
Dobon -  どぼん
La fille a entendu un son de splash venant du fossé.Que cache le sol de la mer ?
Sana Tsukimori is a 10 year old horror star but she can't grab the attention of her older brother.

Spoiler Wars

Netabare Sensou ネタバレ戦争
Les spoilers sont mauvais. Surtout quand vous gâtez l'anime préféré à un membre du club de kendo (qui transporte un katana).Quand Terada laisse accidentellement tomber un spoiler sur l'anime préféré de Hikami, seules les mauvaises choses peuvent arriver. Dorénavant, Terada ne peut qu'essayer de survivre aux mesures de plus en plus extrêmes qu'Hikami utilise pour se venger. Il ne peut être décrit comme une guerre - une guerre de spoiler.

spooky girl

Hyudoro Girl -  ヒュードロガール
Histoire d'une fille fantôme et un garçon pervers.
Sporting Salt -Shioya no Kaibougaku- -  SPORTING SALT-塩谷の解剖学-
Shioya really likes to help sportsmen, to the point that he is weirdly fascinated by them. He has a dream of becoming best sports doctor in the world, and he is already quite good at it even though he is still in high school.
Kyohei Saito, a first-year college student who's gloomy and negative—in other words, "depressing"—falls in love with Ayame Ogawa, a beauty and contestant of their school's beauty pageant. Will the depressing nobody's feelings reach the goddess who basks in the spotlight? The curtain rises on an ensemble cast drama of college students shaken by the glimmer and helplessness of youth!
Nioujima Kou est un jeune talent devenu célèbre après avoir auditionné à un casting étant jeune. Mais depuis des années, sa vie privée reste un mystère...Est-ce que le nouvel assistant directeur fraîchement arrivé va découvrir le vrai visage de Kou ?

Spray King

Dans une ville où la criminalité est en pleine croissance, le mal et le bien s’affrontent dans une guerre urbaine que les autorités semblent incapables d’arrêter. Kuroda Miu, une jeune étudiante en art photographique rêve de réaliser le scoop de sa vie en découvrant l’identité de celui qui est responsable de la dégradation de la ville grâce à ses graffitis et qu’on surnomme le Spray King.Dans sa quête de vérité Miu se confrontera à une réalité qu’elle n’aurait jamais imaginé…
スプリガン -  Striker
Many years ago, an ancient civilization once ruled Earth. They were known for advanced artifacts and machines, but were destroyed in the end due to the misuse of their creations. Creating indestructible message plates written in Hebrew, these people left messages for later generations, informing them that if they could not find a good use for their creations, they should be destroyed. Various entities such as paramilitaries, national armies and armed private forces began to secretly search for these "mysterious" artifacts in order to be used for their own good and against their enemies after the end of the Cold War. Only the ARCAM Corporation can stop these forces from destroying themselves with these "advanced" machines. With the help of its military arm, the ARCAM Private Army and their elite secret agents known as Spriggans (or Strikers), ARCAM plans to turn the tides of battle against those who would threaten the safety of humanity by using the dangerous artifacts. Spriggan, known for a short time as Striker in Canada, France, the Netherlands and the US, was censored in the North American market for excessive violence, blood and quesitonable content (The prominent example: The use of a black ops unit in the US Army with the majority of its soldiers revealed to be brainwashed children and teenagers under the age of 18).

Spring Cicada

夏の痣 -  Haru No Semi -  Cigale Du Printemps
Une rumeur se répand, des drogues circulent dans le campus. Mais alors, qui pourrait bien être le dealer? Malgré les avertissements de son cousin sur la dangerosité de ce milieu, Yuu décide quand-même de mener son enquête…
Espresso of Spring, Spring Espresso, 봄의 에스프레소
スプライト, 末日降臨, สไปรท์
スプラウト, 爱情种子, 爱情萌芽
Reality isn't a shoujo manga, and Miku Ikenouchi's friends know that perfectly well. But then again, they are not Miku-chan. The reason for this is that Miku-chan has a boyfriend, a third year, and is content with what she has. But then a chain of events occur which leaves Miku-chan with a rival (for cuteness), her father quitting his job... and a new roommate?
Spy Wife -  Spy's Wife -  Supai no tsuma -  スパイの妻
Семья шпиона: Конфеты или жизнь!
Семья шпиона: Дремота Ллойда -  うたた寝ロイドさん
超S同盟, SSシスターズ, Super Sadistic Sisters
This story is about a (un)lucky guy who gets sadistically and sexually tortured in unconventional ways.

SS Story

Sexual Exploits - Did you do this ?
Drame érotique réel pour vous qui avez déployé le fantasme sexuel imaginaire comme une véritable marée !
Living in the boonies, one must give great consideration to how they will get around when they turn 16. Isaki has just turned 16 and his choice of transportation is his neighbor's Piper Cub. It might be old, but it flies well. One day he decides to fly over the 2,000m-high Ogusu mountain range to see the tower his neighbor is always talking about. But for some reason his plane feels too heavy and is using fuel faster than planned. Will he make it to the airport or crash in the bushes? And just what was making the plane feel so heavy? 
Meimon Danshikou KeppuurokuSSG -  SSG - Bunkyou Gakuen Danshiryou Ketsupuuroku
Pour le bien de son frère Subaru, Hitomi décide de prendre sa place dans une prestigieuse école secondaire pour hommes pendant un an jusqu'à ce qu'il se rétablisse et obtienne son congé de l'hôpital. Elle arrive à l'école et rencontre quelques inconnus le premier jour, mais dès qu'elle leur dit son nom, ils sont surpris et la font aller au Lion Club. Cacher le fait qu'elle est une fille sera déjà assez difficile et maintenant elle doit faire face à ce groupe étrange qui la force à rejoindre leur club parce qu'ils croient tous que dans leurs vies antérieures, ils étaient membres du Shinsengumi ! description par LuffyNoTomo
Maki is an ex-model who now works as a waiter for a shop that opens as a cafe during the day and as a bar during the night. How he comes to work at such a place is the story.
On August 10 of 2019, humanity received a signal, which was verified for its integrity by hundreds of scientists, from an alien life form containing one message: let us meet on Mars on July 7, 2035. Thus began the creation of a space agency representing Earth as a whole named ST&RS. From there, things progressed quickly with man re-landing on the moon in 2022 and constructing many space stations orbiting Earth and the moon. The Space Academy was created to train the upcoming generation of ST&RS.The same August 10th that Earth received the message, Shirafune Maho spoke his first words and it was “Mars.” Since then, Maho has been an astronomy freak who has nothing but the universe on his mind. He decides he is going to apply for the Space Academy along with his childhood friend, Hoshihara Meguru, and recent transfer and super smart classmate, Amachi Wataru. The trio begins their almost impossible journey of being accepted into the school where only 1% of the applicants are allowed into the academy.


ステージS -  Stage S
The person I like. I want to know everything about the person I like. Because I like him. Because I like her. Everyone undoubtedly holds the desire to know more about the person they like. Within the varying types of love, this form exists as well.
This is a short, delicate BL oneshot that’s quite pretty. It’s about budding affection, a mysterious young man we meet in a greenhouse, and the give-and-take of a relationship.
스탠바이 미, 달링!
Seo Jiwoon questioned the death of his sister who was in a car accident that happened with top celebrity actor Cha Taehyuk. While searching for Cha Taehyuk, he ends up being hit by a car and dies. However, he suddenly wakes up and realizes that he has returned to the first day he started working. When he wakes up, he encounters the very person he has been searching for. Isn’t “Cha Taehyuk” the person who was with my sister?!
Chotto dake Zeitaku na Jikan wo -  Akai Sea Glass -  Wish Upon A Glass -  Red Sea Glass
Furuya Utako est timide et réservée, mais à cause de sa taille (172 cm), elle se remarque facilement. Elle pense tout le temps à Harada Naoyuki, le garçon populaire qui s'assoit à côté d'elle en cours et veut devenir ami avec elle. Elle est surprise par son attitude directe, mais petit à petit, ils vont se rapprocher...
Furuya Utako is shy and reserved, but because of her height (172cm), she sticks out like a sore thumb. Her mind is constantly plagued by thoughts of Harada Naoyuki, the popular boy who sits next to her in homeroom and claims that he'd like to be friends. She is a bit surprised at his straightforward attitude, but slowly the distance between them is starting to close...