
ちびさんデイト -  Chibi-san Deito -  Chibisan Date -  Chibisan Deito -  Chibisan-Date
Une trapéziste, un clown, une belle histoire... ,
地上10メートルの檻から, Chijou 10 Meters no Ori kara, The Jail Cell 10 Meters Above Ground
A collection of Mitsukazu Mihara's newest eight one-shots, printed in two colors. The stories vary greatly in mood and tension, but are nonetheless a perfect example of the artist's distinctive style. Their titles are:1. Two Sweets xxx2. Canariya3. A Paradox of a Lion4. Natural Born Scissors5. Rikon Shiki (Divorce Ceremony)6. What a Wonderful World7. Tengoku to Jigoku (Heaven and Hell)8. Chijou 10 Meter no Ori kara (From a Cage 10 Meters Above Ground)
ちょこパフェ -  Choko Parfait
From SCX-Scans: Chiyoko is a 4th grader who loves chocolate! Along with her mother and father (who run a patisserie), the daughter of a japanese sweets shop who sees Chiyoko as her rival, Azuki-chan, and Azuki’s mature little sister Kanoko-chan, she lives everyday happily with a bit of silliness.
chocolate-三原ミツカズ作品集 -  Slice of Black Chocolate -  Tranche de chocolat noir
Collection de One Shot de Mitsukazu MIHARA1. Slice of Black Chocolate2. Kyuuketsuki to Boku (The Vampire & I)3. Children Can't Choose Their Parents4. Cut the Angel with a Scythe5. The End In Common Ruin6. Deserted Place7. Alice in Underground,
超推脳 KEI, 超推脳 KEI~摩訶不思議事件ファイル~, Choosuino Kei, Chou Suinou Kei, Chousuinou Kei
The plot follows Kei Kazaoka a high school sophomore who has an "ultra" computer embedded in his brain. He uses his increased intelligence to help the police with weird and mystery cases, that go beyond the normal bounds of reasoning. Most of these cases are related to the supernatural and magical.Source: PharaoDopazo
電夢時空, Denmu Jikuu
A decaying, old satellite is headed straight for Tokyo, and the city is three citizens shy of total evacuation. Hard-boiled detective Watanabe remains in the abandoned gotham, searching for a gaunt, desperate Machida, who is wanted for attempted murder; and Chiaki, a stubborn housewife who doesn't believe the burning rubble will hit Tokyo, also remains behind. But Chiaki is wrong. And when the satellite does hit, the three find the city is less abandoned than before. Someone was riding that satellite down from orbit, and that someone wasn't born on earth!
Après s'être jeté dans la mer lors d' une croisière, Fukamachi Wataru, le célèbre musicien, dérive jusqu'à l'île d' Hoshi, un endroit habité par des personnes folklores. Il y rencontre une fille, Himukai Antsu, qui a le donc des arts du chant et de la danse. Avec elle, il retrouve son inspiration et peut de nouveau créer de la musique. Ce qu'il veut maintenant, c'est de pouvoir l’amener avec lui à Tokyo pour qu'elle puisse partager son don au monde entier.
Colored -  からぁ怒 -  カラァド -  Karaado
From Dark Horse: Two slaves free themselves from a slave ship; one a Japanese man, the other an African American. After escaping, they find themselves on the shore of Edo-era Japan, a society with a strong caste system, isolated from the world. How will the Japanese people perceive this giant black man, and how will they survive? But first things first: how will they get these shackles off their feet? * Each issue comes shrink-wrapped and carries an 18+ content advisory.
Resting in different lands are the legends of Colossus -- It was said that a single Colossus can change the tide of the war. At this point of time the only information that was disclosed was that there are multiple of this beings in each world. 

Cross Days

Yuuuki Ashikaga est un étudiant de première année du secondaire à son deuxième semestre à l'Académie Sakakakino. Après ses visites régulières à la bibliothèque de l'école, il est tombé amoureux de Kotonoha Katsura, un camarade de classe venu pour la lecture. Bien qu'elle ait déjà un petit ami, elle partage véritablement ses intérêts. Cependant, les choses se se compliquent lorsque, à la suite d'une brève rencontre, sa soeur, Chie Ashikaga, lui présente Roka Kitsuregawa, une connaissance qui lui aussi en raffole. Par rancune jalouse pour sa rivale, Roka tente de dissuader Yuuuki en affirmant aimer Makoto Itou, un autre camarade de classe. Son mensonge se retourne de façon dramatique, alors que Yuuuki, conscient du fait que Makoto est le petit ami de Kotonoha, va lui poser des questions sur cette affaire.Remarque : Cross Days se situe au milieu du scénario initial de School Days et fournit une autre version de la façon dont les choses auraient pu se dérouler.

Crows Respect

Sorti à l'occasion du vingt-cinquième anniversaire du démarrage de Crows, ce manga contient 8 chapitres anthologiques dans le but de célébrer l'héritage de l'oeuvre de Hiroshi Takahashi
Le jour de son vingt-neuvième anniversaire, la belle Hino Emu se remémore une journée particulière, celle où elle a vu un gangster chinois se faire assassiner devant ses yeux. Mais plus que cette mise à mort, c'est l'assassin qui a marqué sa mémoire… car combien de tueurs professionnels pleurent après avoir tué leur victime ? Ce dernier, les yeux embués de larmes, lui avait dit son nom et au tréfonds de son cœur, Hino compris que ses jours étaient comptés car lorsqu'un tueur donne son nom à quelqu'un, c'est qu'il s'agit de sa prochaine victime...
Angela visits a mysterious magician, but what awaits her...?
Manga CVN73 USS George Washington
For 10 years, the U.S. Navy base in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, was the home port of the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk. But in 2008, Kitty Hawk was replaced by the USS George Washington, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. There have been protests against the deployment of the George Washington in Japan. The Navy's public relations campaign includes a manga that puts a human face on the aircraft carrier. The face belongs to Petty Officer Third Class Jack Ohara, a fictional character who is newly assigned to the carrier as it sets sail for Japan. The manga, titled after the ship's hull number, does not address nuclear safety directly, instead subtly implying that it is a non-issue by having the crew go about their business without any apparent concern on the topic. The real focus is on the day-to-day lives of Jack and his crewmates.
サイボーグ009 (島本和彦)


Big Difference Uneven だんちがい 群居姐妹
L'histoire de Danchigai suit le quotidien de la famille Nakano, composée d'un garçon et de ses quatre sœurs qui partagent un même appartement (danchi).
Dandy and I -  Dandy and Me -  ダンディーとわたし
A story of a famous idol talent and his lover and manager of his rival. She's not good at household work, but he likes it and is an expert. One day he decides to stop his idol activity in order to concentrate on his household and look after her, informing her that he has a lover. Good love-comedy. Remark the similarity between this work and Tensai Yanagisawa Kyozu no Seikatsu in many respects - especially in the humour.
Après que sa senpai ait été rejetée par Narita, un garçon populaire, Kiritani décide de découvrir la raison de ce rejet.Notre jeune lycéenne se met donc à rentrer tous les soirs avec lui, et tous deux commencentà se rapprocher.Mais Narita a beaucoup de problèmes dans sa vie privée, notamment avec sa mère, et cela influe énormément sur ses relations avec les filles.Lorsque Kiritani apprend ce qu'il se passe réellement dans sa vie, elle lui fait la promesse de ne jamais pleurer en face de lui...
A fierce, ruthless, aggressive and evil creature, the cosmic life form "Death" appears before the human race.An epic tale depicted by the brilliance of Hirai and Kuwata's on humanity's collapse and the birth of a new human race!
デスパイ, Desupai
Gambling. Mahjong. Death. These are the themes of this fast-paced, undercover-agent-style manga where outrageous life-or-death gambles are made daily occurences and insurmountable odds are overcome. The most hardcore, action-packed mahjong manga you will ever see.
Manga dans lequel on va suivre le voyage d'une jeune fille chevalier au passé tragique et d'un jeune garçon. Dans le premier chapitre, ceux-ci se rendent dans un pays qui manque d'eau.
女教師は妄想する -  Jyokyoshi ha Mousou Suru
Kurosaki-sensei is an isolated science teacher seeking to gain popularity with her students. Watch as she tries to win the hearts of her students!
The story follows the journey of a mysterious boy who brings peace to deserted places and things... This boy watches over human's and grants the last wishes of the dead.
Kosuke Fujishiro est un jeune lycéen plutôt taciturne qui, sans qu'il en connaisse la raison, est un jour kidnappé et envoyé avec d'autres adolescents dans une prison. Là-bas, il découvre rapidement que l'établissement, bien énigmatique, est sévèrement gardé par un groupes de femmes plantureuses qui y font des expériences comportementales et physiques en lien avec la sexualité...Pas facile pour le jeune Kosuke, à qui les hormones jouent des tours, de ne pas succomber aux charmes de ces belles demoiselles... Pourtant, il va bien falloir car lorsqu'il était plus jeune, il a juré à sa bien-aimée Sayaka de l'épouser et donc de garder sa virginité pour elle ! Les dés sont lancés : Kosuke va devoir tenter de trouver un moyen de s'échapper s'il ne veut pas qu'on lui vole sa virginité dans cette drôle de prison !
デスパイ -  Death Pie
Gambling. Mahjong. Death. These are the themes of this fast-paced, undercover-agent-style manga where outrageous life-or-death gambles are made daily occurences and insurmountable odds are overcome. The most hardcore, action-packed mahjong manga you will ever see.
1945, la chute du Troisième Reich est inévitable, cependant, de nombreux loyalistes Nazis ont subitement essayé de créer un rituel antique pour ramener à la vie les Longinus Dreizehn Orden, plus connus sous le nom des treize lanciers saints. Juste après ces événements, ces loyalistes ont disparu de la surface de la Terre.Au japon moderne, un jeune lycéen nommé Ren Fujii passe ses journées à l'hôpital suite à un combat à mort avec son "meilleur ami". Lors de ses nuits à l'hôpital, il fait toujours le même cauchemar où il voit ces loyalistes qui ont essayé de ressusciter les Longinus Dreizehn Orden.Une nuit, Fujii change de cauchemar et voit l'arme utilisé par les Nazis qui a servi à décimer d'innombrables personnes. Pendant ce temps, 13 mystérieuses personnes font leur apparition.
Japan in the future has a massive over-population problem. Scientists have traced the root of this problem to one particular individual, Junta Monamari. According to their records, Junta was a "Mega-Playboy" who had sired children with over a hundred women. Each one of his sons had inherited the Mega-Playboy gene too, so the problem grew exponentially from thereon. Enter Karin Aoi, a "DNA Operator". Karin is sent back to the past with a mission: to alter Junta's DNA and prevent him from ever becoming the Mega-Playboy, thereby eliminating the world's overpopulation problem. Junta's DNA can only be altered by shooting him with a special bullet called DCM which contains the chemical for suppressing the Mega-Playboy DNA. In return, Karin gets a vast sum of money... enough to make all her dreams come true. Will Junta become the playboy he is destined to be, or will his better self prevail? But Karin is falling for the real Junta too... and what of the sweet and kindly Ami who has secretly loved Junta all her life? What will happen to future Japan?
Japan in the future has a massive over-population problem. Scientists have traced the root of this problem to one particular individual, Junta Monamari. According to their records, Junta was a "Mega-Playboy" who had sired children with over a hundred women. Each one of his sons had inherited the Mega-Playboy gene too, so the problem grew exponentially from thereon. Enter Karin Aoi, a "DNA Operator". Karin is sent back to the past with a mission: to alter Junta's DNA and prevent him from ever becoming the Mega-Playboy, thereby eliminating the world's overpopulation problem. Junta's DNA can only be altered by shooting him with a special bullet called DCM which contains the chemical for suppressing the Mega-Playboy DNA. In return, Karin gets a vast sum of money... enough to make all her dreams come true. Will Junta become the playboy he is destined to be, or will his better self prevail? But Karin is falling for the real Junta too... and what of the sweet and kindly Ami who has secretly loved Junta all her life? What will happen to future Japan? 
Poison Princess, Doku Hime
It starts with poisonous herbs under the cradle. Then under the sheets. And inside the clothes. Even mixed in the milk that they feed the newborn. This way the child gradually gets used to poisons and becomes the perfect assassination tool - the “Poison Princess” whose every kiss, tear and even touch bring death. Her only chance of survival is to fulfill her duty as an assassin and find a way to live on in the enemy land she is sent to… if her heart is strong enough.