
Depuis l’accident de Tchernobyl, la destruction d’une partie de la centrale de Fukushima est la plus terrible catastrophe nucléaire civile qui ait frappée la planète. Suite à cet événement, un auteur de manga s’est fait engager anonymement comme ouvrier pour travailler dans la centrale afin de raconter le quotidien de cette usine et de ses réacteurs endommagés.
ヘタリア -  Hetalia: Axis Powers -  Hetalia Axis Powers -  Axis Powers: Hetalia -  APH -  Hetalia -  Axis Powers ヘタリア -  Useless Italy : Axis Powers
C'est la première guerre mondiale, et tous les pays sont en guerre. L'Allemagne est à la recherche de l'Italie, le petit-fils de Rome, pour le faire captif. Au lieu de cela... il trouve une boîte de tomates ? Oh, non, c'est juste l'inutile Italie qui se cache. Mais il y a un détail que quelqu'un a oublié de mentionner. L'Italie est ennuyeuse. Donc l'Allemagne ne pouvait pas être plus heureuse quand elle s'est débarrassée de l'Italie à la fin de la guerre. Maintenant c'est la deuxième guerre mondiale, tout se passe bien avec l'invasion de l'Allemagne, quand la pire chose possible arrive. L'Italie devient l'alliée de l'Allemagne. Et c'est ainsi que notre histoire commence.
Baby★I Love You
1-3) Baby I Love You After sensing Hirasaka's hidden rejection and anger, the younger brother Akio sets his sights on making the rejected coworker Akio's "bride." Just wait until Papa finds out! 4) Princess and a Dog 5) Say "I like you" Prequel: Papa I Love You
キルミーベイベー -  Kirumii Beibii
Théâtre de quatre cases narrant la vie trépidante d'une jeune fille banale, Yasuna, et de sa camarade de classe tueuse, Sonya. Les tentatives de cette dernière pour s'adapter à une vie normale échouent généralement lamentablement avec son instinct d'assassin qui revient au galop. De l'autre côté, les tentatives de Yasuna pour devenir amie avec Sonya ont l'effet contraire...
Back Stage
It started with a brutal beating at a pachinko parlor, and now Bakune Young-maniac, moron or mastermind -- has taken Japan's biggest crime boss as a hostage as Step One of his plan to rule the world! Soon, yakuza, police, hapless detectives and Bakune's former gym teacher collide as Bakune holes up with his hostage in Osaka Castle, and the manly men of the Japanese mob vow to do anything to rescue their boss! Can Russian-roulette-playing police chief Sorigami salvage the situation with his highly trained army of human robots? Will Johnson Membodeath, the ninja, stop the madness by killing everyone in sight? Savage satire of the action-violence manga genre!
Bastard!! - Unused -  BASTARD!! 萩原一至 BASTARD!!未使用改訂版- -  下絵 弐 (バスタード!! 暗黒の破壊神)
Events taking place between volumes 18 and 19 of Bastard!!This material was originally going to be in the main manga, but that ended up not being the case.It was later released in various stages of completion over 3 doujinshi (Sketch, Unused, and Unused- Revised Edition)
ビーバップハイスクール, Be Bop Highschool, Be-Bop High School
野獸與盛宴 -  Beast & Feast
While investigating a murder case, Detective Hishinuma Kazuha is reunited with mobster, Hyoudou Itsuki. During their junior high school days, their relationship was like oil and water; Kazuha minded his own business and Hyoudou was emotionally attached. Hyoudou is at a bargaining point as he approaches Kazuha: he'll divulge important information about the case in exchange for Kazuha's body. Kazuha refuses such an unfathomable request, but Hyoudou, the unrestrained beast, takes control... These two interwoven men and their superb, wild, beast-like love!
Taken from Anime News Network: Beautiful People is a manga comprised of six profound and thought-provoking short stories. It includes a tale of a vampire who raises a child as her own, a story of a young man who copes with an alcoholic father amongst other problems with the help of an online friend and four others short stories.
Revelations of the Night Before -  Venezia no Yoru ni Moete -  Venice no Yoru ni Moete -  ベネチアの夜に燃えて
Pour une nuit, la timide Valentina d'Angeli aimerait être une femme confiante et attirante. Aussi, quand elle rencontre un homme diaboliquement beau au carnaval de Venise, elle oublie toute prudence et se donne complètement à lui. Ils n'ôtent pas leur masque et passe une nuit enchanteresse. Mais le lendemain matin, lorsque Tina jette un oeil à celui qui se cache sous ce masque, elle s'aperçoit qu'il s'agit du rival de son frère : Nico Gravetti ! Choquée par l'ironie du destin, elle s'enfuie sans un mot, pour découvrir, deux mois plus tard, qu'elle porte son enfant !
Kyō et Asu Yamada sont deux sœurs. Âgées respectivement de 15 et 9 ans, elles ont perdu leur mère et leur père s'est enfui à la suite de dettes de jeu. Vivant et étudiant à Tōkyō, elles tentent de vivre en protégeant le bonheur d'être ensemble, malgré leur difficulté à subvenir à leur besoin, leur seul revenu étant le maigre salaire de Kyō, livreuse de journaux avant la classe. Leur voisinage et leur terrifiant propriétaire protège toutefois de bon cœur ces sœurs courageuses et qui savent garder le sourire quoi qu'il arrive.
A Tale of Poor Sisters -  Poor Sisters' Tales -  The Story of the Poor Sisters
Asu (la benjamine) et Kyo (l'aînée) sont soeurs. Leur mère est morte et leur père, un accro des jeux d'argent qui a contracté de nombreuses dettes, a disparu. Sans famille proche, sans argent, elles vivent dans un appartement vieux de plus de 40 ans (une pièce, une cuisine, pas de salle de bain) dont le loyer est de 26 000 yens par mois (environ 175 €). Pourtant, elles gardent espoir, et grâce à leurs efforts, arrivent à vivre pauvrement, économisant chaque sou, au jour le jour.Et cela suffit à leur faire garder le sourire...
炎のニンジャマン -  Blazing Ninjaman
炎の転校生, 炎転, Blazing Transfer Student, BTS, HonoTen
Noboru Takizawa is your normal student. However upon being transferred to a new school the first thing that happens is that he steps on a land mine! From that point on, he fights against the hall monitor and gets past him. In the turmoil of it all, he meets the lovely Yukari and befriends her. Later on, he meets Ibuki, who later becomes his rival to win Yukari's heart.It turns out that the school Takizawa has transferred to is trying to tyrannize the students of the class he's entered. It is now his job to try and help them out and keep their class! He does this by trying his best in showing the class has potential in a sports festival at the school. Meanwhile in the background, Takizawa's father is setting the teacher's straight and making them stop their evil ways.The basic plot is that Takizawa transfers to schools where the teachers have messed up methods to deal with students, or schools where there are obscure and crazy rules. His father accompanies him and pretends to be one of the teachers to try and sneak up on the evil or corrupt teachers and end their tyranny.
Le sang est plus épais que l'eau, surtout si vous êtes un vampire. L'année dernière, le one shot a embelli les pages du Weekly Shonen Jump. Il revient aujourd'hui en tant que nouvelle série ! L'histoire, dessinée avec élégance par Kazu Kakazu, sur des frères vampires et leur serment qui les lie, commence dès maintenant !
Yamato runs a detective agency that will use any means to get the job done, no matter how unconventional. His three misfit employees are more than his teammates, they’re his family too. Also tells the dramatic and surprising story of Yamato’s past.
Das Nibelungenlied -  亡国のジークフリート
Based off of The Song of the Nibelungs comes a manga about bravery, honor, and heroism. As the last of his people, Siegfried will stop at nothing until he becomes a legendary knight whose story will last eternity. If his legend lives on forever, then so will the memory of his people...and that is his sole reason for going on.
Kondo Masahito est un dur à cuir au lycée tandis que son grand frère, Yoshio, est un instituteur calme et gentil. Il n'est donc pas rare que ce dernier soit protégé par son cadet. Ayant des caractère différents il est difficile pour Masahito de comprendre son aîné, mais il essaye tout de même.
Kondo Masahito is a tough high school senior, while his older brother Yoshio is a calm and gentle kindergarten teacher, so it is not rare that younger brother protects the older one. Different personalities make it difficult for Masahito to understand his brother, but he still tries.
Although they're brothers.Their appearance, personality are completely the contrary!!Suddenly one day, these two completely different brothers switched souls!? After possessing his cute, girly little brother's body, the hard days of the tough big brother begins.
Rogue Samurai -  Villain Samurai -  ぶらざむらい -  無頼侍
Suzumori Ganjuurou is a swordless samurai wandering around with nowhere to go until he stumbles across a wanted poster in the woods. To his fortune (or ill-fate), he crosses paths with the very man that everyone wants to kill—the Sister Slayer.
Toki Mishiba, Nobuto Nakajyo, and Kazuo Saitoh are hired to play the Biz Game, a game much like capture the flag, only with company secrets and insane amounts of money involved. At first they think it's a crazy but fun way to get some money, but as the game goes on, they hear stories about mysterious deaths on the news, and recognize the victims as members of the teams they've beaten in the game. When one of the losers of a game dies right in front of them, they realize what is really at stake - their very lives!
Located in the north, south, east, and west, just like flower petals.Those four kingdoms that border each other are known as “The Four Blossoms”In each of these four kingdoms, there are saints who are called as “Butterflies of the Four Blossoms”The Butterfly of the West, Carnelia is about to visit the Southern Kingdom for the first time as her duty.What awaits her there, is.....
Akira Togawa is deeply, incredibly, head-over-heels for his step-brother Satoru, but it’s a secret he keeps only to himself! One morning, a cameraman named Kaoru Nakahara appears, and Akira starts to get the feeling that this guy’s picked up on his hidden affections for Satoru! And then it turns out that Nakahara is actually falling for Akira?! Akira can gradually feel the pot of love start to boil… will the camera’s shutter capture their hearts aflutter?!
Des entités mystérieuse connues sous le nom de " Sorcières " errent dans les villes. Les armes traditionnelles n'ont aucun effets sur elles. Leurs seules raisons d'exister est de détruire les humains et de les transformer en « Sorcière ». Il existe une unité spéciale dans le gouvernement connue sous le nom de « Brigade Anti-Sorcières », chargée de s'occuper de ces Sorcières. Hansel Takamine en est le leader. Il a une haine extrême envers les Sorcières. Avec son épée capable de tuer les Sorcières, il se bat pour venger sa soeur qui fut victime d'un de ces monstres.
Neko me Kozou
Cat-Eyed Boy is a half-human, half-monster child who mostly resembles a human, and therefore cannot live in the demon world. He lives hidden in the shadows of the human world, hated by both demons and humans. But wherever he goes, awful events occur. Humans interact with demons, but for the most part the humans that appear to act more evil than the monsters. Cat-Eyed Boy acts like Trickster, saving the innocent and helping the wicked receive the punishment that fate metes out. The stories are mostly tales of revenge and retribution for the evil acts people do. The series is broken into 11 individual stories, full of extremely grotesque and disturbing images.
Chamelon Jail est un risk hunter professionnel de la lutte anti-crime, on le surnomme l'homme aux mille visages. Il fait face à des situations dangereuses dont les policiers normaux ne peuvent s'occuper : kidnapping, terrorisme, prévention des crimes.