
Train Heartnet, also known as "Black Cat," was an infamous assassin for a secret organization called Chronos...until he abandoned that cold-blooded existence to live on his own terms as an easygoing bounty hunter. But is Train's past as far behind him as he thinks? 
Bloody Bride: Vampire Marriage Hunting -  ブラッディ・ブライド -吸血鬼の婚活-
The story is about two vampires who wander in search of the "fated bride."
Boku no Hero Academia [doujinshi]Togata Mirio x Amajiki Tamaki
僕は恥っこが好き, 羞答答的纸飞机, Bokuhaji
People are becoming possessed by a strange orb, but why? What fate does this mysterious object have in store for the world?
The Book Eating Magician -  책 먹는 마법사 -  Book Eater -  الساحر آكل الكتب -  Book Eater (Mackenro)
Un étudiant de l'académie des magiciens avec peu de talent, mais toutes les connaissances que l'on peut attendre d'un érudit. Il acquiert bientôt le pouvoir d'obtenir des compétences directement des livres. Il est le mangeur de livres.
The series, drawn in Chibi style, stars Boruto and his team-mates as the main protagonists and is being released in Saikyō Jump since May 2017.
The second entry in the 2016 Golden Future Cup
ボーイズ・オン・ザ・ラン, 敏行快跑
Keel the hero of our story is looking desperately for Silva the so called "best monster fighter" to retrieve something precious that he took away from him, on his search he joins a beginner monster fighter girl, along with her flying pig monster and goes for an adventure to find Silva who for some reason has been missing for 3 years?!
Two twin brothers Ry and Key were trained in martial arts since childhood by their Martial Arts father, "Rokuu Riley" as they are now young adults a tournament begins in their city and they feel they are called to accomplish something much greater in life. And in their own ways they will not stop until they have succeeded no matter what challenges, threats or obstacles come into their lives.
砲神エグザクソン, CannonGod Exaxxion, Houjin Exaxxion
It ain't easy being the savior of Mankind when you're still in high school, but Hoichi Kano will have to make due. Luckily, he has a super-cool integrated gunsuit at his disposal, just the ticket to take on the monstrous mechanical horrors of a pesky group of all-powerful alien invaders. But eventually, fire must be fought with fire, and luckily Earth may have the biggest beat-stick in the playground, the massive, anti-matter-powered robot, Exaxxion. And of course, all it needs is someone crazy enough to pilot it. Oh, Hoichi...

Chaosic Rune

Il y a un an, l'avion qui transportait Ryôga et sa famille se crasha, seul parmi les décombres et les cadavres, ce que vit le jeune homme le terrifia, une créature immense était en train de dévorer ses parents. Ce monstre n'est pas n'importe qui : il est issu d'une carte à laquelle notre héros va se retrouver lié.
Mutsumi Akira and Nana Negaro are Dragon Society Cardbearers investigating a string of murders in a neighborhood and during the battle they meet Guran Douma a.k.a the Mad Hand's White Dragon, Pylon, in his search for the "Rainbow Death Stanza" group.
チャラ男くんと腹黒くんの秘密; 轻浮男和腹黑君之间的秘密; The Secret Between a Playboy & a Sadist; The Secret Between Playboy-kun & Sadist-kun
Keito Niina est toujours entouré de filles à cause de son apparence voyanteet de son comportement de playboy, mais il est en fait un fan de shôjo au cœur pur qui n'a jamais fait l'amour !Et Ryou Takizawa, est studieux et courtois devant les filles,mais qui est en fait un mec mesquin qui ne se soucie de personne d'autre que lui-même.Ces deux contraires sont demi-frères et donc forcés de vivre sous le même toit.Mais un jour, à l'improviste, Ryou embrasse Keito en lui disant "Choisis-moi, je t'aimerai pour qui tu es."-18
Cheat Pharmicist’s Slow Life ~Making a Drug Store in Another World~ -  チート薬師のスローライフ ~異世界に作ろうド
Un jour, un esclave d'entreprise, Reiji, a soudainement été transporté dans un autre monde. Il fait de son mieux pour faire de meilleures potions qui lui ont rapporté beaucoup d'argent et avec cet argent, a crée une pharmacie ! Un elfe qui a de la difficulté à viser avec son arc ? Donnez-lui des gouttes pour les yeux ! Un Dragon qui souffle du feu involontairement ? Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous avons des médicaments contre la toux pour vous ! La nouvelle vie amusante et lente de Reiji comme pharmacien dans une pharmacie du village commence maintenant !
シェフと泥棒 -  Passionate Fantasy
Kitty has an ulterior motive for applying to work as a live-in chef for Darius Speed, a world-famous movie director... Darius is a thief! He is planning to make a film based on a script he stole from Caro, an elderly woman who helped Kitty in her time of need. But Caro has no evidence, which is why Kitty decides to infiltrate Darius's home to get the script back. But looking into Darius's beautiful eyes, Kitty finds it hard to believe this man is capable of such a thing....
Tsukishima Sora, 16 ans, lycéen, mène une double vie. Suite à une rencontre fortuite, il se retrouve être le servant de Chro -281961BA- no Shidano, une femme avec belle allure, qui peut voyager entre différents mondes. Que va-t-il advenir de ces deux compères ?,
Related Series Hayate no Gotoku! (Adapted From)


COLOR/LESS -  Incolor -  Incoloro -  Бесцветный -  カラーレス
Une Terre grise, où l'humanité a été transformée en êtres difformes. Les rideaux s'ouvrent sur une série d'action où le but est de récupérer un monde perdu, à l'aide d'un pistolet à l'apparence étrange !Une énorme éruption solaire a fait perdre à la planète toutes ses couleurs. Les humains sont déformés et leur nombre diminue. La clé pour reconquérir l'ancien monde réside dans le pouvoir caché dans 「color」, et une 「girl」. Sachant que les quelques restes de couleurs dans le monde produisent un grand pouvoir, Avidia, qui mène des recherches tout en protégeant une fille nommée Chie, utilise les couleurs pour étendre son propre pouvoir, et se jette dans une bataille contre le Culte.

Crime Zone

Les terriens vivent dans une société où les vampires ne sont pas seulement réels, mais aussi dangereux. Bien que l'humanité été capable de les garder sous contrôle, et même prendre toute la nuit comme habitat naturel pour les vampires, certains d'entre eux se sont adaptés. Les 'Hespérides', une race de vampires relativement nouvelle, se sont habitués, pendant des centaines d'années, afin d'être capable d'aller dehors lorsque le crépuscule est au plus bas, et se nourrir d'humains.Abuya Shiro, un lycéen, vit dans une ville qui n'a pas été victime d'une attaque de vampire depuis des années. Mais les adultes continuent de les avertir du danger au crépuscule.Shiro et ses camarades de classe, prennent cet avertissement à la légère, et sortent au crépuscule. Seulement, ils découvrent que l'un de leur camarade de classe s'avère être un Hespéride.
クリム・ゾン, Crime Zone
The people of Earth live in a society where vampires aren’t just real but dangerous. Although humanity has been able to keep them under control and even take the night away as the vampire’s natural habitat, some of them have adapted. Hesperides, a relatively new breed of vampires, have adapted over hundreds of years in order to be able to go outside during dusk when the sunlight is at its weakest and feast on humans.Aburaya Shiro, a high school kid, lives in a town where there has not been a vampire attack in years, but adults keep warning them of going outside at dusk. Shiro and his classmates take this warning lightly and head out at dusk only to find out one of their classmates who they thought they knew well turns out to be a Hesperides. With all his classmates violently murdered, the only way Shiro was able to survive was with the help of a different classmate, Ichijoji Eruka, who doesn’t seem to be human herself.
きゅーきゅーキュート, 变装魔界留学生, Kyu Kyu Cute!
Kasuga Rito has had a hidden wish for a very long time: to use his ability for good and helping people. But before he can do that, he needs to gain the power of magic first. Rito is a sophomore in Rezon Institute, a school for people with special magic abilities to find, train, and develop their skills. Each student has to reach 100 points to be able to start using their ability, otherwise they won't move up from the "Common" and into the "Starlight" class. But Rito, known as "the Eternal 99", has been stuck with an unchanging 99 points for a long time.So here comes his new plan: to become a friend with Scuse Fontana, a three-day exchange student from the Demon World, and to ask her for some food. (There's rumor that a human can increase his power by eating food from the Demon World). He slipped into the hotel where a welcome party is being held for the much respected lady, just to find that she's actually absent. Losing hope, he wastes no time leaving the hotel. At the back alley behind the hotel, he finds a tiny dragon, which for some reason sticks to his head and now he can't get it off...
Daikaijuu Gaea-tima -  大怪獣ゲァーチマ
ダイヤモンド カット ダイヤモンド, Diamond Cut Diamond
Life is all about filling in the gaps.
Takashi Fujii is an elite salaryman who had graduated from a high class university. One day he meets a mysterious lady by the name Rikaco, and his 'DESIRE' starts to silently, but intensely burn...
Takashi Fujii is an elite salaryman who had graduated from a high class university. One day he meets a mysterious lady by the name Rikaco, and his 'DESIRE' starts to silently, but intensely burn...