

Sairen - Psyren
Ageha est dégoûté par notre monde et rêve d’une vie meilleure. Un soir, il trouve une étrange carte rouge sur laquelle il est écrit Psyren. Il s’agirait d’une société secrète à l’origine de nombreux enlèvements.Peu après, l’une de ses camarades, qui semblait connaître cette société, disparaît devant ses yeux. Ageha décide alors de la sauver : il utilise la carte rouge et se retrouve soudainement projeté dans un monde parallèle. A présent, Ageha doit lutter pour survivre et arriver jusqu’au bout du jeu, car c’est le seul moyen pour lui de retrouver son monde originel, qui n’est peut-être pas si horrible que ça finalement.Dans cette entreprise, il n’est pas seul. D’autres personnes sont dans la même galère. Et c’est ensemble, qu’ils vont affronter le danger et peut-être même le vaincre…
ぷちはうんど -  猎魔师养成班 -  Petit Hound -  Petite Hound (French) -  Puchi Hound
ぷちぷり・ユーシィ -  公主候补生 -  Petite Princess Yucie -  Petite Princess Yushi -  Puchi Puri Yushi
There is a legend that the gods granted the hero a task, which is to raise a little girl into something extraordinary. In this story, this young girl is Yushi, a 17-year-old girl that has been put under a spell: her body stopped aging ever since she was ten years old. She has been selected as a candidate to become the next Puchi Puri Princess. The girl selected to be princess will receive a magical tiara which grants the wearer anything she wants. This means that if Yuushi becomes princess she can wish her spell away! However, the competition is stiff and Yuushi still looks like a 10-year-old girl. Source: Baka-Updates Notes: This manga details the beginning journey of Yushi becoming a candidate and attending an academy where she will be trained the modesty of being a potential Puchi Puri Princess. The story is to be continued in the anime version of this title
ぷちます! Petit [email protected], [email protected]: Spin Out 4-koma Puchimasu!, Idomaster: Spin Out 4-koma Puchimasu!, Petit [email protected]!, Puchi Masu!, [email protected]!
ぷちっとはじけた、 -  怦然一動戀心綻放、 -  Cherry Poppers -  Puchitto Hajiketa
Ashitaka’s an out and proud gay man, trawling for booty calls at his favorite gay bar—but only bottoms need apply, because Ashitaka only tops! His first attempt at gay sex three years ago ended painfully and embarrassingly, and he vowed to never yield his ass to another man again—but fate has decided to throw the very man responsible for his ‘bottom trauma’ back into his life, and the guy’s looking for a fresh start.
One day, an un-named ordinary high school girl (her name is left to your imagination), met Cheko, a maid sent forth from a village of maids. Cheko the maid can melt, fly, remove her head and violate physics. Surrounding "Ordinary high school girl" and her strange little maid are yuki-onna's who hate cold, cute squid that can speak, moe yankees, tsundere maid assasins, ecchi lesbian teachers, trap yuki-otoko's, gentlemenly yakuza and many more.
パンプアップ!, 恋爱二重奏, Fuyu Hanabi (UEDA Rinko), Pump Up
Kayama Miharu enters her new middle school and immediately becomes friends with Mori Mizutama, a very cute guy she first takes to be a girl but is really a boy. However, though Miharu likes Mizutama, she cannot tell him, especially ever since the older Kawagoe (yes, a boy) seems to have taken Mizutama's interest instead. Miharu tries to be cute for Mizutama, but finds it practically impossible, as he is both more talented at home economics and more cute than herself. Then, Mizutama joins the Kawagoe's soccer club instead of the comedy-lovers' club the two of them had decided on earlier...
南瓜とマヨネーズ -  Kabocha to Mayonnaise
Ten stories about the everyday life of Sei, an idealistic songwriter, and Miho, the young woman who struggles to support the both of them.

Pumpkin Night

Naoko Kirino, élève martyrisée par ses compagnons de classe, est envoyée dans un hôpital psychiatrique suite à une brimade qui a tourné au drame et lui a laissé des séquelles irréversibles. Un jour, elle tue ses médecins et s'évade dans un seul but : faire connaître l'enfer à ses bourreaux. Sous son masque de citrouille, elle va repousser les limites de la cruauté et se délecter de la souffrance de ses victimes sans épargner tous ceux qui se mettront sur son chemin.
-  Punch Up! -  Punch↑
Maki is an elite architect who's a sucker for bishies! And his favorite hunting ground is a construction site! Unexpectedly, this time his target is an ironworker named Kouta. A totally unrefined brat who talks with his fist first then cuts you down with his sharp tongue next.. Will Maki be able to capture this wild youth for keeps!? ~~~~~~~~ Note ~ Play Boy Blues, Gaten na aitsu, Kawaige, Stepping Stone, Punch Up!, Mayou Otoko and Otonage. are loosely connected.
Hibari Telepathy, Punch! Fighting Love Champ
Her mother was a wrestling champion, her father a lightweight world boxing champion, her grandfather the first Japanese to become the world champion of Muay Thai kick boxing--but high school girl Elle doesn't want to fight! She just wants a normal life, but is it possible with such a violent family history?*Also contains two other oneshots in volume 3:• Nandemo Ari sa (Anything Goes)• Hibari Telepathy: Hibari Kataoka is a tomboyish girl in love with the hottest MVP basketball player Sora Migumo but they don't seems to get along well.
Punk Boys, punk bois, punk boy, பங்க் சிறுவர்கள், パンクボーイズ
Monty est nouveau dans la ville de Runderabad, ville futuriste mais ravagée par la criminalité. Après qu'une fille populaire l'ait invité à sa fête et qu'il se soit fait attaquer à l'intérieur, un demi-vampire nommé Rajesh le sauve, mais au cours du processus, Monty se fait mordre et doit vivre sa nouvelle vie de vampire.


Quand ils étaient enfants, Utsusu et sa petite sœur, Yume, étaient battus par leur père. Lorsque leur mère divorça et s'en alla avec un autre homme, ils restèrent seuls. Utsusu promis alors de protéger sa sœur coûte que coûte. Un jour, alors qu'ils rentraient ensemble du collège, ils tombèrent nez-à-nez avec une étrange scientifique au visage mutilé, Maria. Juste après leur rencontre, de gigantesques papillons rouges apparaissent et Yume se transforma en monstre anthropophage. Son frère, incapable de la ramener à la raison, fut obligé de demander de l'aide à Maria, qui en savait plus qu'elle ne voudrait en dévoiler. Il s'avère finalement que les deux adolescents ont été touchés par un virus inconnu, que la scientifique a appelé pupa. Il leur confère une régénérescence extrêmement rapide des tissus musculaires mais, en contrepartie, l'hôte éprouve une faim insatiable. Utsutsu est obligé de devenir la source de nourriture permanente de sa sœur ! Parviendra-t-il à élucider le mystère pupa ? Et surtout, arrivera-t-il à ramener sa sœur à son état normal ?
プピポー, プピポー!, プピポー!, Pupipoo!
Himeji Wakaba is a 5th year elementary school student, and she has the ability to see things that others can't. They are mostly frightening evil spirits, and they tend to do bad things to people who are close to her. As a result, Wakaba has no friends and rarely smiles. On a couple of occasions, she brings home stray animals, but her parents won't let her keep them. However, they're worried about their sad, creepy daughter, so one day they decide that whatever Wakaba brings home next, they'll let her keep.The next thing she brings home is a pink monster called "Pupipo," but her parents stand by their decision and let her keep it. No one is quite sure what Pupipo is, but it protects Wakaba from the other things she sees. Pupipo also helps Wakaba make friends with an occult-obsessed transfer student and solve problems with bullying. Wakaba's life is a much better place with her pet pink monster! [tethysdust]
From BangAQUA: Sung Hyeg is from a rich family; smart, prudent, cunning and strong. Je Ha is from a poor family; an idler, hooligan and is always looking for badass adventures. Both of them have nothing to lose. And it would have been best, if they had never met…
Leon is a pure-blooded vampire that has chosen to peacefully coexist with humans. As a sign of his pure-blooded status, Leon shares a bond with a deterrent, Noah. Noah s power suppresses the base instinct to drink human blood. Despite granting Leon this freedom, Noah still worries about his own unstable power and perceived weakness. Together, they investigate strange incidents and perform occult jobs. After all, even vampires have bills to pay.
純愛360°, 롤러코스터, Pure Love 360°, Roller Coaster
A cute story about a strong looking girl who is actually a very lonely girl.On her 15th birthday, our main protagonist is playing by herself at the amusement park.When she suddenly meets a very special big raccoon dog who makes her spend an unforgettable birthday.But the girl actually does not know his true identity....
純愛360° -  롤러코스터 -  Pure Love 360 Degrees -  Roller Coaster
From NCIS: A cute story about a strong looking girl who is actually a very lonely girl. On her 15th birthday, our main protagonist is playing by herself at the amusement park. When she suddenly meets a very special big raccoon dog who makes her spend an unforgettable birthday. But the girl actually does not know his true identity....
純愛ラビリンス -  纯爱迷宫 -  純愛迷宮 -  Junai Labyrinth -  Jun-ai Labyrinth
Ogiwara Umi is an ordinary sixteen-year-old girl with an extraordinary older brother. Ogiwara Haruto is an up-and-coming star actor, and everywhere he goes girls call his name. This would be difficult for any little sister, but Umi has it particularly hard ~ she not only has a brother complex, but she’s actually in love with her brother! But perhaps the more important question is ~ does Haruto feel the same?
天使机器娃娃 -  PURE まりおねーしょん
Pure Marionation is the story of Anon, a "marionette" or android cute girl. Ostensibly, she is enrolled in Waffle High (no, seriously, that's the name) to test out her AI, codenamed ALIS. Immediately, Anon's secret is discovered by classmate Miamo, who is sworn to secrecy and determines to protect Anon from...I'm not sure what. Taken from ozaku
[From Lililicious]: Pure Shadow is a darker story about two girls who consider double suicide together
In this dreamy science fiction fantasy, Junko Mizuno illustrates a story full of catfights, alien safari adventures, evil experiments, and a girl who dreams of becoming a pop idol signer. Following the Third World War, humankind left the toxic surface of the Earth and built an underground city to survive. A serious social problem has emerged in this new society: hyperorexia, or severe overeating, a side effect of the "Pure Trance" life-sustaining pill. The story begins in the hospital which has been ruined by a tyrannical director, Keiko Yamazaki...
Clean and Correct -  Kiyoku Tadashiku Fushidara ni -  清く正しくふしだらに
A young man is starting as the tutor of a Japanese lower house politician's daughter. But this girl means dangerous business.
煉獄デッドロール -  Purgatory Dead Role -  Rengoku Deadroll -  Rengoku Dead Role
Partez à la rencontre de Sakai Hiroaki, un lycéen surdoué qui est las de tout ce qui est trop simple pour lui. Un jour, en essayant d'empêcher une élève de se suicider, il se suicide accidentellement. À son réveil, il se retrouve dans un endroit appelé le purgatoire, entouré de personnes s'étant également suicidées. Sakai découvre que lui et ses congénères sont forcés à participer à une boucle sans fin de jeux mortels pour des raisons qui lui sont inconnues, et essaie d'y échapper.

Puri Puri

Boy of Pudding
He's giving headaches to the serious student council president. But they are strangely in tune with each other...!?*included in Anthology Sweets Fortune Telling
プリキュウ, 瞄准你的心, Love Arrow, Mengintai Busur Beradu, Ngắm Trúng Tim Anh, Purikyu
Katsuragi Anna used to be a Prima Ballerina. Now, she leads a normal high school life. Her friend tells her to join the archery club and she accepts the offer. Right when she opens the door, she finds a guy stringing the bow, when he turns around, she is astounded to see Jinnai, her childhood rival!! 
An errant traveler comes across a mysterious old woman who warns him about his destination.Apparently, only The City of Death awaits him...[b][i]* Note:[/b] Read L to R [b]→[/b]