
Strike Witches 1.5 is a manga currently being published in Nyantype magazine. It spans the time between the two seasons of the Anime. It covers the activites of the various members of the 501st after it is disbanded following te destruction of the Neuroi Hive above Gallia. The first chapter is set in Gallia, and follows Perrine and Lynne as they work to rebuild the ruined country. The second and third chapter are focused on Shirley and Lucchini as they travel across North Africa. The fourth chapter focuses on Eila and Sanya at the frontier of Suomus as they travel towards Orussia to search for Sanya's parents. In the fifth and sixth chapters, Erica, Trude and Minna investigate a disturbance over Karlsland. The seventh chapter will be released in late July.
ストライクウィッチーズ キミとつながる空, Strike Witches - Kimi to Tsunagaru Sora, Strike Witches 1.5
Also referred to as Strike Witches 1.5, this takes place between the two anime series and shows what the cast of the first did after the first and introduces new witches that might show up in the next season