
トリック・プリンス -  悪戯王子 -  Trick Prince -  Tricky Prince
Yujin Ratcliff is a very serious but impoverished student who somehow manages to continually be at the top of his class. On the evening of the school's big Christmas bash, Yujin's classmates decide to pull a sidesplitting pratical joke on him - and they transform him into a princess! Suddenly all eyes are on the blond and striking young Prince Willis as he enters the room. Who knew that this joke would be the commencement of the prince's powerful attraction for "princess" Yujin?
人生はバラ色だ。, 玫瑰人生, La Vie en Rose, La Vien Rose, Life is Rosy
After his parents were killed in an accident, Yayoi assumed their hundred-million yen debt. He was being pursued by collectors when a mysterious man, Kazu, appeared before him and offered to take on the debt for him if he would become Kazu's...
カブキ~華の章~ -  Kabuki
From Beautiful Soup: A 16th-century warlord and his page-boy commit suicide to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy and are reincarnated in present-day Japan. This series has ample wit, a good plot and some poignant moments. Highly recommended!


Une maladie extrêmement grave lui ayant été diagnostiquée, Jô se rend compte que la dernière chance qu'il lui reste pour se faire un nom est de kidnapper le fils d'un politicien, de demander un montant insensé comme rançon, de s'enfuir en Océanie avec l'argent et de mourir en faisant la fête, de l'alcool dans une main et une belle créature dans l'autre. Mais les choses ne se déroulent pas comme prévues lorsque la victime de l'enlèvement, Yuushi, commence à éprouver des sentiments pour lui. Lequel des deux est le ravisseur et lequel des deux est le captif ?