
사랑은 개싸움!
Mina’s mom tells young Mina to protect her precious things, which she takes into consideration all throughout her life. When she enters her adulthood, she is a star employee of the Mansuk Publishing Company, the role model of many other employees, only to be revealed that she is a hardcore idol fangirl. The group she likes is Sugary, a popular duo that disbanded. After the announcement, Roxy’s and Byul’s fans split apart into two factions and continuously are at each other’s throats. At the beginning of Sugary’s career, there is an important pub that helped them gain money, Daldalbeer. Haeun, Mina’s best friend, and Mina go visit that pub often and meet Young, the handsome sales team recruit that Mina met at the elevators before taking off. As it turns out, Young is a hardcore Byul fan and Mina is a hardcore Roxy fan. And thus the dog fight begins.

Pearl boy

Seashell boy -  Pearl cum boy -  조개소년
Kang Doo-sik retourne au restaurant pour payer l'argent après avoir essayé de manger sans payer. Cependant, il y a vu quelque chose qu'il ne devrait pas voir... Regardez l'interaction entre Kang Doo-sik, qui est poli, et Jin Juha, qui est dur mais honnête pour découvrir le secret qui se cache là-dessous. Doosik découvrira-t-il quel genre de personne est Jin Juha ? !
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