
Toriko to Narite -  Torikotonarite -  トリコトナリて -  虜となりて
In the Land of Twelve Gods, everyone has a social class corresponding to an animal, and everyone is able to transform into their class animal at will. The young rabbit girl Rikka is married to the wolf-man Tooma, and the two are madly in love. He is a member of the wolfguards who uphold the law in the Land. This is the story of this happy couple and their adventures.Original doujinshi written and drawn by Kirioka Sana under the pen name "Sana" via the doujinshi circle Memechi Diamond. (The "circle" seems to have Kirioka as its sole member.)
Shouwa Wotome Otogibanashi -  Showa Maiden Fairytale -  Showa Otome Otogibanashi -  昭和オトメ御伽話
Late 1920's, at the dawn of the Shōwa Era. Once upon a time in the city of Kobe, there was a girl and a boy. Both lived under abusive households, and the two swore an oath to be together until death. However, they are quickly separated, seemingly forever. That is, until a chance encounter reunites them three years later in 1931...
Taishau Wotome Otogibanashi -  Taisho Maiden Fairytale -  Taisho Otome Otogibanashi -  Taishou Wotome Otogibanashi -  Сказка о девушке эпохи Тайсё -  タイシャウヲトメおとぎばなし -  大正処女御伽話 -  大正処女御伽話 ( タイシャウヲトメおとぎばなし) -  大正处女御伽话 -  타이 샤 오토메 동화/다이쇼시대 소녀 전래동화
In this story set in the early 1920s, Tamahiko is the son of a wealthy family, but his life is changed forever when an accident cripples his right arm. No longer considered by his father as an heir, he is shuffled off into the country, to live out of sight. The teenage Tamahiko shuts himself in his new home, bitterly thinking of it as the place where he will die. One day, he learns that his father has 'bought' him a bride to take care of him, when the young teen girl named Yuzuki arrives at his door. She comes into his life like an innocent ray of sunshine, and Tamahiko's view of the world and his life starts changing bit-by-bit...Russian / Русский:SpoilerНа дворе 1920й год (эпоха Тайсё). Тамахико — один из наследников богатой семьи. Однако, получив увечье, из-за которого парализовало правую руку Тамахико, отец семейства счел, что такой сын в качестве наследника ему не нужен и отправляет его в одно из своих имений на задворках захолустного села, как говорится, из сердца вон и с глаз долой. Тамахико замыкается в себе, перестает общаться с внешним миром и впадает в глубокую депрессию, а ведь ему лишь 17! Неизвестно, чем бы кончилась вся эта история, если бы отец, в один прекрасный день, не купил Тамахико женушку Юдзуки, которая незатейливо оказалась на пороге жилища Тамахико и постучалась в его двери. Вся прелесть в том, что Юдзуки милый и невинный лучик солнечного света в угрюмой непогожей жизни нашего героя. Жизни, которая начинает преображаться с каждым новым днем.Portuguese/Português:SpoilerNesta história passada no início dos anos 1920, Tamahiko é o filho de uma família rica, mas a vida dele muda para sempre quando um acidente machuca o seu braço direito. Não sendo mais considerado o herdeiro pelo seu pai, ele é enxotado para fora do país para se perder de vista. O adolescente Tamahiko se tranca na sua casa nova, amargamente pensando que será o lugar onde morrerá. Um dia, ele fica sabendo, que o seu pai "comprou" uma noiva para tomar conta dele, quando uma garota chamada Yuzuki aparece na sua porta. Ela entra na sua vida como um inocente raio de sol, e a perspectiva do mundo de Tamahiko vai mudando pouco a pouco.