
Kuudere Sugiru Mirai no Yome no Mendouna 7-kakan -  クーデレすぎる未来の嫁の面倒な7日間 -  冷酷而又可爱到不行的未来的新娘的麻烦的七天
Picking up what appeared to be a runaway girl, next to the cigarette vending machine at a convenience store, Hira Katsuki, the protagonist, reluctantly takes her home to protect her, thinking it would be troublesome to leave her with a handmade cardboard tag around her neck that says "Please pick me up" and that she would be involved in a crime if left unattended. When he asks her why she ran away from home, she continues to joke around about it. The two gradually come to know each other through their conflicting conversations, and promise to live together for one week only. Living together while being unaccustomed to each other, the two of them…
Shirayuki est une jeune fille du peuple qui est née avec une particularité ses cheveux sont rouge. Beaucoup pensent que la jeune fille porte malheur et ne veulent pas s’approcher d’elle. Elle attire ainsi l’attention du prince Raji de Tabarun, qui tombe amoureux d’elle au premier regard et qui aimerais bien l’avoir comme concubine. Ayant nulle part où aller, Shirayuki décide de se couper les cheveux et s'échappe vers un pays voisin. Tout en traversant par la forêt, elle tombe sur un groupe de 3 personnes, dont un jeune homme de son âge, Zen, qui décide de l’aider à s’enfuir et lui propose de venir avec lui. Après lui avoir courageusement guérit ses plaies, celui-ci ce fait empoisonnée par une pomme qui lui était destiné. Pendant ce temps, Prince Raji envoie ses sbires à sa recherche. Elle découvre une fois arrivée à destination que Zen est non seulement un noble mais surtout le second roi de ce royaume. C’est ainsi que Zen amène la jeune fille au château, cette situation va lui permettre de faire ces preuves entant qu’apprentie pharmacienne. Malheureusement cela va entraîner de nombreuses rumeurs et les deux jeunes vont se retrouver dans des situations délicates. Qu'adviendra-t-il de-Shirayuki? Comment va évoluer cette relation ? Une histoire rafraîchissante entre une héroïne optimiste et un prince qui reste constamment sur ses gardes.
あの街に住んでる彼らのこと, About Them, Living in That Town
Couple : Iwaizumi x Oikawa
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Spin-off Koro-sensei Q! -  Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Spin-off Koro-sensei Quest! -  Koro-sense Quest! -  Koro-sensei Q! -  Koro-sensei Quest! -  - S
僕らをつないで。 -  Bind Us -  Bokura o Tsunaide -  Bokura wo Tsunaide
Toshiya has died and now has permission to go back to Earth to check on things. He finds that his best friends are the same as they always were- in love, but afraid to get together because it might break up the friendship that the two of them and Toshiya had. Toshiya is depressed when he sees this, and hopes that his friends will move on and live in happiness.
Tsumetai Sekai
A vampire, a werewolf, and a Frankenstein monster live in a castle apart from humans.
A collection of short, bittersweet love stories, including several incestuous ones.
Kizuki Akira and Satou Nanki's Ebisu-san and Hotei-san is about two office workers. In chapter 1, Hotei is not pleased when Ebisu is transferred to her branch.
エビスさんとホテイさん, Ebisu and Hotei, Ebisu-san and Hotei-san
'Ebisu-san and Hotei-san' is about two female office workers. Initially Hotei is not pleased when Ebisu is transferred to her branch, but gradually those feelings begin to change.

Element Line

Dans un monde à la merci des Rizoms des créatures maléfiques apparues mystérieusement un siècle plus tôt . Les humains en sont réduits à vivre sans contacts avec l’extérieur, retranchés dans des cités protégées par d’immenses remparts, les Boucliers. La sécurité est garantie par la Guilde des Rizoms et ses puissants guerriers, chargés de la défense des Boucliers et de la protection des caravanes de marchandises entre les villes. Laolyth est un Héros et le récit de ses exploits légendaires représentent la seule lueur d’espoir pour les humains en ces heures sombres, hélas celui-ci à disparu sans laisser de trace. Kam, un jeune adolescent, serait le fils unique de Laolyth, et successeur potentiel de ce héros disparu...
エレベーターを降りてまっすぐ, 爱情升降梯
Story 1) Having grown up together in the same apartment building, Hasumi and Souichirou are like brother and sister. But one day, Souichirou suddenly confesses to Hatsumi! They start going out, but their story is filled with the confusion of first love.Story 2) Rainy Day Children: Rumi is a very bored 3rd grade girl. What can one do when all it does is rain, rain, rain? The answer, of course, is to go outside, enjoy the rain–and just maybe, find an interesting new friend.Story 3) Love Machine: Natsuki has a crush on a boy a year younger than she is. She thinks she can find the courage to confess, if only he would see her as a girl instead of just his senpai.Story 4) The Sun Adventurers: Legend has it that beyond the two mountains in the west where the dark forests ended, there was a place that could make wishes come true… People called it: Sunlight. Tulip, a young female of the Persian tribe, has a very important wish…Story 5) Fly into the Blue Sky: A young girl learns to fly–but not too high.Story 6) Awful Boy: Miwa knew Takumi already had a girlfriend. He feels friendship for Miwa, while she feels the pain of unrequited love. But sometimes, the pain is worth it.
ガスマスクガール, GMG
The "Bagmen Incidents", a series of murders. The perpetrator is the rumored girl clad in a sailor uniform whose face is concealed by a Gas Mask dubbed "Mask-san". One day, by a coincidence, that same Mask-san was seen by the young boy Watta. Furthermore, that face belongs to, of all people, his classmate...!? With the unprecedented heroine, Gas Mask Girl unfolds with suspense in battle and on campus. The curtain rises magnificently!!
Vahlia no Hanamuko
Alza habite seul dans la toundra jusqu'au jour où il trouve une fille évanouie dans la neige.
Welcome To Goraihou Academy!
Goraihou Academy — A world leading bourgeois school where mysterious creatures gather. In order to protect the academy, the members of the student council with attractive appearances and fickle personalities stand up to...?! We meet Sakuragawa Shinya, Goraihouji Tadato, and Mashiba Naoki. Handsome and talented Shinya is more or less the main character. Together with Tadato, the president of the student council whose father also happens to be chairman of the board of directors for the school, and Naoki, who is always hitting on an uninterested Shinya, Shinya discovers the haunted secrets of Goraihou Gakuen. Things begin to change when a dark creature is discovered hiding within the school. The trio go to investigate and find Gen-san. And from there on they solve mysteries and hauntings and other paranormal events within the school.
The end of the civil war signaled the start of the industrial revolution in the United States and immigrants from all over the world traveled to find their American dream. But what awaited the majority of them was poverty, discrimination, and hopelessness. Manhattan, New York was full of immigrants flooding through the ports and the 6th district, Five Points, was considered at the time, the world’s worst slum. The mobsters corrupted the entire area, including the police by paying them off; Five Points was the mob’s territory and they were the law.But even Five Points, where there seemed to be nothing but robbery, prostitution, and murder, showed some signs of hope. Luke Burns was an honest and righteous teenager who realized that the mob was the cause of their harsh lifestyle and that joining the mobsters would not bring him the American dream. But his older brother, Brad Burns, had become an assassin for the biggest mob group of Five Points, the Grave Diggers, a secret he kept from Luke for his own protection. Brad was known as the Grim Reaper and his reputation preceded him as a ruthless and skilled killer. [vyc]
Haikyuu!! dj – About Them, Living in That Town, ハイキュー!! dj – あの街に住んでる彼らのこと
Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru
Haikyuu!! dj - The Story of Those Who Live in This Town -  Haikyuu!! dj – Kono Machi ni Sunderu Karera no Koto
Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa TooruSequel to Haikyuu!! - Ano Machi ni Sunderu Karera no Koto
Haikyuu!! dj - Dogfight from a Rear Window -  Haikyuu!! dj - Uramado Dogfight
Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru

Haikyuu!! DJ

Haikyu!! DJ; The First Battle Deployment; 第一種戦闘配置; The Second Battle Deployment; Haikyuu DJ
A venir ...
はかなくも -  Fleeting
Miogi tries to take his life after hearing his lover is engaged.
ハーフムーン・エモーション; Yatteranneeze! Gaiden
Side Story de Yatteraneeze! : Nous retrouvons Chisato et Kanae dans leur entreprise de publicité.
針とオレンジ -  Needles and Oranges
Collection of short stories: - Needles and Oranges: The protagonist believes that she and her female lover understand each other despite a language barrier, but realizes she was wrong when her lover disappears one day. - A Fun Summer Vacation: A very short story about two friends who go on vacation together and make an unexpected discovery.
Hide Out
It is a very dark night. Under a heavy rain, a determined man sets out to track his terrified victim. The decision of Kirishima Seiichi is clear: Tonight, he will kill his wife.A year ago, he was a happy man - a successful writer, a contented husband, and a father of a young boy... at that time, everything seemed going well for him. But such happiness had to end. The day his editor put an end to their collaboration, darkness seeped into his life faster than a bullet. A terrifying descent into hell commences, page by page of what it seems to be his last novel...

Hikari no Ko

Dj Haikyuu omégaverse sur Iwaoi. Il sera en quatre parties. Du même artiste que Given : Gusari !
Non-Otaku She is Curious About the Eroge I Have Somehow... Мне любопытно -  почему у моей девушки такая страсть к эроге... 非オタの彼女が俺の持ってるエロゲに興味津々なんだが…… eBookJapon
Ai Seyo Bakemono
神サマ学園@あるめりあ -  神之学院 -  神之学院@ARMERIA -  Kamisama Gakuen @ Armeria
カンペキな彼女, The Perfect Girlfriend
Suwa is perfect. She has perfect grades, perfect looks and is the idol of everyone at her school. However this "perfection" has created an odd distance between her and her fellow classmates. That is except for Takeda, the boy who sits in front of her in class. It seems Takeda is the only person that is able to speak to Suwa normally and much to her chagrin he is starting to think she is not all that perfect.

Kansen Rettou

感染列島 -  Infected Island
Janvier 2011. Hôpital municipal d'Izumi, à Tokyo. Lorsque Hideyoshi Manabe se rend avec son épouse aux urgences, il présente les symptômes d'un léger état grippal. Mais très vite, son état va empirer, puis le nombre de cas similaires va exploser avant que n'apparaissent les premiers décès. Découvrez, à travers les histoires des docteurs Tsuyoshi Matsuoka et Eiko Kobayashi, du personnel médical et de victimes, les effets de l'apparition d'un nouveau type de virus sur la société et la population dans un manga d'anticipation signé par l'auteur de Green Blood et le dessinateur de Rainbow, Masasumi Kakizaki !