
Colored -  からぁ怒 -  カラァド -  Karaado
From Dark Horse: Two slaves free themselves from a slave ship; one a Japanese man, the other an African American. After escaping, they find themselves on the shore of Edo-era Japan, a society with a strong caste system, isolated from the world. How will the Japanese people perceive this giant black man, and how will they survive? But first things first: how will they get these shackles off their feet? * Each issue comes shrink-wrapped and carries an 18+ content advisory.
Le jour de son vingt-neuvième anniversaire, la belle Hino Emu se remémore une journée particulière, celle où elle a vu un gangster chinois se faire assassiner devant ses yeux. Mais plus que cette mise à mort, c'est l'assassin qui a marqué sa mémoire… car combien de tueurs professionnels pleurent après avoir tué leur victime ? Ce dernier, les yeux embués de larmes, lui avait dit son nom et au tréfonds de son cœur, Hino compris que ses jours étaient comptés car lorsqu'un tueur donne son nom à quelqu'un, c'est qu'il s'agit de sa prochaine victime...
Manga dans lequel on va suivre le voyage d'une jeune fille chevalier au passé tragique et d'un jeune garçon. Dans le premier chapitre, ceux-ci se rendent dans un pays qui manque d'eau.
El Hombre Sediento -  The Thirsty Man -  乾いて候 -  건
A few days ago the eighth Tokugawa had inherited the shogunate in the midst of an unstable political situation, a striking man entered Edo. He had a shocking beauty eyes, and was so handsome that seemed to have come from an engraving. It was Kainage Mondo, the new poison taster newly employed by the family of the shogun. However, some Koga ninja had hatched a plot to attack the lives of Yoshimune and Mondo.
修羅雪姫, Shura Yukihime, Princess Snowblood
What is Lady Snowblood about? Vengeance. Pure and simple, this is a revenge story.Yuki was named as a child of hell by her mother. Yuki's father was killed by a group of men who conspired to use him to start an uprising; they then brutalized her mother. Her mother subsequently killed one of her attackers and ended up in jail, where Yuki is born. Yuki's mother was serving a life sentence; there was no way she could escape and continue her revenge. Consequently, she concocted a plan which included seducing the guards in order to produce a child who could pass beyond the prison walls.Dying in childbirth, Yuki's mother impresses upon a friend the importance of imparting to her infant daughter the necessity of her revenge--the grudge that she could no longer carry, but which she passed to her daughter. The friend agrees to do so, and Yuki ("snow," so named for her snow-white skin) is trained to become the instrument of her mother's vengenace.Twenty years later, Yuki is a skilled assassin. For the price of 1,000 yen she will perform murderous miracles, often proceeding through trickery, deceit, and the assumption that as a woman she poses as little threat to the criminals she is often dispatching. 
Shura Yukihime - Fukkatsu no Shou -  修羅雪姫―復活之章
In 2006 the Japanese publisher found extra material for a new volume starring the same character, but in a different historical context.
修羅雪姫・外伝 -  修羅雪姫外伝 -  Shura Yukihime Gaiden -  Shurayukihime Gaiden -  Syura Yukihime Gaiden
Lady Snowblood revient après une pause de vingt ans ! Ryoichi Ikegami a pris la place du dessinateur tandis que Koike Kazuo continue de nous livrer les histoires qui ont fait le succès de Lady Snowblood. Ce volume contient trois histoires qui se déroulent après les évènements de l'histoire originale. Un politicien et sa femme tentent de faire sortir Yuki de sa retraite pour exécuter leur vengeance. Une nonne bouddhiste essaye d'échapper à ses consoeurs et à répandre les véritables enseignements de son culte à la population avec un mandala volé. Elle est sauvée par Yuki mais est malgré tout mortellement blessée. Un officier de police tente de pousser Yuki à éliminer un autre assassin.
子連れ狼, Kotsure Ookami, Kozure Okami, Lone Wolf and Cub
In the feudal era of Japan, Ogami Itto is the elite executioner for the Shogun until the ruthless Yagyu clan frames him in an attempt to gain the position. His name dishonored and his wife murdered, Itto and his infant son Daigoro wander Japan as an assassin for hire, named Lone Wolf and Cub. Ultimately, Ogami Itto strives for revenge against the Yagyu clan.
マッド☆ブル34, 捍卫双警34, 매드 블루, 34分局, Mad Bull 34
マッド☆ブル34 -  Mad Bull
Mad Bull 34 is about the toughest cop in New York City's 34th precinct, Mad Bull (a.k.a. John Estes or "Sleepy"). The story follows his often-violent exploits when dealing the city's criminals with his partner Daizaburo Edi-Ban and fellow police officer Perrine Valley. Plot: Daizaburo Edi-Ban, a Japanese-American, joins New York City's toughest precinct, the 34th. On his first day he is partnered up with John Estes, called Sleepy by his friends and Mad Bull by his enemies, a cop who stops crime with his own violent brand of justice. Mad Bull makes no qualms about executing common thieves with shotgun blasts if they even pose a minor threat to him or anyone around them. Mad Bull also often steals from prostitutes and does incredible amounts of property damage while fighting crime. Mad Bull's unpoliceman-like behavior often puts him in hot water with his partner Daizaburo and the 34th precinct. However, despite how reckless or illegal these acts are, a good cause is always revealed (For example, Sleepy uses the money he steals from the prostitutes to fund a venereal disease clinic and a home for battered and raped women). Perrine Valley, a police lieutenant, joins Daizaburo and Sleepy later on to help them tackle more difficult cases involving the mafia and drug-running. Mad Bull 34 is inspired by the high-action buddy cop films of the 70's and 80's.
Olympic track star. MIT whiz-kid. Adored by the beautiful co-ed's. Revered by classmates and teammates alike. Yu was sitting on top of the world.That is, until the evil seductress Payetta, leader of an outlaw gang of boozers and brawlers, kidnaps Yu at knifepoint and steals him away to her hideout. He learns he's actually the son of Gilgamesh, the legendary founder and ruler of the ancient yet highly advanced civilization of Agartha.The history lesson doesn't stop there, though. Payetta claims to be the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler and wants to share her maniacal dreams with Yu and the new dystopia she plans to create!