
Quand on se rend compte que la concurrence n'est pas seulement liée aux pêcheurs, mais avec quelque chose de plus...
Kimi no Tenohira -  君の手のひら
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In a world where spirits live inside the most powerful warriors, the line that separates life and death is thin. A rotten world ruled by the law of the strongest, filled with sorrow, despair and fear. But, the prophecy tells of a unborn child with a strong heart: the heart of the Magnifica!
Nosebleed Studio reser i den svenska historien
Manga included in this anthology:Häxan by Joakim WallerSofia is a normal girl, who is timetravelled back to a witch trial in the 1700 Sweden.Adjö Sverige by Natalia BatistaIn the end of the 19th Century, as many as 1.5 million Sweedes emigrated to America. This story follows one of them, Selma Ankerberg.Lailas resa by Magnolia WinrothTo escape the second world war, the young Laila and Ekkie travel to Sweden from Finland, like many other Finish children had to do all alone.
Odd at War is a fantasy/action manga that follows the story of Kehl. A young boy who was introduced to the truth of the world he lives in, in the worst way possible. After being rescued by a mysterious figure while his village was being raided by mercenaries, he comes into contact with a whole new world. A world of violence and fear. As he discovers who is to blame for the death of his loved ones aswell as his way of living, Kehl sets his goal of revenge. However, not everything is as straight forward as it seems, as he'll learn that he possesses an unknown form of supernatural power that forms a link between him and those he despises the most.
Welcome to Noak’s Park! Erika moves to Stockholm to apply for her dream job at the futuristic animal shelter Noak’s Park, something she has dream of since she was a kid. That’s where she discovers that she has the rare gift of being able to speak to the animals!