
Demon Seiten

サクリード -  デーモン聖典 -  Demon Sacred
Un symptôme qui provoque une régression physique à tel point que ça engendre la mort. Un laboratoire pharmaceutique qui prétend être à la recherche d'un remède est en fait à la base de ce syndrome. Quelles sont leurs motivations ? Et que font un chasseur de dragons et une poignée de démons dans toute cette histoire ?
天国少女, 花咲ける青少年, Hana-sakeru Seishonen
Set in the modern era, the story follows the path to romance of fourteen-year-old Kajika Burnsworth, daughter of powerful industrialist Harry Burnsworth, owner of the Burnsworth international conglomerate giant. Kajika agrees to participate in a "marriage game" with her father, in which she must select her future husband out of three men that her father has supposedly preselected for her.Despite its shōjo-romance undertones, the story itself evolves as a power political mystery involving a small, middle eastern country called Raginei. Raginei as a country is only 1,000 years old, but became extremely wealthy within the last 50 years or so due to a change in ideals implemented by past King Machaty that allowed the international export of oil. While Kajika searches for her suitors and puzzles over the concept of love, the country is thrown into political turmoil and Kajika's friendship with Prince Rumaty Ivan, as well as the Burnsworth relationship with Raginei, lands her right in the middle of it all.
On the 15th of October 1990, World War III breaks out. It only lasts for 40 minutes, but industrial establishments were nearly wiped out by the 1000 megatons of nuclear weapons used in the war. The Earth was then cloaked by in a nuclear winter which lasted for 6 months, and all the grain plants died. Each government fell into anarchy and transport and communication networks could not be restored easily. Soon, declarations of state establishment from the citizens in various areas came one after another, and America was split into 6 parts, adding other unapproved small states, it was divided into more than 20 countries.The story is set in 2021, 31 years after World War III. Filicia Epstein, a bionics genius, came to Sabano and Sergent Mutou was ordered to protect her. Searching for her only brother, Lyon, Filicia encountered with 1019, a cybernoid, who directed them to the phantom city, OZ, which is a shelter created by Lyon. As the story unfolds, they gradually realised what 'OZ' actually was...Very loosely based on some parts of The Wizard of Oz. Two OAVs were made.Note: Won the 24th Seiun Award for Best Comic (1993).
He died, only for a minute. Minakawa Ryo was an ordinary high school student until the day a girl jumped off a building, killing him with her. He miraculously comes back to life but with a new ability to see and hear what ordinary people cannot. Then one day a mysterious girl, Hokuto Shou, appears and tells him that his half has become a resident of the world of the dead. His previous ordinary life has dissipated, and a new life between the "living" and the "dead" begins. 
やくもたつ, 八雲立つ, 出云传奇, 出雲傳奇, Eight Clouds Rising
Kuraki Fuzuchi is a quiet young man who has immense psychic powers and sword skills. He later meets Takeo Nanachi, a college student with similar latent powers. The story opens with Nanachi traveling to a small shrine in the mountains for a festival that only occurs every 49 years in order to purify his (now deceased) grandfather’s sword. There he meets Kuraki and later accidentally stumbles upon Kuraki’s initiation ritual as a Shaman. From there on, their lives are inexplicitly intertwined as they encounter various ghosts, spirits, demons, and other characters with supernatural powers while the author also provides a parallel running story depicting their previous life.