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Parallel Punch!! -  Love Love Size -  Youthful Burst -  Black Sixth Class -  Deep Inside the Back of the Throat -  Winter Comes Around -  Rumor About the Professor -  Loup-Garou Gokou
Recueil de plusieurs histoires courtes.
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It is a very dark night. Under a heavy rain, a determined man sets out to track his terrified victim. The decision of Kirishima Seiichi is clear: Tonight, he will kill his wife.A year ago, he was a happy man - a successful writer, a contented husband, and a father of a young boy... at that time, everything seemed going well for him. But such happiness had to end. The day his editor put an end to their collaboration, darkness seeped into his life faster than a bullet. A terrifying descent into hell commences, page by page of what it seems to be his last novel...
Hidoku Shinai de dj - Jouer tout seul avec vous; 君でひとり遊び;
酷くしないで dj - ぼくのブリーフに穴Hidoku Shinai de dj - A Play Hole in My BriefsHidoku Shinai de dj - Boku no Brief ni Ana (Itazura)Hidoku Shinai de dj - Boku no Brief ni ItazuraHidoku Shinai de dj - Boku no Burifu ni AnaHidoku Shinai de dj - Playing with My Briefs
請別太過份 -  请别太过分 -  酷くしないで -  Treat Me Gently -  Treat me gently please
学校妖怪纪行 -  On the Night the Spider Lily Blooms -  The Night When the Amaryllis Blooms -  The Un
Marie est de retour pour le meilleur, mais surtout le pire! La pauvre petite espère toujours se venger. Toutefois, de nombreuses embuches l'attendent : la fin n'est pas pour tout de suite! Ses souffrances ne partiront pas de si tôt...
异世界冒险, 日帰りクエスト, Day-Trip Quest, One Day Quest
The adventure begins with a school girl named Eri getting magically summoned to a magical world. Eri has been summoned by a magician named Rex, intent on doing some scientific research observing people from different worlds. Rex is cute, with long dark hair and a rather pained expression at the trials Eri puts him through. Eri is not your average school girl. Instead of being terrified about her current situation, she manages to secure Rex’s promise to summon her again every week. Well OK, so the promise was rather reluctantly given due to a sneaky trick Eri plays involving the alarm on her digital watch. After all, being in a magical world is a lot more exciting than life as a school girl. The manga series chronicles Eri’s adventures in this magical world, as she travels around with Rex and the Prince of that world, a rather bishounen blond named Krueger. Unfortunately for Rex and Krueger, it is somewhat difficult to keep up with the very pushy Eri, and she manages to get them into quite a bit of mischief.

Higan no Ishi

The Stone of Nirvana -  彼岸の石
Il y a une pierre qui exauce les souhaits, c'est ce que les gens disent... que c'est la pierre du Nirvana et que ceux qui la trouvent changeront forcément leur destin. Un homme nommé Roka rencontre une fille du nom de Soumi et, à partir de là, une histoire douce et mitigée s'ensuit, après tout, l'herbe est toujours plus verte ailleurs. Quel est même son souhait et où se trouve cet endroit étrange dans lequel il est ?
Marie est emprisonnée dans une situation horrible. Elle est constamment tourmenté par ses camarades de classe et régulièrement molestés par son professeur. Ne trouvant nulle part y aller, elle décide de demander de l'aide à l'un des sept démons des sept mystères de son école. Tout ce qu'elle veut, c'est la mort de ses camarades de classe et de ses enseignants. Jusqu'où Marie sera prêt à y aller pour atteindre son objectif et ainsi se libérer de l'enfer?
彼岸島, 피안도, Higanjima L' Île des Vampires
Higanjima Saigo no 47 Hiai ; 彼岸島 最後の47日間
Akira et la résistance humaine sont parvenus à conquérir le temple fortifié où résidait Miyabi. Alors que les derniers survivants profitent d'un repos de quelques jours bien mérité, un groupe d'étudiants échoue sur l'île d'Higanjima après avoir été attaqué par les démons marins. Ryosuke, Kasumi et Yamaoka vont très rapidement découvrir la cruauté sans limite des vampires.Miyabi, de son côté, ne compte pas en rester là et se prépare à attaquer le Japon directement grâce au nouveau moyen qu'il a trouvé pour vamprisier un maximum d'humain en un temps record. Son plan nécessite cependant 47 jours avant de pouvoir être mis en oeuvre.
HJらんなうぇい! -  HJ Runaway!
One day while studying, Ikenouchi Jinta gets crashed in upon, literally, by a girl wearing magic boots who fell through his roof! However, these magic boots have one slight problem with them...
High-Risk Mission Therapy -  Highrisk Mission Therapy -  ハイリスクミッションセラピー -  求你揉一揉吧
Iori Kandono is suffering from a new illness called Monderella Syndrome, thanks to which she would suddenly experience severe pain in her chest. To make the pain go away, she can either take the medicine or get a massage by a male person. One day she forgets her medicine at home and has such an attack in school, but fortunately her classmate, Edogawa, by pure chance runs into her, and it seems he's the only one who can make her pain go away!

High School

Jo Pae est la terreur de son lycée, il ne supporte pas qu'on remette en cause son autorité. Mais ses nerfs seront mis à rude épreuve cette année puisque deux nouveaux venus ont décidé de lui saper le moral !Bastons d'étudiants et humour sont au programme de cette série qui décape./!\ Important /!\ Le manga High School était licencié chez Tokebi, mais ce dernier a stoppé sa publication en France, nous avons donc décidé de vous le faire partager ici. S'il s'avère que cela pose soucis à l'éditeur en question (pour x raison), merci de me contacter sur [email protected] et nous retirerons ce manga. /!\ Important /!\
俏妞出招 -  高校デビュー -  Kôkô Debut -  Osananajimi wa Gakunenchō -  Koko Début (French) -  Osananajimi wa Gakunenchou -  koukou debut
From Viz: Back in junior high, Haruna Nagashima was only interested in two things: softball and manga. Now that she's starting high school, Haruna's focus has changed--she wants to snag a boyfriend and have the romance of her dreams! However, she has one small problem. Since she never paid any attention to fashion or trend in middle school she has no idea how to go about attracting her yet-to-be-found love. But a chance encounter with with Yoh Komiyama provides her with the opportunity she needs. If he coaches her in how to become attractive, surely she can find herself a boyfriend! By Strawberrie: Haruna is a natural tomboy who used to play softball. However, she's determined to learn what it takes to be a girl who can attract guys. And the popular Yoh has agreed to coach her...on one condition: she musn't fall in love with him.
High School Holy Fox Tamamo-chan! -  Oinari JK Tamamo-chan!
Tamamo dit qu'elle est une étudiante transférée de Kyoto, mais sa véritable identité est une Inari du sanctuaire de Fushimi Inari ! La plupart des adultes la voient comme une belle jeune fille, mais ses camarades de classe la voient pour ce qu'elle est vraiment, qu'ils gardent sous le coude lorsqu'ils interagissent avec elle dans ce manga comique et sincère !
High School Holy Fox Tamamo-chan!
Tamamo dit qu'elle est une étudiante transférée de Kyoto, mais sa véritable identité est une Inari du sanctuaire de Fushimi Inari ! La plupart des adultes la voient comme une belle jeune fille, mais ses camarades de classe la voient pour ce qu'elle est vraiment, qu'ils gardent sous le coude lorsqu'ils interagissent avec elle dans ce manga comique et sincère !
A mysterious, lethal disease is on the loose worldwide, resulting in a catastrophic death rate of humanity, and an increasing rise of attacks caused by the living dead. In Japan, several high school students and a school nurse have banded together to escape Fujimi Private High School shortly after it was attacked by "them." The group now faces the greatest struggle of their young lives: attempting to survive the present apocalypse.
Boyoung, who looks young for her age, is 27 and still working on an undergraduate degree and working part time jobs just to scrap by. She comes across an offer to attend high school in place of Yoonju, the rebellious daughter of a congressman. What will it be like for Boyoung as she starts the senior year of high school again, in the place of the 18 year old Yoonju?
Nanase Haruka is a sixth-grade elementary school student who loves connecting with the water and feeling the water as he swims, and he attends a local swim club together with his childhood best friend Tachibana Makoto and Hazuki Nagisa, one year younger than the both of them. Then, one winter�s day as graduation draws near, Matsuoka Rin transfers into Haruka and the others� school from another swim club. Through swimming, Haruka strengthens his bonds with Makoto and Nagisa, as well as with Rin�at which point Rin, with his passion for the medley relay, suggests they form a team together and enter a tournament. This is the novel that the anime Free! is based on in manga form at last!
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni – Arc 4 : Pour tuer le temps -  Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni - Himatsubushi -  Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Himatsubushi-hen -  Higurashi When They Cry: Time Killing Arc -  When They Cry - Himatsubushi-hen -  When They Cry - Time Wasting
De Yen Press : Lorsque le petit-fils du ministre de la construction disparaît au milieu des protestations contre le projet de barrage à Hinamizawa, l'inspecteur Akasaka est envoyé par la police de Tokyo pour enquêter. Se faisant passer pour un touriste, Akasaka se lie rapidement d'amitié avec Rika Furude, et la petite fille lui fait presque oublier qu'il est en mission pour retrouver un kidnappeur ! Mais la visite touristique prend un tournant soudain lorsque Rika lance un sérieux avertissement : L'histoire de Higurashi no Naku Koro ni est divisée en huit chapitres : quatre arcs de "questions" et quatre arcs de "réponses". Chaque chapitre conserve les mêmes personnages principaux, mais se termine d'une manière différente. Cependant, chaque chapitre donne des réponses, des indices et des pistes de valeur au chapitre précédent, tout en apportant encore plus de mystères.
ひぐらしのなく頃に 語咄し編, 寒蝉鸣泣之时之 语咄篇, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Kataribanashi Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Kataribanashihen
In Minagoroshi-hen, the mastermind of the murders was revealed. This time, all the pieces of the puzzle are in place. The last step for the characters to take is putting the pieces together in order to defeat the culprit, obtain the miracle, and break through the barrier of June 1983. Matsuribayashi-hen is a "Good End" in which no major deaths occur. 
ひぐらしのなく頃に 鬼隠し編, 秋蝉鸣泣之时 鬼隐篇, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onikakushi, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onikakushi-hen, When They C
Keiichi Maebara has just moved to a seemingly peaceful new town. He’s making friends and generally enjoying his life until one day he learns of a grisly murder that took place in the little village. His friends won’t give him any details which only adds to Keiichi’s uneasiness. After learning at the town’s annual festival that a death has occurred on that night every year for the past four years, Keiichi is drawn into a web of intrigue to help unravel the mystery of these murders. Things only get more dangerous when he learns that some of his new friends may be involved!The story of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is divided into a total of eight chapters: four "Question" arcs and four"Answer" arcs. Each chapter keeps the same main characters, but ends in a different way. However, each chapter gives valuable answers, hints, and clues to the previous one, while at the same time bringing forth even more mysteries.The question arcs are: 1. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onikakushihen2. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Watanagashihen 3. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Tatarigoroshihen4. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - HimatsubushihenThe answer arcs are:5. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Meakashihen6. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Tsumihoroboshihen7. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Minagoroshihen 8. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Matsuribayashi-henThe side story arcs are:- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onisarashihen - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Yoigoshihen- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Utsutsukowashi-hen - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Kokoro Iyashihen