden Aria’s life is thrown into chaos. Men try to run her over with cars, shoot her, and kidnap her. Relief comes in the form of Canon, who claims he’s her bodyguard. But can he keep Aria safe forever?
Rental Android no Hanashi -  レンタルアンドロイドの話。
A man finds housework consuming his spare time, but cannot afford to buy an android, so he goes to an Android Rental Agency to rent one to handle his chores for him. But all is not as it seems.
レンタルマギカ from SOLOMON, レンタルマギカfrom SOLOMON, Rentaru Magika from Solomon
Due to his father's disappearance, Itsuki Iba has to take over the family business: a magician dispatch service. Their family basically employs countless magicians and other supernatural beings in order to send them out to help those who need magical assistance. As a leader, Itsuki now has to be tough, commanding, and reliable, but there's one problem: he's a coward. Also, in order to run a successful business, he has to connect with his employees, which is more difficult than it seems, due to his personality. But not only does he have to deal with his own employees, he also has to deal with those who threaten the family business.
Hasujusho no-san kaku -  Lens Sou no Sankaku -  Liebe im Fokus -  Love in Focus -  莲住莊三角公寓 -  蓮住荘のさんかく
Après avoir quitté sa ville natale pour rejoindre une école qui propose un cursus de photographie, Mako Mochizuki emménage à la pension Hasuzumi. Elle y retrouve également son ami d'enfance, Kei. Un jour, Mako prend par inadvertance une photo d'un garçon avec son animal de compagnie, mais il se fâche et Mako s'enfuit alors en direction de son dortoir. Cependant, elle découvre que le fameux garçon est Asako Amemura, et qu'il vit également à Hasuzumi !
リプライ -  Ripurai
Seki is head mechanic at a car company in which Takami is the top salesman. After a chance encounter at work that involves Seki taking care of a spot of bother for one of Takami's clients, the two begin meeting regularly after work to dine together. Takami soon admits that he thinks of Seki as a good friend. Seki, however, knows that his own emotions are somewhat more complicated...
リリハロ, ReReハロ


リスタート -  名模之恋 -  重新愛上你
Unpopular model Tadashi and the junior - yet much more popular - model Aki... Even though there's undoubtedly a distance between them but after the day the drunk Aki took Tadashi, Tadashi's heart won't stop trembling...Extra chapter is about their first meeting with each other.
リターン, 情归何处
Morisawa Kai and Sato Tatsuki are best friends. However, unlike Kai, Tatsuki is completely unreliable, lazy, and ill-tempered. One day Tatsuki takes Kai out driving in his new motocycle only to get into a bad accident that leaves Kai dead. However, Kai's spirit ends up in a body of a girl named Fujii Marika. After seeing how cold and unaffected Tatsuki as well as everyone else was after his death, Kai transfers to his previous school in which he starts noticing flaws to Tatsuki's cool mask...
Return-to-Society Punch
From In the December 1998 issue of manga magazine Young You, Naoko returned from her yearlong break from work with a new series: Princess Takeuchi Naoko's Return-to-Society Punch!!. This "private essay comic" is a silly narrative in manga form about the events in her life." After her post-fame with Sailormoon...this is Naoko's return.
リターナーズ 〜赫の奇還者〜 -  Returners - Kigensha
Thirteen years ago a disaster occurred. Out of nowhere, a meteorite fell from the sky, and that's when everything started. First of all, there is said to be numerous people who vanished when the meteorite fell. Afterwards, according to certain reports, this was known as "spirited away". At the same time, strange things happened. The sky filled with clouds, and a red mist shrouded the streets. And those terrible monsters had started to appear. A monster, in other words, a slave beast, one who has sold his soul to the evil king. However, we must not despair, they have returned from the depths of the red hell, and in order to defeat the impending disaster they carry with them a gift in their hands. "They have returned, the ones who posses the flash have returned to tear apart the fear."
A bitter, washed up manga artist receives a mysterious gift from a fan... A one-shot by Takahashi Rumiko to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Japanese semimonthly seinen anthology, Big Comic.