

Hold me in the Summer -  Christmas Passion -  Red Hot Blizzard -  Valentine Ecstasy
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - Nude :Natsuki se prépare à obtenir son diplôme et elle veut que son projet artistique final soit Tsuji. Va-t-elle réussir à le faire ?- 02 - Hold me in the Summer :Les vacances d'été de Nagisa semble être calme, excepté le fait qu'elle continue à tourner autour du beau Yuuji. Est-ce que ça peut être un simple amour de vacance, ou bien plus ?...- 03 - Christmas Passion :Miyako est constamment harcelée sexuellement par Atsushi. Elle ne lui pardonne pas de l'avoir blesser les années auparavant.- 04 - Red Hot Blizzard :Kazuno part faire du ski avec sa grande sœur. Le copain de sa sœur emmène également son frère, Aoi. Les deux se rapprochent grâce à un contretemps, mais est-ce que cette rencontre n'est pas plus qu'une coïncidence ?- 05 - Valentine Ecstasy :Madoka a eu des rêves sexy d'Akashi, probablement parce qu'il est toujours là pour la taquiner ! Il a tellement de filles autour de lui qu'elle a du mal a lui donner le chocolat obligatoire. Est-ce qu'Akashi va changer son avis ?
ヌードな果実たち, 诱惑的果实, Fruits in Nude, Nude Fruits, Nude Na Kajitsu Tachi
Anzu Ogura is 17 years old. No boy tries to seduce her on the street, and she attracts no boys at parties. Her male acquaintances are only three Omihara brothers of the next-door family. Now she gets completely confused by them.
Senou Tsukasa is a baseball coach at a high school. He's never been able to forget Kamishiro Shuuichi, his high school boyfriend, even the student he's seeing now resembles Shuuichi. But the affair is discovered and Senou is fired. Now he's just drifting through life, until he meets Shuuichi again...
Nui, en japonais, ça veut dire peluche. Enfant, Kaya a trouvé dans un terrain vague un mystérieux animal en peluche qui ne ressemble à aucun autre. Le jour de ses 16 ans, elle s’aperçoit que Purple, comme elle l’a baptisé, marche et parle. Et ce n’est pas tout... Il se transforme aussi en être humain dans les moments critiques !
不可以那个啦!, 脱いじゃダメ!, 脱いじゃダメ!, Houkago no Shitsuji Taisha, Kimi no Amai Itami
Yui finally got a boyfriend and his name is Sota. Everyone sees him as a quiet cute guy while he's really a wolf in sheep clothing. It was almost Christmas eve and Yui want them to go together. Earlier she rejected him while he was trying to get them to have sex. The excuse was 'If I have sex I won't be able to see UNICORNS again!'. He seems 'fine' with it and went along. When her friend offered condoms to Sota he rejected it because it wasn't that kind of relationship...
When Kaya runs into trouble one day, it’s not a knight in shining armor, but her stuffed animals that come to her rescue. It may sound crazy, but Kaya isn’t pretending: she loves her stuffed animals so much, they come to life and turn into people! Plushies come in all different shapes and sizes, and so do their hearts—whereas some are nice, there are others who are not so kind.
ぬいぐるみクラッシュ, Nuigurumi Clash, Nuigurumi Crash, Stuffed Toy Crash
Fuwa Wataru is a high-school age boy who loves cute stuff like stuffed animals. He's at an arcade one day, trying to win a cute new stuffed bear, when bullies show up to torment him. In fleeing from them, he happens across a very special toy-catching game---one that has a naked man in it. The man calls himself "Mofu-tarou" (after the name of the stuffed bear) and insists that he is a stuffed animal. He does seem to have genuine stuffed animal ears and a tail, at least. He follows Wataru home, determined to be his new stuffed animal. Wataru's life gets even weirder as his Mumu-tan stuffed bear starts talking, and he has to figure out how to hide his new Mofu-tarou "stuffed animal." 


Ryoichi Takasago est un lycéen ordinaire, sans problème particulier. Si ce n’est qu’il fait, depuis quelque temps, des rêves très étranges peuplés de morts, et d’une jeune fille qui, derrière une beauté irrésistible, cache un monstre cannibale. Un jour, une nouvelle élève arrive dans sa classe. Kikuko Munekata ressemble comme deux gouttes d’eau à la fille de ses cauchemars.Au même moment, Tokyo est touchée par une canicule inhabituelle. Les insectes, des fourmis aux sauterelles, ont un comportement agressif et attaquent les animaux domestiques…
Comme Excalibur, Excelia a besoin d'être sorti de quelque chose... d'un piédestal. Pour Seiken-chan, le piédestal est sa culotte.
ぬくぬく図書委員 -  Snuggly Librarian
Marimo has a job to do... but it's too cold and she doesn't want to leave the kotatsu.
Kurumi, the dumb android.Chiaki, her guardian with a few screws loose.Sakina, calm, composed, and easily amused.Shiyuki, the only sane(?) girl.Follow their exciting high school life as they tinker with and pamper Kurumi, as well as talk about nothing in particular.
In an organization of professional killers called Thanatos, there exists an elite assassin. Fighting for the ranking of No. 1, the curtain rises on a battle fought with blood over blood!! 
Shichiro Oshima wakes up from the artificial hibernation 100 years in the future, sleeping though the wrath of nuclear war. He wakes up to find Japan to be a primeval jungle, with little to no remnants of Earth's past. After being rescued, Shichiro learns that the Earth is being under attack from alien invaders from all reaches of the universe. Shichiro becomes a member of the Earth Defense Force with the codename Number 7 to fight for the liberation of Earth.
盗んでリ・リ・ス, 盗んで♥リ・リ・ス
Lilith is a phantom thief who is after genius artist, Michelle Corradi’s portrait. After she had already stolen some pictures, Michelle had the idea to catch her. When she announces to steal his new artwork he met her and fell in love with her. What will he do to meet her again..? 
Nusut -  Thief -  ヌスット
For Nusutto, every day is a new opportunity to be his name, a thief. With his partner Scotts and surrogate daughter Chiko, Nusutto gets into far-out gag-filled situations and barely tries to hide any resemblance to a more well-known thief from a rival publisher.Quite possibly the most obscure Jump series, it has been buried by Shueisha due to the remarkable (and unlicensed) resemblance to seinen superstar Lupin III, and has never received any volumes released in fear of legal issues.
L''histoire d'une chatte et son maître.....
Genderbender Yankee School, They're Trying to Take My First Time, 女体化ヤンキー学園 ~オレのハジメテ、狙われてます。~; /
Torao, élève délinquant, est fatigué de perdre face au meilleur bagarreur de l'école, Inudzuka Ryouhei. Un jour, avant son dernier défi, Torao boit accidentellement quelque chose dans un distributeur automatique qui le transforme en fille ! Pire encore, Inudzuka est tombée complètement éperdue d'elle ! Que fera Torao, maintenant Torako, pour revenir en arrière et repousser les avances d'Inudzuka ?
王弟殿下の恋姫 ~王子と婚約を破棄したら、美麗な王弟に囚われました -  L'Idylle de la Princesse et du frère cadet du roi~ Prise au Piège par sa beauté après l'Annulation de mes Fiançailles avec le Prince ~
On the Way to Living Dead
Horiuchi Yutaka-san is a popular idol, who isn't as glamorous and happy as her fans may think. Naturally, her next steps include a radio show, but one she isn't all too keen on doing. Although she tries her best to keep up her image, things quickly turn problematic. As she soon finds out, her voice is not hers alone.
オアシス計画! -  Oashisu Keikaku! -  Oasis Project
Yagi Naoyuki has always been able to get any woman he wanted, and to him, that has always been a problem. It's come to the point where they would take drastic measures if he rejected them. Fed up with his "women troubles," Naoyuki's parents send him to live with his uncle, Yagi Akira, whose sexuality is rather ambiguous. At the apartment complex, Naoyuki meets Yoshiro Kei, another one of the tenants and he can't help but be curious about Kei.
Love is's also bloodthirsty and has one hell of a sense of humor. Sa Rang and Jung Yul are identical twin sisters who couldn't be more different. One is sweet and introspective, while the other is a manipulative harpy. Nan Soo and Yoo Shin are best friends who aren't that much alike either. One is a hot-headed jock while the other is an intelligent pessimist. When love comes to town, the lives of these four teens are turned upside down when rotating attractions, comedic misunderstandings, and general chaos force them to reconsider everything they've ever known about relationships, trust, and the frailties of the human heart. Fortunately, none of them knew very much in the first place.
おばあちゃんはアイドル, 奶奶十六歲, Grandma's an Idol, Granny's an Idol, Obaa-chan ha Idol, Obaa-chan wa Idol
Yamada Momoka is your average 16 year old girl. Her family consists of herself, her dad who works at a TV station, and her mom. Apparently she also has a strict prune of a grandma, but who doesn’t? Except that the grandma, Yamada Tamaki, had an accident at the TV station where she got electrocuted and now looks like a 16 year old yamato nadeshiko. It isn’t easy for Momoka when her grandma arbitrarily decides to attend Momoka’s high school as a student as well. Tamaki isn’t just pretty, she’s also very cultured, well-mannered, and still maintains her old-fashioned streak from her 65 years of wisdom. It’s bad enough when Momoka starts being referred to as “Old Yamada” and her grandma (Tamaki) referred to as “New Yamada”, it’s even worse when Momoka’s crush on this dashing young man starts to take an interest in Tamaki as well. Fight-o, Momoka! Protect your beloved grandma, Momoka! And don’t let her walk off with your boytoy, Momoka! 
おバカちゃん、恋語りき -  Dear Miss Fool, Searching for Love? -  Sevgili Bayan aptal,Aşk mı Arıyor? -  سيدة غبية العزيزة,هل تبحثين عن الحب؟ (arabic) -  笨蛋小姐,在找爱情吗? -  笨蛋小姐,
From Shinnen: Since childhood, Neiro has been known for being good at fighting, making people fear her and giving her the title of Kansai's strongest woman. Wanting to find romance, she decides to transfer to a highschool in Kantou. Instead, what faced her was a specially assembled class of delinquents.
A school girl who can see ghosts picks up a manga someone left on her desk. She flips open to a random page with the words "Those who read to this point in my manga will die without fail on the same day -- Hamami". It's now a race against the clock to break curse and save her own life...with the help of a friendly (?) ghost that fell in love with her at first sight.
The Head Princess and the Headless Knight头首之姬与无头骑士首の姫と首なし騎士
Un " chevalier sans tête " sarcastique et effrayant nommé Albert Horseman, petit-fils du héros Joseph, le fondateur de la nation, doit partir à la chasse en compagnie de Charlotte, une jeune princesse renfermée qui aime passer ses journées à lire des livres à l'intérieur de sa demeure.