

Cheonchu -  Chonchu -  Chunchu The Genocide Fiend
Maudit dès sa naissance, Chonchu est le détenteur de la pierre du démon qui rend invincible son hôte. Abandonné par son père et élevé par un peuple qui n'est pas le sien, le jeune homme, dont le nom est devenu synonyme de massacres sanglants, ne provoque que peur et haine là où il passe. Il a pourtant décidé de comprendre pourquoi un tel destin lui a été réservé... Mais son frère jumeau ne l'entend pas de cette oreille !
천추, Cheonchu, Chonchu, Chunchu The Genocide Fiend
In a time of chaos and war, a godforsaken era, twin sons are born to an emperor. But legend states that the son of the emperor shall be born a demon! But twins? Who is the demon, and who shall reign as emperor?Chunchu is the story of a young man saved from death by his mother, banished by his people, hunted by his brother, and tortured by the demons within. Living and fighting with a low-born warrior tribe who can never trust him, Chunchu lives a life of blood and violence, every day a struggle to survive. But something mysterious lurks within his cold exterior, something that could be awakened by the touch of a woman.* Manhwa of the Year in Korea-2003.