
Episode 8: Twilight of the Golden Witch, Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru EP8
The eighth and concluding arc of the Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru series.
When They Cry 3 - Legend of the Golden Witch, When the Seagulls Cry
In 1986, between October 4th and 5th, members of the Ushiromiya family gather on the secluded island of Rokkenjima to discuss the division of the family's massive fortune upon the impending death of the family's head, Kinzo.However, when a typhoon traps the eighteen people present on the island, six people are mysteriously murdered. The remaining people struggle to survive as the murders continue, supposedly by the will of the legendary Golden Witch, Beatrice. 
In Fall 1986, Battler Ushiromiya and eleven of his family members are reunited on Rokkenjima for the purpose of discussing how the head of the family's fortune will be divided upon his impending death. When a typhoon hits the island, everyone is trapped and murdered supposedly by the Golden Witch in her efforts to revive herself.
In 1986, eleven members of the Ushiromiya family and several of their servants were trapped and mysteriously murdered on Rokkenjima, which the Golden Witch Beatrice claims to be responsible for. While Battler Ushiromiya is unable to defeat her and explain how the murders occurred without magic, he refuses to acknowledge Beatrice, forcing their game to continue with higher stakes.As the events on Rokkenjima are begin again, Eva Ushiromiya succeeds in solving the Epitaph of the Golden Witch in order to become the head of the Ushiromiya family and inherit the family's massive fortune. However, a phantom of Eva's dark side emerges and uncontrollably begins to wreck havoc on the island as Beatrice's successor. 
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4: Alliance of the Golden Witch, When They Cry 3 Episode 4: Alliance of the golden witch
In 1998, Battler Ushiromiya's younger sister Ange has lived a miserable life being raised by her Aunt Eva, the only survivor of the murders on Rokkenjima. Bullied and unhappy, Ange finds solace in the diary of her cousin Maria and the world of magic until she rejects its existence. However, with Eva's death and the inheritance of Beatrice's titles, Ange receives an offer from the witch Bernkastel on how to bring back her lost family.Meanwhile, in 1986, Battler Ushiromiya and the Golden Witch Beatrice continue their game, with Battler aided by Ange, hailing from twelve years in the future, in hopes of saving their family at last.
Legend Of The Golden Witch -  When Seagulls Cry Episode 1: Legend Of The Golden
Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 3.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4.Nous sommes le 4 octobre 1986. Le leader actuel de l'une des plus riches familles du Japon, Ushiromiya Kinzo, n'a plus que quelques mois à vivre. Afin de décider du prochain héritier, la famille Ushiromiya organise une réunion sur l'île Rokkenjima. Mais, une mystérieuse lettre d'une prétendue sorcière plonge l'île entière dans le chaos.
Turn Of The Golden Witch -  うみねこのなく頃に Episode 2: Turn Of The Golden Witch -  Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Episode 2
Histoire antérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 1.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 3.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4.« Nous sommes des meubles ". Quelle est la signification de ces mots ? Le début de cet Épisode 2 nous fait explorer le dilemme amoureux des domestiques Shannon et Kanon, et leur rencontre avec la Sorcière Béatrice. Avant de revenir bientôt au 4 octobre 1986. Cette fois, Battler devra affronter la Sorcière en face à face pour démêler le mystère des meurtres sur l'île.
Cet Épisode nous rapproche d'Eva Ushiromiya, ses traumatismes, ses rêves et sa promesse avec la "sorcière" qui vit en elle : devenir la Chef de la famille, coûte que coûte. Au-dessus de l'échiquier, alors que Battler se remet à peine de son humiliante défaite lors de la deuxième partie, Béatrice compte bien continuer à le torturer, et bien vite les évènements tragiques se remettent en marche, tandis que la Sorcière dévoile un peu de son passé. Mais cette fois, tout pourrait ne pas se dérouler comme prévu....
Alliance of the golden witch
Histoire antérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 1Histoire antérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2Histoire antérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 3
A cross-over manga featuring characters from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. 
Days of Love at Seagull Villa -  Seagull Villa Days -  Umineko-sou Days -  UMINEKOSOUdays -  Наши дни на вилле «Чайка» -  海猫荘days
Lorsque le fiancé de Mayumi la quitte pour une autre femme, Mayumi décide impulsivement de déménager et de repartir à zéro au bord de la mer. Une fois sur place, elle rencontre Rin, une mère célibataire, dure mais gentille, qui dirige le complexe résidentiel Seagull Villa. Bien que les deux femmes n'aient pas grand-chose en commun, elles sont attirées l'une par l'autre et la relation qui se développe entre elles est plus profonde qu'elles ne le pensaient.Laissez-vous emporter par cette histoire pleine de romance au bord de la mer !
Setogawa Aya est amoureuse de Yukimura depuis plusieurs années. Son goût pour les cigarettes et la baston ne l'ont jamais repoussée ; bien au contraire ! Mais leurs caractères totalement opposés vont-ils les rapprocher ou les éloigner l'un de l'autre ?
舞踏会の手帖, Un Carnet de Bal
Masahiro, who is a duke, has been studying abroad since he was young to learn about Western culture. Now he is teaching ballroom dancing/ettiquette and keeps getting strange looks from one of his students, Fukaya. He notices his interest even more when he's looking at Masahiro's portrait on a dance card/booklet and decides to seduce him. And the drama, intrigue, and treachery ensues.
A Manga About a Stereotypical PE Teacher Who Dies at the Start of a School Horror Movie -  Gori-sen ~The type of PE teacher to die first during a panic~
UN-GO Episode:0 - Ingaron -  UN-GO ~因果論
"UN-GO" is a full-fledged detective story about a detective and handsome boy combo who tackle the world's most difficult crimes together for reasons of their own. The profession of private detective fell out of favor long ago, and yet, that's how the young man, Shinjurou Yuuki identifies himself. With his superior deductive powers, Shinjurou solves various challenging cases. Meanwhile, Inga, an attractive young lad, serves as Shinjurou's "buddy". But contrary to his cute looks, he's a sharp, arrogant rogue. Why Inga sticks with Shinjurou is as yet unknown. The setting of the story is a postwar, future Tokyo that still bears the scars of war. Ruling the land is Media King Rinroku Kaishou, who through politics and industry has the communications infrastructure under his thumb. Kaishou has used a clear head and the massive amount of information at his fingertips to lead to the solution of a great number of cases. But there's an underside to Kaishou's brilliant deduction work, which is that Shinjurou Yuuki, "the Last Great Detective", is the one who actually uncovered "the truth" in those cases. However, the public doesn't know this and thus refers to Shinjurou as the "Defeated Detective". Still, Shinjurou, together with Inga, can't help but search for the truth.
机巧少女 -  机巧少女不会受伤 -  機巧少女は傷つかない
Au cours du début du 20e siècle, avec les avancées technologiques, les scientifiques étaient capables de développer la magie sophistiqués. La combinaison de la science et de la sorcellerie était Makinot, les circuits fabriqués à partir de sorts qui ont été mises en objets pour leur donner vie et même acquérir une personnalité. Il a été développé comme une arme militaire et s’est maintenant propagée à travers le monde. Akabane Raishin est maintenant à l’Académie royale pour devenir le meilleur au monde. Accompagné par la belle adolescente Yaya, qui est en faite l’arme marionnettes de Raishin.
High-school girl Yui found a mysterious boy lying unconscious on the beach. This mysterious boy can't remember where he is from, only that his name is "Sid." After a confrontation with the locals, they discover that Sid is one of the human weaponry developed by the Japanese government, known as "Uncanny Brains" or UB. As the powers of the UB unfold before them, will Sid's arrival on this island spell doom for Yui and her friends?
Seifuku Shojo Miseifuku -  制服少女未征服
Ko likes girls. Including his childhood friend from next door Mana, who treats him like a brother. She's popular with the boys because of her physical development... or not! The beginning of a sanctuary of fetishism as Ko conquers the uniformed girl!
Even if treated cruelly by Kazuomi, Yuuki will never let go of this love. How long will Kazuomi hold on to that coldness? The bad feelings he has after seeing Yuuki...The passion within the hearts, is it love at first sight? -from AF
アンデッド, 屍憶

Undead Unluck

アンデッドアンラック - 
Alors qu'une jeune fille malchanceuse se prépare à affronter la mort, un mort qui veut désespérément mourir apparaît devant elle ! Vicieux, violent et à poil ! Un héros picaresque sans précédent apparaît dans le Shonen Jump ! À lire gratuitement sur Manga Plus.
Undefeated God of War -  Bu Bai Zhan Shen -  不败战神 -  不败战神·凌云志
アンダーグランドホテル, UGH, Under Grand Hotel Hi no Ataru Basho, Under Grand Hotel Toraware no Shirushi, Under Ground Grand Hotel, Undergound Hotel, Undergrand
Under Grand Hotel is the inmate's name for a prison in the US. Sen is a Japanese guy who has been imprisoned after killing his lover's husband. Sword Fish is the leader of the prison. Sen needs Sword's protection, but can a love story work in a prison?
[From Nakama] 30 meters underground, a prison where escape is impossible; the United States penitentiary, “The Underground Hotel”. Only the people who enjoy living in this place, a life cut off from the sun, call it by another name: “The Under Grand Hotel”. Absorbed in pleasure-seeking sex, the shut-call, Erie (leader of the prisoners) isn’t watching the men he’s raping each night, but rather one man alone. Norman. Norman, who keeps trying to harm himself as a result of trauma, the kind doctor who cares for him, Van, and Erie, who’s falling into a brutal love that’s more akin to hatred… What will happen when these various feelings are made to intertwine into a closed-off world? From storyteller Sadahiro Mika, the long-awaited, mature love story of the “Under Grand Hotel” begins!

Under Ninja

De nos jours encore, les ninjas vivent parmi nous, se cachant à la vue de tous, toujours en attente d'une mission. Cependant, pour certains, cela prend bien plus de temps pour recevoir une mission que d'autres ! Faites connaissance avec Kumogakure Kuro, un NEET (ni étudiant, ni employé, ni stagiaire) et ninja. Après avoir été longtemps sans emploi, il reçoit finalement une mission de sa hiérarchie !
A 47 page one-shot about how Harold (mangaka of Beck) got to meet the 'Red Hot Chili Peppers.'
[From AnimeNewsNetwork]: Tending to his sister, who is paralyzed after a fall from a tree, Tatsuya Kitazaki wants revenge. Yet, just as he is about to cut down the tree, a strange and seemingly ageless girl, Sara Nishikujo, appears to stop him. What's more, the girl seems to have the ability to communicate with plants - and she tells Tatsuya the tree's version of his sister's accident. This marks a watershed in Tatsuya's life, as everything begins to change.
A story about a mysterious girl who doesn't seem to age and the people she affects. Very earth-friendly.
상수리나무 아래
La fille d'un duc, Maximilien, a épousé un humble chevalier sous la contrainte de son père.Après leur première nuit, son mari est parti pour une expédition sans dire un seul mot. Il revient trois ans plus tard, cette fois en tant que célèbre chevalier connu sur tout le continent. Comment Maximilien lui ferait-elle face à son retour ?"Plus je pense à toi, plus je me sens seule. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je ne peux pas m'en empêcher même si c'est douloureux."