
ブラック・ジョーク, 黑色幽默, 블랙조크
Lu Jianye's son recently got hit by a car. The hospital fees are very, very costly and Lu Jianye had spent all his money. He goes back to the company he used to work for and demands his shares to be returned. He had thought his problems were over. He had thought everything would be okay. It wasn't that simple. Though life has a lot more in store for him!In short, it's a story about money.

Black x Black

D’un côté, l’indépendant Kuroi, qui croque les femmes les unes après les autres après ses heures de bureau. De l’autre, le taciturne Kurokawa, une pure beauté à lunettes. Tous les deux ont une personnalité aussi noire que leurs vêtements, et sont réputés au sein de la compagnie pour s’entendre comme chien et chat. Mais la nuit où Kuroi apprend le secret de Kurokawa, qui est en fait gay, il est envahi par un impulsif désir de l’étreindre… !? Hétéro Vs Tachi, une Love Battle dans laquelle la fierté masculine est mise en jeu.


Black 999 -  Black Nine -  BlackNine
"Les balles ne marchent pas contre les nobles" Le Japon, y compris ses 23 districts, était dans une énorme tournée. Chaque district était dirigé par des nobles. L'histoire des quatre rois de la guerre.
On one rainy day, high school girl Komae Shouko learns that her classmate, Katagiri Sui, has a special ability.
炎のニンジャマン -  Blazing Ninjaman
炎の転校生, 炎転, Blazing Transfer Student, BTS, HonoTen
Noboru Takizawa is your normal student. However upon being transferred to a new school the first thing that happens is that he steps on a land mine! From that point on, he fights against the hall monitor and gets past him. In the turmoil of it all, he meets the lovely Yukari and befriends her. Later on, he meets Ibuki, who later becomes his rival to win Yukari's heart.It turns out that the school Takizawa has transferred to is trying to tyrannize the students of the class he's entered. It is now his job to try and help them out and keep their class! He does this by trying his best in showing the class has potential in a sports festival at the school. Meanwhile in the background, Takizawa's father is setting the teacher's straight and making them stop their evil ways.The basic plot is that Takizawa transfers to schools where the teachers have messed up methods to deal with students, or schools where there are obscure and crazy rules. His father accompanies him and pretends to be one of the teachers to try and sneak up on the evil or corrupt teachers and end their tyranny.
Pairing: Aizen x Gin
Kisaragi Saya is a happy, small-town schoolgirl who spends peaceful days with her friends. She mostly hangs out with her friend Yuka, the twins Nono and Nene, and the class rep, who seems to have a crush on her. Saya is also intrigued with a mysterious loner named Tokizane, who always comes to school late. She lives at home with her widowed father, and often eats at the neighboring cafe 'Guimauve,' which is run by the excellent chef and family friend Fumito. Her life may seem very tranquil and happy from the outside, but Saya also secretly wields a mystical sword to defend the town from the 'Old Ones,' monsters who eat people. Lately, Saya is beginning to think that there's a lot more to the situation with the Old Ones than she knows...

Blood Lad

Staz, un vampire, dirige l'un des treize districts de l'enfer. Un jour, une humaine atterrit sur son territoire, ce qui réveille son instinct de suceur de sang, bien qu'il s'en soit toujours abstenu ! Va-t-il la dévorer ? La ramener dans le monde des humains ? C'est le début de l'histoire ...
ブラッド・プラス アダージョ, A血战, Blood+ Adagio, BLOOD+A
Bloody Bride: Vampire Marriage Hunting -  ブラッディ・ブライド -吸血鬼の婚活-
The story is about two vampires who wander in search of the "fated bride."
ブラッディ・メイデン~十三鬼の島~ -  Bloody Maiden -  Bloody Maiden 十三鬼之岛 -  Bloody Maiden - Juusanki No Shima
Bloody Maiden Juusanki no Shima est un manga à la fois comique et horrifiant qui retrace le mythe du vendredi 13 vécu par un groupe de jeunes filles (12 lycéennes et 1 tutrice). Ces jeunes filles décident de passer les vacances sur une île pour s'entraîner assidûment au Naginata (un sport de combat comme le Kendo). Cependant, elles vont devoir faire face à un ennemi qui les traquera une par une, l'une d'elles sera la première victime...
ブラッディ・マンデイ, 血色星期一, Bloody Monday Ver. 0, Bloody Monday Ver.0
A virus deal clinched in Russia on the Christmas eve. Purpose: unknown. Two clues: a mysterious lady "Maya", one of the gangsters, and "Bloody Monday", the keyword for the project.Then an incident happened in far-distant city of Tokyo. Fujimaru Takagi, a second grade student at Mishiro Gakuin high school, is commissioned to find out the truth by Public Security Investigation Bureau for his great ability as a super hacker. Now, Maya, approaching to Fujimaru, as his high school teacher... 
17 août 2007
En apparence, Fujimaru Takagi est un élève comme les autres mais, en réalité, c’est un hacker de génie, qui pirate le matériel informatique de personnes malhonnêtes afin de les confondre. Connu sous le pseudonyme de Falcon (le « taka » de son nom de famille signifiant « faucon », en japonais), Fujimaru travaille en étroite collaboration avec la THIRD-i, une agence gouvernementale secrète dont son père est sous-directeur et qui œuvre dans l’ombre pour préserver la sécurité publique. Les capacités hors du commun de Fujimaru sont mises à contribution le jour où l’agence découvre, sur le cadavre d’un ex- agent du KGB, une carte mémoire contenant de troublantes informations. Il semblerait, en effet, qu’un virus meurtrier élaboré en Russie sera bientôt utilisé par des terroristes. La puce contient une vidéo montrant de quelle façon horrible meurent les personnes contaminées. Il s’agit d’une crise sans précédent : la survie de populations entières est en jeu !
ブラッディ・マンデイ ラストシーズン, Bloody Monday 3, Bloody Monday: Last Season
It has been a year since Fujimaru Takagi disappeared and now he has appeared once again, as a Terrorist.
Pandora Box
A virus deal clinched in Russia on the Christmas eve. Purpose: unknown. Two clues: a mysterious lady "Maya", one of the gangsters, and "Bloody Monday", the keyword for the project.Then an incident happened in far-distant city of Tokyo. Fujimaru Takagi, a second grade student at Mishiro Gakuin high school, is commissioned to find out the truth by Public Security Investigation Bureau for his great ability as a super hacker. Now, Maya, approaching to Fujimaru, as his high school teacher... 
ブル-, Blau - Wie Himmel, Meer und Liebe
After three years Mimi comes back to the island where she had spent her childhood. She is greeted by her childhood friends Yousuke, Sumire and Hikari. Heartbroken in Tokyo, she has now came back to the beautiful island surrounded by the deep blue sea.But among this four friends, friendship soon turns to love…!? A blue world spreads before your eyes, an unforgettable story begins.
Blue and Orange -  青とオレンジ
伊予畑純平にとって人生初となるチャットのオフ会に、謎の言い訳とともに遅れてきた「コロえもん」さん(♀)は、その後の会でも注目の的! そんなコロえもんさんに始まりコロえもんさんで終わったオフ会解散後、なぜか彼女が純平を追いかけてきて…!? チャットから始まる青春カチャカチャきゅんストーリー!!
Seiketsu no Haguruma
Fils du roi de la nation au sang bleu, Kodo a inventé une technologie nomme Haguruma. Mais son père l’utilise dans la guerre contre Hizoku, la nation au sang rouge, menaçant de l’anéantir. Ignorant que son invention tue des gens tous les jours, Kodo se lie d’amitié avec Suzuna, une sang rouge. Mais une offensive de son père se termine par la mort du frère de Suzuna. Kodo découvre l’horrible vérité et décide de détruire le Haguruma, devenant un traitre à sa patrie et à sa famille...
Yui is simply a ghost wandering around the beach. She does not know who she is or what happened on "that day." That is, until she meets up with her big sister Yuria who helps fill in the missing pieces...
1) Liar! Liar! Katana takes home a boy who has no recollection of his past or his name. However, Katana knows more than he's willing to share. 2) Impossible! What do these customers have up their sleeve? It just might be "impossible" to believe. 3) Kushami Graduated student still sees his sensei, but will they have continued relations? 4) Sweet Sickness Medicine, peaches, and special treatment 5) Don't Open Your Eyes 6) Hot Love 7) DOGS
Soul Instead Of Body
Un camarade de classe aux mœurs assez étranges prend la virginité de son meilleur ami par jeu sans savoir que cela se retournera délicieusement contre lui.
ボーグル -  超美形怪盜
Asuka swore she'd leave the night life behind when her brother's job moved them to a new city...after all, it's hard to be a cat-burglar when you live with a detective! Despite her determination to move on, her talent for thievery hasn't gone unnoticed, and it seems her secret identity is not so secret! Approached and asked to join the group of chivalrous vigilante thieves taking the underworld by storm, Asuka has no choice but to accept...but can she keep her brother off her case?


Rin avait abandonné la calligraphie à la mort de sa mère. Aors qu'elle a décidé d'entrer dans le club de calligraphie de son lycée, elle se rend compte que ce n'est qu'un fan club dédié à un autre élève, Dôgen, un senpai qui malgré sa jeunesse est déjà maître en calligraphie et donne des cours de calligraphie. Le club étant menacé de fermeture, devant la passion de Rin, Dôgen décide de participer au club, si Rin en devient le capitaine.
Boku Datte Kimi ga Inakerya Tabun -  I Need You Too, Maybe. -  僕だって君がいなけりゃたぶん。
When Shion transferred schools, he immediately became the new target of bullying. Leo saw how Shion was bullied and stripped naked, and upon seeing Shion's private parts and feeling desire grow inside him, he decided to help the new boy. Ever since then, the two of them have always been together. Naturally they entered the same university and decided to live together. Leo had always been possessive and dominant, and his desire for Shion's soft private parts never lessened. Shion never minded, but upon confronting Leo about their romantic relationship, it comes to light that Leo never thought of it as such...! Is it only Shion's private parts that turns Leo on!? This comic is a world in true Tsutako Tsurusawa style, with a serious arrogant guy together with a shy shut-in, dealing with one naughty fetish.
Quand Hana était petite, elle allait souvent se recueillir sur la tombe de sa mère et fit la rencontre de son premier amour, Yuzuru. Suite à la perte de sa mère à son tour, Hana lui promet de toujours rester auprès de lui, mais suite à son déménagement précipité, elle le perdit de vue. Nous retrouvons Hana, des années plus tard lorsqu'elle arrive au lycée. Elle est témoin d'une violente bagarre et pense reconnaître l'un des garçons impliqué...