
Izumi suddenly finds a 10 yen coin she swore she had lost in a cabinet that wouldn’t open before. Soon after, strange things start happening and she enlists the help of their school counselor who also takes care of matters of the supernatural. But then, she finds even he wasn’t as he seemed…
A collection of short stories about friends and romance. 1. Kurenai Mix Special 2. Okosama Ranchi (A Child's Ranch) 3. Special Ranch 4. HOT! 5. COOL! 6. Shangri-la 7. Mr. Postman's Chronicle Mail, One Summer's Love
Assassin Of Crimson
Assassins–Ils sont humains et possèdent des compétences qu’ils utilisent pour tuer des gens. Le plus dangereux d’entre tous est l’assassin de crimson–C’est le chef de la guilde d’assassins Yuuyami. C’est aussi l’assassin celui qui a tué le roi du pays, le roi Mars. À la suite de ça, la princesse a déclaré que quiconque capturerait l’assassin de crimson obtiendrait une fortune et pourrait se marier avec la princesse (et ainsi devenir le roi). Virgil est un garçon aux cheveux rouges et ressemble à une fille. Il voyage avec une troupe de voyageurs tout en cherchant son frère. Mais il se trouve que son profil correspond à l’assassin de crimson. Virgil, à la suite de certains évènements va être amené à découvrir le mystère derrière la mort du roi.
紅の狼と足枷の羊, Kurenai no Ōkami to Ashikase, Kurenai no Okami to Ashikase, The Crimson Wolf and the Shackled Sheep
All humans are wolves in sheep's clothing and the same applies to Douchinji Youichi, a boy who always daydreams about various things, but never says anything out loud. One day, upon seeing a red full moon, a girl came dashing at him before punching him with a silver knuckle, knocking him unconscious and unable to really remember the incident. The next day, a new student, Akatsuki Ayame, joins his class.On his way home, Youichi discovers that the girl who punched him is Ayame, and her silver knuckle draws out what she calls a "wolf", a person's inner thoughts or desires, from a "sheep", the superficial mask which restrains the inner "wolf" from surfacing. However, when someone is full of desires and becomes obsessed with their inner thoughts, the "wolf" outgrows the "sheep" and the person will be able to see the World of Red Moon. The girl explains that she doesn't have a "sheep" and would like to have one, so she requests Youichi to become her "sheep". Youichi agrees to it, marking the beginning of a story of the red riding hood who devours the wolf.
¡¿Me casé con un príncipe sangriento?! -  Crimson Shinigami suffered from sleeping princess -  紅の死神は眠り姫の寝起きに悩まされる
Princess Lilith of the Kingdom of Freud in Amaryllis, is to have a political marriage for an alliance with the Empire of Ayrras. Her husband to be is Crown Prince Gesualdo, who is feared as the "Crimson Reaper". Gesualdo does not trust Lilith and maintains a cold attitude towards her. Not discouraged, Lilith has no intention of remaining a decorative princess and boldly confronts Gesualdo. However, Lilith actually has a secret...!
くれないおうじ, 紅心王子, Crimson Heart Prince, Crimson Prince, Koushin Ouji, Kurena Ouji, Kurenai Kokoro Ouji, Kurenai Shin Ouji
Judo Boy -  Kurenai Sanshirō -  Scarlet Sanshiro -  紅三四郎
The series stars a teenage martial artist named Sanshiro, trained in the Kurenai School of Jiujitsu and centers around his search for his father's killer. Accompanying Sanshiro is an orphaned boy named Kenbo and his pet dog Boke. Sanshiro's only clue to his father's murderer is a glass eye left on the scene of the crime, suggesting that his father's murderer was one-eyed. Thus many of the villains Sanshiro fought during the course of the series were one-eyed or had one eye concealed with an eye-patch.
Bacon Abayan is a positive girl wanting to become a mangaka for her close friends at a young age, but when her life later turns upside down, she’s reborn in a mysterious world where she’s given a second chance to be a mangaka. This is the prologue of Kurieta Lumikha, where her origins as a mangaka began with a tale of friendship, in the country of Japan.
Dans un monde en guerre, voyant s’affronter l’empire et leurs alliés démons face à l’union des royaumes. Un jour, une monstruosité appelée une "calamité" mit à sac le village où vivait notre protagoniste prénommé Cruz et sa jeune sœur Arty. Malheureusement ils périrent tous les deux durant ce funeste jour. Néanmoins, avant de rendre l'âme, Kruz rencontre une elfe noire du nom d’Enju. L'elfe lui accorde un souhait et lui propose donc deux choix : "mettre fin à son existence de manière douce” ou devenir un shinigami qui chasse et extermine les calamités”. Lequel des deux choisira-ils ?
黒エルフに飼われた俺のダンジョン生活 〜三食風呂と地獄つき〜
黒博物館スプリンガルド -  Black Museum Springald -  The Black Museum: Springald
From MangaHelpers: The Black Museum holds criminal memorabilia from the many cases that have been investigated by Scotland Yard. In this fictional re-imagining of the popular legend, a visitor comes to see a piece of particular interest, the leg of Spring-Heeled Jack. When the curator guides him to the piece, he begins to tell his story of the case of Spring-Heeled Jack, which began in the late 1830s. The earlier adventures of Spring-Heeled Jack involved an eccentric nobleman named Walter, who used his specially made suit to harass women. After an encounter with a very strong-willed woman named Margaret, Walter hung up his Spring-Heeled suit for good. Three years later, Spring-Heeled Jack returns, this time with a penchant for murder. Detective James Rockenfield first suspects Walter, but soon it begins to seem that someone else has taken up the mantle... [tethysdust]
Kokuen no Ikusa Otome -  Kokuen no Valkyrie -  Valkyrie of the Black Flame -  黒焔の戦乙女 -  黒焔の戦乙女〈ヴァルキリー〉
Private Sumimoto school. In this school, the girls who manipulated the black flames fought every day and raised themselves.The main character, Suzushiro Rintarou, who has been transferred to the high school, has been involved in their fight from the first day !? A full-fledged school battle that everyone wants, shaking the chest filled with black flames and girls' dreams, Opening!
Haikyu!! dj - Kuro-ken!
Kuro x Kenma <3
黒騎士物語 -  Kurokishi Monogatari -  The Black Knight Story
Action manga about the German 8th tank company on the Eastern Front of WW2 during the fall of 1943.
Aka x Koi -  Kuro x Koi -  Kurokoi -  KuroxKoi -  黑X恋
1-2) Kuro x KoiAo, qui travaille à temps partiel comme aide maternelle dans une école, est sous le charme de Kurose qui vient tous les jours chercher le petit Aki. Alors qu’il a dû mal à admettre qu’il est tombé amoureux d’un homme, son frère jumeau Midori est son parfait opposé. Ouvertement gay, il enchaîne les liaisons. Mais cette fois, Midori en est sûr : il a trouvé l’homme de sa vie… 3 fois divorcé et père d’un enfant. Face à l’inquiétude d’Ao, Midori propose à son jumeau de prendre sa place à son prochain rencard afin qu’Ao s’assure que le nouveau copain de Midori est quelqu’un de bien. Ao se rend au rendez-vous, mais à son plus grand étonnement, il se retrouve face à… Kurose !3-4) Shiro x KoiHistoire centrée sur Midori, le frère jumeau d'Ao.5) Aki x KoiL'histoire entre Aki, le fils d'Haizaki-san et son ami d’enfance, Akane.8 ans se sont écoulés depuis leur rencontre en maternelle.6) ExtrasKi x Koi Extra à Aki x Koi.
クロクロク -  Kuro Clock -  Kurokuroku
Yusa Chiaki is a ordinary high-school student, whose motto is simplicity and frugality. Her favorite character is Uesugi Youzan. One day while going to search for a part time job she gets chased by kappas and a mysterious man rescues her. What will happen to her now?

Kuro no Maou

Kuro no Maoh; 黒の魔王
Kurono Maou est un lycéen au regard acéré et à l’air menaçant. Il n’a pas de petite amie, mais possède de bons amis, et vit une scolarité paisible. Mais un jour, tout à coup, Kurono est attaqué par une étrange migraine dans la salle du club de littérature auquel il appartient, avant de s’évanouir. En se réveillant, il se rend compte … qu’il a été invoqué dans un monde orthodoxe d’Épées et de Magie, où vivent de multiples Monstres.
The Black Create Summoner: Revenge of the Reincarnater
En raison de l'erreur d'un dieu, le lycéen Tsuguna est mort avant son heure. En échange, le dieu accepta de lui faire une faveur dans sa prochaine vie. Tsuguna renaît à une famille noble dans un monde magique. Il a une forme inhabituelle de magie qu'il a demandée au dieu, la capacité de créer des créatures appelées. Cependant, ses cheveux et ses yeux noirs japonais le marquent comme un enfant maudit dans ce nouveau monde, et ses pouvoirs sont lents à apparaître. Il est gardé dans un sous-sol sombre où il lit les livres de sa famille, jusqu'au jour où il découvre enfin la clé de ses pouvoirs. Enfin, il peut partir dans le monde avec son compagnon convoqué pour améliorer ses compétences !
Kuroba Yo is a sadistic detective who enjoys nothing more than destroying his targets emotionally and psychologically through his deductive reasoning. Toiro Arata is a naive and slightly masochistic boy who gets duped by Yo into becoming his assistant, or slave. These two team up to become the "Black & White" detective, solving crimes and chasing after criminals.
A collection of cute shonen-ai oneshots.
I won't give in to the black prince! -  黒王子の言いなりにならない!
Le nouvel étudiant transféré le tire soudainement…Hime Makoto, surnommé «le prince» - qui aspire à ressembler au héros d'un manga de shoujo - est l'une des personnes les plus populaires de son école. Cependant, lorsque Ouji Arata est transféré dans son école, les choses changent complètement. C’est parce que Ouji traite Hime comme une princesse ! Bien qu'il veuille devenir le héros, Hime a le visage levé par le menton, est épinglé au mur et porté dans le style de la mariée…. tout ce qui lui arrive est comme dans un manga shoujo !! Pour couronner le tout, il est exposé comme une vierge et ne fait pas le poids face aux techniques sexuelles de Ouji!
クロアキメラ -  喀迈拉治疗师 -  Croa Chimera
Luca's friend Will, who is from a lower-class segment of society, has gone missing. Luca's only clue to find his friend is his fondness for a certain club in the entertainment district, where a woman named Yue performs. Will had always said they should go there together sometime. When Luca goes down alone to try to speak to Yue, though, he ends up being beaten badly. Luckily, Yue herself finds him, and takes him to her friend Takaomi to be patched up. It soon becomes clear that Will has fallen victim to a chimera sickness that is becoming common in the lower classes. Luca is determined to find his friend, and to save him.


Hiroto Kurogane est au lycée, c'est un 1er de sa classe mais il est nul en sport. Né avec un corps faible, il n'a aucune endurance, vitesse, ou force. Mais le souhait d'Hiroto c'est de devenir un héros. Le destin le taquine en lui donnant une vue phénoménale, qui lui permetrait d'être bon dans certain sport, mais le problème c'est que son corps ne suit pas. Il apprend de son ami Tsubame Shiratori, qui veut le recruter dans l’équipe de Kendo, une rumeur qui parle d'un fantôme nommé Sayuri Tôjô, qui, armée d'un katana, hante une allée dans la ville. A demi curieux, Hiroto y va et constate que le fantôme est bien réel et que Sayuri cherche un successeur depuis 150 ans. Sayuri est un fantôme de l'époque Edo. Elle maitrise le style 'Sakura' à l'aide de son épée. Après un petit affrontement Sayuri décide de choisir Hiroto comme son successeur après qu'il est eu la capacité d'esquiver son attaque. Ensuite Sayuri le force a apprendre le style 'Sakura'. Mais même avec l'aide de la fine lame antique qu'est le fantôme, Hiroto doit surmonter ses faibles compétences de son corps pour être le héros qu'il a toujours voulu.
クロガネ -  迟到的黑铁 -  黑鐵 -  黑铁 -  Kurogane (IKEZAWA Haruto)
Kurogane Hiroto is in high school, where he is academically the top of his class but literally the worst in physical activity. Born with a weak body, he has no endurance, speed nor strength and Hiroto wants nothing more than to be a hero. Fate teases him by giving him phenomenal eye sight, which allows him to see well beyond anyone else in sports, but his body is not able to react to any of it. He learns from his friend Shiratori, who wants to recruit him for the Kendo team, about a rumor about a ghost named Tojo Sayuri, who wields a katana and haunts an ally in the city. Half curious, Hiroto goes there only to find that the ghost is real and that Tojo Sayuri has been looking for a successor to her Sakura sword style for 150 years. Sayuri chooses him as the successor after being able to dodge her attack and forces him to learn the Sakura style. Even with the help of the ancient swordsman ghost, Hiroto has to overcome his poor motor skills in order to be the hero he always wanted to be.
黒鉄ぷかぷか隊, Kurogane Pukapuka-Tai
Black Steel -  Kurogane-Kai -  黒鉄・改
The manga is the sequel of the previous Kurogane Manga series.Revenging his father’s assassination is a matter of pride for the young Jintetsu. The killer of his father is a corrupted government official and holds many powers; now the only issue is Jintetsu is already dead.Genkichi, who’s a master inventor finds the Jintetsu’s severely damaged body, torn to small pieces by stray dogs. Genkichi gives a new shape to the dead body, which is unbreakable and immortal, body made of steel, along with a talking sword, what Jintetsu will require the most to fight with the gang ruling over his hometown and the criminal who killed his father. However, he has left a beautiful girl behind, named Otsuki. Jintetsu’s steel body can protect him from any attack but cannot save him from the pain he is having in his heart.---KUROGANE-KAI est la suite du manga KUROGANE de Kei Toume. Il s'agit d'une reprise de l'œuvre originale, parue initialement au Japon en 1996.Dans le Japon du XVIIe siècle, les Samouraïs sont encore maîtres de la société. Jintetsu, un tueur à gages, échoue dans sa mission et se fait tuer par ceux qu'il devait éliminer. Mais un étrange savant récupère son corps, le transforme en pantin et lui offre un sabre magique. Dès lors, Jintetsu va arpenter les routes sans jamais pouvoir se séparer de son sabre qui lui insuffle la vie...


Une malédiction a transformé Kurohime, la sorcière la plus puissante du monde en une adolescente du nom de Himéko. Accompagnée de Shizuku qu'elle avait sauvé quand il était enfant, elle part à la recherche de la personne qui lui a jeté ce sort, mais surtout d'un moyen d'inverser le processus.
黒い雨にうたれて -  Struck by Black Rain
It's about young people in postwar Hiroshima getting involved in the black market for weapons. The main character is an A-bomb survivor whose hatred drives him to kill an American black marketeer. He asks the Americans, "Who are you to talk about justice when you massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Hiroshima, in Nagasaki, in the firebombing of Tokyo? Was that what you call justice?"
黒髪のヘルガ, Helga of Dark Hair
The story is told as a collection of allegories based in a medieval fantasy setting, but aimed at mature audience. The main character is Helga, a girl who lives completely ostracized from her fellow-villagers, but she seems to enjoy it rather than suffer from it. The people in her life, whose stories we also get to explore, are her best friend Eda, the kind young mayor and two of his servants. And in the heart of the village and the story is the bell-tower which changes everything with its chime...
黒きレ・ヴォルゥ~仮面の怪盗少女, Kuroki Re-voru - Kamen no Kaitou Shoujo, Kuroki Re-voruu - Kamen no Kaitou Shoujo, Kuroki, le voleur, Kuroki, le voleur - Kamen no K
It is the start of the 20th century and the Parisian commoners celebrating the Belle Époque are fascinated by the antics of the resident phantom thief Arsène Lupin. But the mask of Lupin actually belies a beautiful woman...? An epic adventure aboard a luxury liner and involving even Detective Holmes is about to unfold!