
A lone warrior wanders around the land ravaged by war, his name is Ouki and his whole clan was annihilated in the great war, the sole survivor inherited the power of the ARAGAMI, a powerful god that lives in a bottle, together, they travel the land with the only purpose of survive and continue to the never ending battle.
Watashi wa Kagome, 私は加護女
Who or what is Kagome? The manga is a series of stand alone stories connected only through the character Kagome, as you slowly learn a little bit about her each time and her interactions with people of this world.
Three powerful stories, three legends that transcend time and space, now you found them, they are yours. tales of heroes, horror, courage and the fighting skill that burns inside all of us, spread these tales my child... the tales of powerful, ambitious warriors...the tales of ...The wanderers.