
不顾一切的爱, 恋愛心中, Lovers Suicide, Renai Shinjyuu
When they were 12 years old, Runa and Ren were very much in love, but Runa’s mother was against it – they were far too young. Ren did the unthinkable, tried to have the two of them commit suicide together rather than be apart. The suicide was a failure but both kids were hospitalized with serious injuries. It didn’t break them apart but eventually Runa’s parents were able to separate them.Several years pass and Runa has moved on with a new boyfriend named Shou when Ren suddenly shows up attending the same high school, very sexy and still in love with her, and suddenly her life is very complicated…
Pure Love Tripper -  Ren'ai Tripper -  恋愛☆トリッパー
Niina, jeune lycéene de 16 ans est propulsée dans le passé, et atterri à l’époque des Hakkuden (les 8 guerriers chiens).C’est là qu’elle rencontre le jeune maître du clan Satomi, takemasa.Selon lui, Niina est la réincarnation du dernier Hakkenshi, et doit l’aider avec son pouvoir, à vaincre un ennemi dangereux et puissant, Tamazusa.... Cependant, Takemasa est obscène et brutal ;Je ne veux pas coopérer avec lui !!Laissez-moi retourner dans mon époque !
Renai SLG -  恋愛☆SLG
Shibata Youichi is an ordinary highschooler, but one day he runs into a mysterious heroine! The cute girl knows his name, and (as in a stereotypical anime) she's an alien who needs him to help save her people! Soon enough, Youichi finds out that this situation was too good to be true... The girl, named Kyara, does represent aliens, but her people are actually interested in Japanese manga/anime/game culture. They want to use his home as a base and his brain as a measuring tool of the level of appeal of their heroines!
Ren Ai Tan -  Ren-Ai-Tan -  Ren~Ai~Tan
A decadent, poetic, obscure and serious love story.
恋痴な日本 -  恋痴日本
Mogami Himoto shouldn't have any problems. He's rich. He's smart. He's athletic. He's incredibly attractive. He's an "ikemen." Meeting Yaenami Yukka plunges his life into chaos. First, she mistakenly accuses him of molesting her and broadcasts the news to the whole school. Then she ropes him into pretending to be his fiancee... which might not be so bad if not for the self-defense mechanism which results in her punching any ikemen who comes close to her. And then there's the curse...
煉獄に笑う -  笑对炼狱 -  Laughing In Limbo -  Laughing In Purgatory -  Laughter From Purgatory -  Purgtory Laugh
L'histoire se déroule déroule 300 ans avant les événements de Donten ni Warau, durant la turbulente période Sengoku.Nous suivons le personnage d'Ichida Sakichi dont la mission l'amène à rencontrer les mystérieux jumeaux du temple Kumo.
炼国的cartagra, 煉國のカルタグラ, Purgatory of Cartagra, Rengoku no Cartagra
At Seirei Academy, a series of mysterious demonic ceremonies have been taking place and the transfer student, Yuriya Yuuki is suspected by his classmates. One evening, from his dormitory window, Yuriya sees a girl wandering outside and follows her. Once outside, he encounters a book which allows him to summon the demon Belial, who invites Yuriya to enter into a contract with him…
Artisans of the Traitor's Gate -  煉獄のトリスアギオン - 
From MangaHelpers:A la fin des années 1800, Thomas Alva Edison est un inventeur célèbre, mais il est aussi un maître dans la lutte contre les anges déchus qui viennent dans le monde des humains. Ce rôle est appelé " exorciste " dans l'église, mais Edison, avec ses nouvelles armes, se qualifie d'" artisan ". Levi est le fils d'une maison noble, mais lorsqu'il est rendu orphelin par un ange, il décide de suivre Edison. Il est maintenant l'apprenti d'Edison et fait de son mieux pour que personne n'ait à souffrir comme lui.
Elle s'appelle Monko. Corneille solitaire, âme vagabonde, magnifique voyageuse qui arpente les routes peuplées de bandits sanguinaires et de beaux gosses ténébreux... qui sont parfois un seul et même homme. Au cœur des landes sauvages où surgissent dangers et créatures fabuleuses, Monko suit le chemin qu'elle s'est tracé. Malgré ses dons à l'escrime, ce n'est pas la voie du Sabre qu'elle a choisi d'emprunter. Malgré son intelligence, ce n'est pas non plus la voie de la Sagesse. En effet, la quête qu'elle poursuit est celle du mari parfait. Sa voie, c'est celle de l'Amour.


Le seigneur Masaki sent sa famille en danger. Il fait appel à Renka, un hitokiri renommé pour protéger sa fille . Mais cet homme mystérieux cache un secret , qu'y a -t-il derrière son bras bandé,Qui est-il vraiment ?
I am an S ranked adventurer and for certain reasons am traveling with a certain alchemist. However, this alchemist is quite strange. In his spare time, he can make the highest grade potion called an elixir, and can complete a holy sword overnight. I want him to remember to be responsible. I want him to watch his health… stop drinking elixirs like they’re energy drinks!This is the story of the weird alchemist who doesn’t know restraint and the adventurer who tags along with him.

Renren Zakari

Le matin de son entrée au lycée, Sumika est arrivée en retard. A cause de cela elle ne pourra pas repérer les beaux garçons?! C'est alors qu'elle fera la connaissance de deux garçons. Elle sera alors obligé de faire des travaux supplémentaires avec ces deux-là. et c'est ainsi que les ennuies commenceront !!
A collection of four stories from Chinese folklore. Three of them (A Mercy Destiny, The Madman of the Flowers. and The Origin of Love) have the same characters that appeared in Hana no Koe: Dai-Chun, Song Gui-Xiang, and Ru-Chun in the Tang Dynasty. Dai-Chun and Song try to help their friends to solve their problems of vanity, pride, egoism, and envy, but Song's naivete complicates the situation.
恋想モード -  Delusional Mode
Nicknamed “The Prude,” Aizome Maiko is an misunderstood girl who actually has explicit fantasies. When a boy with a delinquent’s face, Yajima Keisuke, ruins her dream romantic encounter, she forces him into slavery by getting him to carry out her ridiculous plan to reach the man of her dreams. What has “The Prude” have in store for Yajima and will her ridiculous plan succeed?
命中注定恋上你, 命运之恋想, 恋想 の アリア
Aria’s parents have been gone since she was very young. Thus, she’s had to grow up in a “foster home” of sorts, and was raised by nuns. On her 16th birthday, Aria recieves a present in the mail– a ring from her “Daddy-long-legs” (a man who protects someone from afar while they’re growing up)! All of a sudden Aria’s life is thrown into chaos. Men try to run her over with cars, shoot her, and kidnap her. Relief comes in the form of Canon, who claims he’s her bodyguard. But can he keep Aria safe forever?
Rental Android no Hanashi -  レンタルアンドロイドの話。
A man finds housework consuming his spare time, but cannot afford to buy an android, so he goes to an Android Rental Agency to rent one to handle his chores for him. But all is not as it seems.
Rental Kanojo Tsukita-san -  レンタル彼女月田さん
A new kind of romantic comedy about a shy boy meeting a weird girl!Hoshino Masato(26) is a very shy guy who is even nervous about being handed change by a woman at a convenience store. In order to get used to women and grow as a man, he mustered up the courage to make a reservation with a rental girlfriend! But what came was a bit (?) weird girl, Tsukita-san! Tsukita-san is going above and beyond what he expected, and Hoshino-kun is getting overwhelmed. A new addictive romantic comedy about the exquisite relationship between the two!!!
レンタルハーツ -  หัวใจนี้ให้ยืม
Amamiya Nonoka is a human that can see spirits. Because of the strange ability she posseses, she has no friends at school at all. Suddenly, one day two handsome brothers appear in front of the lonely Nonoka. Aki and Kou, the two of them came to borrow Nonoka's "strange ability"? Not to mention, they are renting parts of their bodies to continue living...
レンタルマギカ, Rentaru Magika
"My inheritance is a company that rents out magic users...what!?"The extremely scared Iba Itsuki inherits property left to him by his missing father. That property was the Magic User Rental Company Astral. The magic users become "rental" and solve the request's problems. They do and don't...How will Itsuki deal with the fate of being president!?
レンタルマギカ from SOLOMON, レンタルマギカfrom SOLOMON, Rentaru Magika from Solomon
Due to his father's disappearance, Itsuki Iba has to take over the family business: a magician dispatch service. Their family basically employs countless magicians and other supernatural beings in order to send them out to help those who need magical assistance. As a leader, Itsuki now has to be tough, commanding, and reliable, but there's one problem: he's a coward. Also, in order to run a successful business, he has to connect with his employees, which is more difficult than it seems, due to his personality. But not only does he have to deal with his own employees, he also has to deal with those who threaten the family business.
Hasujusho no-san kaku -  Lens Sou no Sankaku -  Liebe im Fokus -  Love in Focus -  莲住莊三角公寓 -  蓮住荘のさんかく
Après avoir quitté sa ville natale pour rejoindre une école qui propose un cursus de photographie, Mako Mochizuki emménage à la pension Hasuzumi. Elle y retrouve également son ami d'enfance, Kei. Un jour, Mako prend par inadvertance une photo d'un garçon avec son animal de compagnie, mais il se fâche et Mako s'enfuit alors en direction de son dortoir. Cependant, elle découvre que le fameux garçon est Asako Amemura, et qu'il vit également à Hasuzumi !
Repeating Senior! Todome-Senpai -  Ryunen! Todome Senpai -  留年! とどめ先輩
Sato is a high school boy struggling with his grades, but that's the least of his worries. His childhood friend and former upperclassman Waseda Todome wants to spend time with him (the keyword being "former", as she's repeating the first year and now shares classrooms with Sato). The problem lies with the fact that, while being cute and flirty, she's dumb as bricks, and intends to make him sabotage his own grades because she doesn't want to be alone at the bottom of the school's grade ranks. However, it turns out that [i]she's dumb as bricks when it comes to that too...[/i]Todome's poor planning has some unintended consequences, as it readily reveals that her intentions with Sato do not lie purely within the academic side of things... Will Sato take the hint, notwithstanding Todome's bad clues?


Sugawa fait d'horribles cauchemars à propos d'un meurtre sanglant et violent. Que signifient ces rêves ? Depuis peu, un tueur en série s'en prend aux femmes à cheveux longs...
Replica - Last Letter, Replica -last Letter
Manji, the murderer bodyguard known as Red Dog, joins Cards by chance and helps defeat Toys, a kind of playthings that kill. His weapon is a sword and his partner is Karu, a cold boy capable of transferring others injury to his body. In one mission, Karu is wounded and his secret is exposed.
Yokami Futsu, or Fu-chan as he is commonly known, was brought up by his grandfather after his father died. But now his grandfather had also died – leaving behind a large amount of debt. At the funeral, his grandfather’s cousin (who looks uncannily like grandpa himself!) suddenly appears and declares that he wants to take care of him. Together, they start living in a dilapidated, run down house and Fu-chan is forbidden from entering some of the other parts of the house. One night, he encounters a mysterious handsome man at the house and instantly gets the feeling that he had seen him before – even though the man outright denies it himself when asked. Add into that his cousin’s odd and ridiculous behaviour that strongly reminds Fu of his carefree grandfather, and the wild rumours flying around, Fu becomes very suspicious. Also what are all those dreams that he had having for long time now, dreams that seem like it had really happened to him rather than just some outright, random dreams…? And who really is that man that Fu had encountered that night and why does he get such strong feelings when he is around him? 
Night of Replicant -  レプリカントの夜
Tomoki is in love with his senpai, Sawaki. One day while at Sawaki's house, Sawaki's brother Atsuya, caught him jerking off while smelling Sawaki's shirt. Afraid Atsuya would let the secret out, Tomoki avoids Sawaki. Four years later, Sawaki is getting married and Tomoki is invited to the party and while his 'love' for Sawaki is still as strong as ever, another person has their eyes on Tomoki. It's Atsuya, the younger brother of Sawaki who wants to conquer Tomoki's heart... will he succeed?
リプライ -  Ripurai
Seki is head mechanic at a car company in which Takami is the top salesman. After a chance encounter at work that involves Seki taking care of a spot of bother for one of Takami's clients, the two begin meeting regularly after work to dine together. Takami soon admits that he thinks of Seki as a good friend. Seki, however, knows that his own emotions are somewhat more complicated...
A guy named Al(?) goes around killing "rebel dolls", which were used as fighting machines in the war before, but their neglect over the years has made them become "rebels. One day while trying to look for some, a boy comes falling out of the sky in hand cuffs, and following him is some rebel dolls. This is a prize catch for a doll hunter, but why are they after the boy? And is that boy even human?? (summary by allyspy)
Ruriko has enjoyed getting pampered by her older sister ever since she was a little girl. One night, Ruriko's sister touches her in a different way when she thinks Ruriko is asleep. After that night, Ruriko cannot hold back her feelings for her older sister any longer.
リリハロ, ReReハロ