
은석이와 정구
Eunsuk and Jung-gu have a complicated relationship. The easiest way to describe it would be "roomates." Of course, not all roommates have sex. And most of them don't visit bathhouses together. And only a small few of them have sex at bathhouses.
모든 순간이 너였다,Always You
L'histoire de la façon dont la mort d'un ami sépare deux personnes, pour les ramener ensemble.
天地人 -  천지인 -  Cheon Jee In
From Tokyopop: Yumi, a seemingly average high school girl, is destined to become the wife of and child bearer for Evil. As soon as her first menstrual episodes begin, all sorts of villainous cretins show up in the hopes of providing the seed for wickedness itself. In response, the forces of Good, a Buddhist priest, the Catholic church, and their attendant holy warriors rush to provide protection for the now-pregnable Yumi. But she reaches out to another warrior, a young punk freshman heartthrob who literally beats off the female population of the school with a stick. But when he sees Yumi in a vision, this cool-as-ice thug melts ... and the adventure begins ...
Just before entering the university, Yanagiba Masahiko's father died in a car accident. His mother died when he was four, which makes him now really an orphan. But even before the death of his father, he didn't have a family life, as his father was always busy or abroad.
Fianse Shitai Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom -- and he has such a weird name -- so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? (taken from shoujomagic)
Too Good at Massages -  마사지 를 너무 잘함
Quand on se rend compte que la concurrence n'est pas seulement liée aux pêcheurs, mais avec quelque chose de plus...

Flower War

플라워 워 - 
La terre va bientôt disparaître en raison de la pollution de l'environnement.Cependant, elle se réveille de l'arme biologique qui ressemble à une fleur : les anciens "gardiens" endormis.Ces gardiens s'attaquent aux humains qui sont responsables de la pollution.La guerre des fleurs. La terre touche à sa fin en raison de la pollution de l'environnement dans un avenir proche, mais elle se réveille de l'arme biologique en forme de fleur : les anciens "gardiens" endormis. Ces gardiens attaquent l'humanité, le pollueur coupable, et tentent de détruire la civilisation. Les humains se battent contre les gardiens fondateurs en utilisant les défenses des robots à puissance humaine survivants. Kay, un nouveau pilote de robot né dans les bidonvilles, est affecté au Moonlight Fox et rencontre un autre type de gardien lors d'un combat contre eux.
Butterfly Sting -  나비처럼 날아 벌처럼 쏘다
Le regard pécheur ( ?) de Ranju est toujours concentré sur la gentille et populaire beauté angélique de l'école, Jiha. Lorsque Ranju entend dire que Jiha va avoir un rendez-vous galant, elle est déterminée à la séduire avant que cela n'arrive !

For Garbage

Best Served Cold, 쓰레기를 위하여
Min-Ju se sent seule. Elle s'occupe avec les réseaux sociaux, mais cela n'aide pas le fait que son mari est distant et qu'elle est pratiquement sans amis. Rien ne change jusqu'à ce qu'elle croise Seo Ji-Ah, une belle fille qui vient d'emménager au rez-de-chaussée. Min-Ju n'a jamais rencontré quelqu'un comme Ji-Ah auparavant et ne peut s'empêcher de tomber sous le charme de cette dernière. Mais Min-Ju est loin de se douter que leur rencontre n'est pas vraiment fortuite ; en fait, chaque geste de Ji-Ah est soigneusement calculé... pour qu'elle puisse prendre sa revanche !
Haru said to Makoto that it's okay to *do* it so they went to Haru's house fast. However, as they opened the door, they were shocked because... Includes 4P Pairing: Makoto x Haruka | Rei x Nagisa
A French Photo Gallery -  불란서 사진관
Réservée par la PurpleMoon
뒤끝작렬; Dwikkeutjaglyeol
« Ne te trompe pas. Je ne t’ai jamais vu comme mon petit frère. Tu ne connais même pas ta vraie place. »

Fu Junai

不・純愛 -  A Sin To Love You -  Can't Live Without You -  The Deceitful Fingers -  Can I Love You Dearly? -  How Shinohara-san Spends His Weekend
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - Fu Jun Ai :Alors que Onosaka Kumiko rentre chez elle après avoir fait des courses, elle trouve un étranger qui attend devant chez elle. L'étranger, Shinohara Yuki est un de ses anciens collègue de travail qui a quitté son travail à cause d'une maladie. Maladie incurable. De ce fait, Shinohara souhaitait faire part de ses sentiments à Kumiko avant de mourir.Ils commencent donc à vivre ensemble, avec la pensée que Shinohara va bientôt mourir.- 02 - A sin to love you,- 03 - Can't live without you,- 04 - The Deceitful Fingers,- 05 - Can I love you dearly?,- 06 - How Shinohara-san spends his weekend.
銀蝶奇談 -  Silver Butterfly
[From Attractive Fascinante]: 1-3) Silver Butterfly (Ginchou Kidan) The Heavenly Jade Pavillion is the house for many beautiful hustlers and their protectors. Patrons come in nightly to take advantage of the culture and beauty of these hustlers. These men share their love nightly, but are they allowed to fall in love? 4) Darkness and obscenity In the Heavenly Jade Pavillion there are many beautiful hustlers and their protectors, each with their own talents and mysterious lives. The lovely S&M hustler, Yagarasu, who hides his eye behind a patch, is visited by a man from his past. Why is Yagarasu's past appearing now? Will he be given a reason to put aside his whips and chains and only give pain to one man? 5-6) Blue Sky Love
소녀왕(Korea) -  Little Queen -  Queen -  June The Little Queen (German) -  Tiểu Nữ Vương (Vietnamese)
(Tokyopop Summary) Class rivals June and Lucia vie for the honor of being named the Queen of Light, entrusted with protecting the people from the King of Darkness. June is an attractive girl whose feisty, hot temper and general laziness may prevent her from receiving the crown...Lucia has a more regal quality and a strong desire to match, but she is always overshadowed by June. Will petty jealousies, love triangles, and one cute boy interfere with the Queen's royal duty?! Read this manwha from left to right


Bronte s'enfuit de sa cérémonie de mariage raté sous la pluie quand elle trouve une cabane pour s'abriter, occupée par un homme aux yeux d'or recouvert de sang, qui clame qu'il vient de tuer un homme. Il s'appelle Mars West, et sous l'impulsion il l'embrasse, juste au moment où la police arrive pour l'emmener.5 ans plus tard Bronte arrive à New York pour voir Mars, qui a passé 3 ans en prison pour le meurtre qu'il n'a en fait pas commis. Les choses deviennent alors étranges....C'est une série de la plus haute classe, avec des machinations et manipulations où seul le plus riche pourra s'en tirer....Basé sur le roman " Secret Child " d'Ann Major.
ご指名です!, 头牌男公关, 頭牌男公關, Apple!, Bienvenue au palais de l'amour (French), I Nominate You!, Take Your Pick!
1-3. Goshimei desu! Renjouji Kiriya holds the coveted position of the number 1 ranked host at a high-class host club "Chateau du Amour" in Tokyo. The Chateau du Amour specializes in providing the company of beautiful, cultured men to female customers. Few people know that the popular Kiriya is actually Yamada Kotarou, a boy from Nagasaki who came to Tokyo to find a way to repay his parent's debt. Some of the other hosts, jealous of his position, are determined to get past his perfect facade to discredit him. Kiriya will have a hard time stopping them, especially after a former customer dumps an adorable 5-year-old girl on him, claiming he is the father. The only thing that could make this situation more difficult would be the arrival of his Nagasaki girlfriend Miharu, who knows nothing of his career as a host...4. Apple!A kind-hearted guy who grows up eating cakes and whose parents own an tartlet cafe, wants to be the ultimate gang leader. A villainous girl who was brought up in a family of gangsters wants to be the owner of a tartlet shop! How will the pair cross one another's path with their dreams of the opposite party?
This story takes place in the Fairy Tale world. Our Protagonist is the younger Grimm Brother. After watching his older brother get murdered by the Shadow King (Evil Wizard Antagonist) their family Legacy/ Curse transfers to him upon the older ones death. The Older Grimm lies dead on the floor and a magical hourglass appears next to our new hero that slowly is counting down the sand. This dark curse is the power of Death Itself and when used he gains the Visage of death and the powers it holds making him a Grimm Reaper. Every time he uses this great power he loses some of his lifespan and the sand ticks it away. Swearing Vengeance even at the extent of his own life he sets out to hunt and kill all of the Monsters the Shadow King employs and then the Shadow King himself. This story has Fairy Tale people and creatures like the Grimm Fables but is dark and violent.

Hana Kimi

偷偷爱着你 -  花ざかりの君たちへ -  花样少年少女(Chinese) -  For You in Full Blossom -  Hana Kimi -  Hana-Kimi -  Hanakimi -  Hanazakari no Kimitachi e -  Parmi eux (French) -  Thirsty Moo
At age thirteen, Mizuki Ashiya, a Japanese girl growing up in America, saw Izumi Sano high jump on TV for the first time. Amazed by his grace, Mizuki quickly became a huge fan of Sano's. Three years later, high-school age Mizuki decides to return to Japan so that a dream of hers might come true: to see Sano jump in person. Mizuki even goes so far as to transfer into Sano's school, in hopes of being closer to him. Mizuki's wish is granted, and she becomes Sano's roommate. There are two problems, however: Sano has quit the high jump, and he attends an all-boys school, meaning Mizuki now has to disguise herself as a boy morning, noon and night, even in her own room! Unknown to Mizuki, however, Sano finds out her secret fairly quickly, and now a strange feeling has come over the two of them...
Série de 4 histoires courtes se focalisant sur les personnages de Parmi Eux après la fin de la série.

Hao Airen

Depuis que son père est parti, Kurumi doit subvenir seule aux besoins de sa mère malade et de ses deux petits frères. Elle travaille dur et tombe un jour sur un jeune homme blessé qu'elle soignera gentiment.Elle ne se doute pas qu'elle vient à tout jamais d'abandonner cette vie : l'homme qu'elle a sauvé se nomme Hakuron, c'est le chef de la mafia chinoise, et il vient d'enlever Kurumi pour la ramener à Hong Kong.Finalement c'est une idylle qui va naître et nos deux tourtereaux vont couler des jours paisibles avant que la violence et l'horreur de la mafia ne les rattrapent, rendant nos deux amants aveugles de leurs propres sentiments.
覇王・愛人, 覇王♥愛人, Despotic Lover, Supreme King's Mistress
One day while walking home from her job, Kurumi Akino finds a wounded young man, and saves his life. He mysteriously disappears after that, and leaves only the name “Hakuron”. Next thing she knows she’s been kidnapped from her school, and is on a private jet with that man, heading to China. It turns out she saved the life of the most infamous mobster in Hong Kong, and he wants her to stay with him.
はぴまり ~Happy Marriage!?~, Happy Marriage
Men - they're the root of Takanashi Chiwa's problems, which is why she never had the time nor the opportunity to have a boyfriend in her entire life. A full-time office lady and a part-time hostess, she works night and day to pay off her dad's debt from his failed business. One night at her part-time job, a high-class customer has her fired. Then the next day, she's called in to see the president - whom she had never even seen before in the office - only to find out she's to marry him! But what kind of guy is Mamiya Hokuto anyway? Will he become one of Chiwa's problems, or will he save her from them? And will this marriage even last?!
A collection of short and funny stories set in the first four years. Chapter 1 Hermione's heart gets stolen ... by Malfoy?! Chapter 2 Harry lets Hermione and Ron cut his hair - with disastrous results. Chapter 3 The whole of Gryffindor starts a snowball fight, and somehow, Snape gets involved ...

Heart Beat!

Doujinshi dérivé de l’univers de Touhou Project.Musique + Noh = Amitié. Eh ouais !!