
ぢごぷり -  Digo Pri -  Digo Puri -  Jigo Puri -  Jigopuri -  Zigo Puri -  Zigopuri
The slice of life stories of newborn Yumeko Okiura, her mother Ayumi, and her aunt Kaname. Ayumi and Kaname endure the trials and tribulations of raising a newborn child, such as changing diapers and being awakened at odd hours. Not to mention, the stress of taking care of a baby opens rifts in their relationship. Both Ayumi and Kaname are 18, and the story occasionally reflects back to their time in high school.


The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture
Sasahara Kanji est un jeune homme friand de séries animées. Récemment arrivé à l'université, il recherche un club dont les membres partageraient le même hobby que lui. Un seul semble convenir à sa demande : le club Genshiken. Voulant voir à quoi ressemble ce club et ses adhérents, il décide de se rendre dans le local qui lui est réservé. Les membres lui tendent alors un piège afin de le tester, et le voilà qui plonge dedans la tête la première. Dès lors, le voici officiellement membre du Genshiken. Commence ainsi pour le jeune homme un véritable parcours initiatique dans l'univers de la culture visuelle.
げんしけん -  现视研 -  現代視覚文化研究会 -  Genshiken -  Genshiken - Otaku Club -  Genshiken, The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture -  The Society for the Study of
College freshman and ACG lover Kanji Sasahara settled down his extracurricular activity in Genshiken (The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture) in order to become a true and thorough otaku. Meanwhile, Saki Kasukabe, the girlfriend of another freshman Genshiken member (also a bishounen) Makoto Kohsaka, was dragged into Genshiken's otaku-ish activities reluctantly, yet her resentful attitude towards otakus is changing without her notice. Undeterred, Saki chases Kousaka through the various activities of the club, from costume-playing and comic conventions to video gaming and collecting anime figures--learning more than she ever wanted to about the humorous world of the Japanese fan...
げんしけん: 二代目, 现视研二代目, 现视研2, Genshiken 2, Genshiken II, Genshiken Nidaime, Genshiken: 2nd Generation, Genshiken: Second Generation, Genshiken Nidaime - T
Genshiken follows the lives of a group of college students drawn together by their shared hobbies, and the trials and adventures associated with being otaku.Genshiken Nidaime ("Second Generation") is a continuation of the previous series, with chapter numbering starting at 57.
げんしけん: 二代目 -  现视研二代目 -  现视研2 -  Genshiken 2 -  Genshiken II -  Genshiken Nidaime -  Genshiken: 2nd Generation -  Genshiken: Second Generation
Genshiken follows the lives of a group of college students drawn together by their shared hobbies, and the trials and adventures associated with being otaku. Genshiken Nidaime ("Second Generation") is a continuation of the previous series, with chapter numbering starting at 57.
五年生 -  Gonen Sei -  The 5th Grade
Akio and Yoshino believed all there was left for them was to graduate. But life had different plans for them. Related Series Yonensei (Prequel)
くじびきアンバランス -  くじびき♥アンバランス -  Kujibiki♥Unbalance
From Del Rey: Chihiro has been cursed with bad luck all his life, but all that changes when he wins a mysterious lottery that earns him a spot at the prestigious Rikkyoin High School, a strange place where everything is decided by chance - even who gets appointed to the student council. Although Chihiro has drawn the winning ticket, this is no ordinary honor. Each day the student-council members must risk their lives to save the school from various forces of evil.
ラーメン天使プリティメンマ -  Ramen Angel - Pretty Menma -  Ramen Lolis -  Ramen Tenshi Pretty Bamboo Shoots
Love & Peace,Our name is Otaku~
四年生, The 4th Grade, Yonen Sei
Shima Akio and Soma Yoshino are lovers, facing the reality of their fourth year in university. No matter how much they try and think things over, they can’t quite figure out what to do about their parents, their friends, or even their own relationship. This is the story of their youth. Youth fraught with pain and regret.