
Cho Zuno Shirubaurufu -  少年侦探银狼 -  超頭脳シルバーウルフ
Fuwa Kosuke is a very timid and unassuming junior high school student. His parents died when he was young so he lives with his father's friend Kobayakawa, a professor of archaeology, along with his daughter Saeko Kobayakawa, who is also Kosuke's homeroom teacher. One day Kosuke is critically injured when he is hit by a car and killed by a thief who breaks into the house. When everyone is convinced that he is dead, Kosuke's brainwaves begin to show signs of abnormality and his body shows an amazing and instantaneous recovery. While Kosuke's change was instantaneous, and all but his miraculous recovery seemed to be due to his imagination, the professor was the only one who couldn't help but worry about Kosuke. He had seen the 'silver-haired Kosuke' nine years ago. The silver-haired Kosuke has a super brain and senses that make it hard to believe that he is a child. He has discovered that his father was killed in a fake accident and that his assistant, Kuchisaki, was responsible for the accident, and he sentenced him to death by fire.Kosuke and Saeko go to the ruins of a school event, and the professor, who has been accompanying them to the event, runs into a thief who has stolen the materials from their house, and is trapped in a trap that he has inadvertently set. He becomes the silver-haired Kosuke again and begins to solve the mystery of the ruins. From then on, the Kobayakawa family is caught up in a battle between many organizations that are trying to obtain the secrets of the ancient ruins. Silver-haired Kosuke' becomes known as 'Silver Wolf' in the midst of this battle, and this leads to a battle with the Lorenz Foundation, the child prodigy organization that killed Kosuke's father.At the same time, Kosuke's own body is also affected by the imbalance between "Silver Wolf" and "Ordinary Kosuke". Kosuke's own body cannot keep up with the silver-haired Kosuke's abilities, and this ultimately results in the overworking of his body and brain, reducing his life span. The Lorenz Foundation then launches its final operation. They plan to revive the super-ancient final weapon and exterminate the human race. Kosuke rides to the Foundation's home base to save his friends and defeat the Lord of the Foundation, albeit at a cost. When all is said and done, the silver-haired Kosuke falls into an eternal sleep with no end in sight. But once again, when his loved ones are in danger, Kosuke's silver hair will shine again.
From ShoujoMagic]: A collection of short stories 1) Angel's Pocket (Tenshi no Pocket) - When Sui refuses to date a stalker guy at school, he's insistent to the point of being scary. Sui starts to run, but then slips on the stairs... and lands on top of Taki -- the school delinquent! The stalker is still in pursuit, so Sui makes like she's going to run again, but Taki grabs her and kisses her!? The stalker gives up... and although one of Sui's problems has gone away, she now has a whole new one: Taki demands compensation for saving her. She has to become his slave...!? It's out of the frying pan and into the fire for poor Sui! 2) To You, the Avante-gardes - High school senior Mishima Kasuga hates the fact that she can't say no to anyone's requests... especially now that it has attracted the 200% weirdo junior Ikeda Tomoo to her. Rumor has it that when he wants something, he'll chase it to the ends of the earth. Can Kasuga find the nerve to say no to him? Or, better question: Does she want to...? She's going to have to figure it out soon, because graduation is coming up, and there's an entire junior class of girls who've developed crushes on Tomoo since Kasuga punched the glasses off his surprisingly handsome face! 3) I Have Love - Minazuki Kaoru, age 17, is a high school junior who still makes embarrassing mistakes like a freshman, but this one has got to be her worst... she accused the handsome goateed guy of being a pervert, ran away from him, and then found out that he's Nachi Takeshi, age 22, her new student teacher! He wanted to be a novelist, but turned to teaching when he realized he had no talent for it. All the girls in class are attracted to his boyish charm, yet he seems to lavish his most immature moments on Kaoru. In spite of herself, Kaoru wants to know more about Nacchan's world, through his novels. What will it take to make him open his books -- and his heart! -- to her...? 4) 9 o'Clock Bomb - Sakada Mayu was saved from a tight spot on the street by Nagato Hiroshi, a cute boy from her class, and then got a little too obvious about her attraction to him. That's when they were stopped by a photographer and asked to participate in a "best couple" competition. Mayu was hesitant, Nagato wasn't -- and they won first prize! They're not really a couple, but now Mayu wants to change that... She gathers all her courage and coerces him into going with her to the fireworks festival at 9:00 PM -- and something's bound to explode!
History's most wanted man, Grizzly. Bounty hunters began to gather in the land where he had boldly made his home. A new bounty hunter will appear again today too...
When Yuuya receives unwanted attention from a customer at the bar where he works, one of the bar’s regulars, Haibara comes to his rescue. Yuuya falls in love with Haibara, but how will he be able to confess his feelings when Haibara sees Yuuya’s attitude towards him as nothing more than an act? - The Zero Alliance
金田一少年の事件簿 バイリンガル版 -  金田一少年之事件簿
Hajime Kindaichi est un lycéen en apparence stupide et pervers mais qui est en réalité l'illustre petit-fils d'un célèbre détective. Résolvant les enquêtes policières les plus difficiles (et souvent les plus horribles) avec l'aide de son amie d'enfance Miyuki Nanasé, il tente de déjouer les rouages machiavéliques des esprits malins avides de vengeance. Les Nouvelles Enquêtes de Kindaichi ne sont, ni plus ni moins, que la suite NON LICENCIÉE directe du manga licencié par Tonkam. Une suite en deux tomes (deux sur 10 sont traduits en US) donc deux affaires distinctes, l'une à propos d'expériences canines interdites, l'autre à propos de scorpions et de bobines de films.
Aobara Hime no Yarinaoshi Kakumeiki -  Aobara-hime no Yarinaoshi Kakumeiki -  Aoi Bara Hime no Yarinaoshi Kakumeiki -  Princess Blue Rose and Rebuilding Kingdom -  Redemption of the Blue Rose Princess -  The Revolutionary Redo of Princess Blue Rose -  青薔薇姫のやりなおし革命記
I’ve been given a chance to redo my life. I’m standing next to the man who once killed me.That night was the “Star Festival,” a celebration for the founding of the proud kingdom of Hyland. Blinded by love, Queen Alicia had turned her back on the people of the country. She was then killed from a stab in the chest by a man who marched into the castle… Or at least, that was what should have happened. When she woke up, Alicia found herself ten years old again. Holding the memory of her murder, she was given a chance to redo her life.In the midst of this, she reunites with Clovis, the man who once killed her…?!This is the story of the Blue Rose Princess who will "redo" her life, and her future that is tossed around by the mischief of fate!
Queen Kristina was framed by her half-sister and thereby executed at the tender age of 16.16 years later, amidst the festivities in honour of the Queen’s birthday, a young girl is awash with nostalgia. Theresia, the daughter of a duke. Her butler whispers in her ear: "How long do you intend to have me protect you?"This young girl is none other than the former Queen, her reincarnation made possible after striking a deal with the alluring demon before her!The curtain rises on a noble lady and a demon as they set out on a quest for vengeance!
Welcome to the Special Fetish Classroom -  Welcome to the Special Idiosyncrasy Classroom -  特殊性癖教室へようこそ
The geniuses and eminent figures that have left their names across history tend to have special fetishes. By taking this anecdotal evidence and turning it around, a class of students with special fetishes was created with the purpose of raising geniuses. Seijun Private Academy class 2-9, also known as the Special Idiosyncrasy Class. White bitch gals, peeping toms, perverted inventors, extreme masochists, exhibitionists…… Itou Manami, a fledgling virgin teacher has been put in charge of this class. Will he be able to fulfill his responsibilities as a teacher against these students and their special interests!?
Chàng "người lớn" nhà bên -  My Darling Next Door -  The Adult Next Door -  となりのオトナくん
[from cotton candy scans]Ririka is a high school girl who lives alone with her father. Despite not having a boyfriend, she always has a blast at school and at home everyday while leading a fulfilling life. Yet one day, she finds an extremely attractive older guy at the apartment’s garbage collection site. It turns out that he’s the salary man that just moved in next door, Hino...?

tsubaki love

Kyou -  Koi wo Hajimemasu / 今日、恋をはじめます
Tsubaki est une jeune fille qui fera prochainement son entrée au lycée. Cette dernière adore tellement coiffer qu'elle aide chaque matin sa petite soeur à lui faire une coupe de cheveux très stylée et différente pour la rendre plus cool et belle.Toutefois, elle ne fait jamais rien pour elle, se néglige et reste classique car elle avait honte de montrer sa beauté et sa splendeur. Croyant qu'elle était la meilleure élève du lycée, le discours de la cérémonie d'ouverture fut rapporté par un autre beau jeune homme.En effet, sera donc son voisin de classe. Cet élève de nom de Kyota est fort désagréable, sûr de lui mais terriblement charmant et populaire. Après l'avoir rabaissé devant tous ses camarades de classe, Tsubaki s'énerve et lui coupe les cheveux. Pour la réparation, Kyota ne voit qu'une seule solution : lui rembourser en nature. Seulement la jeune fille qui n'avait pas compris lui fait une autre coupe de cheveux en les rendant encore plus courts...

Tsuki Yadoru

Keiji-san ressent énormément de pression pour prendre la descendance du Dojo familial surtout qu'il est en compétition avec Naoya, son demi-frère. Les choses vont encore plus se compliquer quand Naoya viole Keiji-san...
Michi a vécu avec la conviction que "si vous voulez être aimé, commencez par croire." En raison de sa personnalité honnête et sympathique, elle a accepté d'être la garante de son patron lorsqu'il lui a prêté de l'argent. Malheureusement, son patron s'est enfui et elle doit maintenant payer à sa place. À ce moment-là, un gars l'a aidée à assumer sa dette. Mais en échange de son paiement, elle doit être son animal de compagnie.
ターニングポイント -  Turning Point (TAKANAGA Hinako) -  Punkt der Umkehr (German)
In the pursuit of his dream to become a successful writer, Sakuragi Keigo has become jaded and disillusioned. All he really wants any more is a good night's sleep, unburdened by the stress and pressure of his career. When he picks up a stranded Imamura Toshiki, a student looking for his own dream to follow, Sakuragi finds himself being inexplicably kind to the younger man. Why? Will Imamura be able to help Sakuragi sleep through the night?
"Au moment où la lettre est ouverte, la malédiction est lancée. Après sa lecture, vous devez en faire deux copies et les envoyer à deux ami(e)s proches dans les 24 heures qui suivent."
ウロボロスの輪, 沃洛波羅斯之輪迴, Uroborosu no Wa, Uroborosu's Circle, Uroboros’s Circle
“The moment you open the letter, you will be cursed. After reading the letter, you have to make two copies and send it to a close friend within 24 hours.”Everyone knows what it’s like to pass notes in class. People carelessly write about things like love or gossip. One day, everything suddenly turns out evil
和服のケダモノ -  穿和服的野兽
ワガママだけど愛しくて, Futari Yûgi, Futari Yuugi, Noise Nostalgia, Please Express it Properly, Selfish but Adorable, Selfish but Adorable (Wagamama Dakedo Itosh
This the story of childhood friends, Natsu and Shuuji, who finally come together.
Le shogunat installé par les Tokugawa fait régner l'ordre, le peuple vit dans la paix et dans une relative prospérité. Pourtant, la part sombre du coeur des hommes ne cesse d'exciter leur cupidité : elle est la porte d'entrée idéale pour tous les démons qui en prenant possession des humains, cherchent à passer dans leur monde. Exorciser ces démons, c'est la mission de Jônosuke, le maitre des clefs. Connu pour être le meilleur serrurier d'Edo, Jônosuké use de cadenas un peu particuliers pour mettre sous les verrous les esprits malfaisants. Avec l'aide de l'envoutante Okin, divinatrice aux méthodes peu orthodoxes, il va au cours de sa chasse aux démons, rencontrer des notables de son temps, qui s'avèreront de précieux alliés lorsqu'il s'agira de faire face à un complots visant les hautes sphères de l'état...
Young idol is a lesbian, so gropes and kisses another idol.
From YaoiOtaku:“Hinata’s violence against me is my reward”Hinata is a good looking model who is arrogant and selfish. In order to correct his son’s troublesome personality, his father makes arrangements to welcome a step “brother” into the family. Yue, a lawyer in the making, loves his “brother” and is a big perv who chases after Hinata’s ass with a straight face! While living under the same roof, will Hinata be able to protect his chastity!?Sexual assault in the train, getting fucked by a mob in a porno, a prostate massage at the beach, and sexual cleansing full of love, everything in one book! A never before seen ending that involves having to hold back voices during a sexy time, while family’s asleep????
[From Lililicious]: In Your Color, a girl goes to the same high school as the girl she admired in middle school, her senpai in the Art Club, and ends up modeling for her when she has to leave the track team due to injury.
Malgré le fait qu'elle soit folle de lui, elle n'ose pas lui avouer ses sentiments. Pourtant, elle a envoyé qu'elle gagne son cœur petit à petit...jusqu'à ce qu'une nouvelle élève fasse son entrée...
夢みたいな星みたいな -  Like a Dream, Like a Star
Chiroru has always been close to her older brother. Later on, her brother decides to get married and Chiroru can't help but feel hurt and lonely. Though with the help of her friends and Aporo, her roommate, she is slowly getting through it, and is able to attend the wedding.