
Kusaraki Masao is a normal 15 year-old boy. He goes to school, joined the soccer team, and dreams of a day when he can get a girlfriend. He's nice, gentle, and very, very shy with girls.And why is this Mr. Nice Guy still single? Well... um... he has a face that resembles a gorilla--hence the nickname--Gorio. Despite his best efforts, Gorio couldn't seem to find a girl who would look past his physical visage to the tender heart he has. Until he met Maki.Maki is hot, Maki is sexy, and Maki appears to be interested in Gorio!?
Haiiro no Kisetsu, Hakoniwa de -  灰色の季節、箱庭で
This is the story of girls who are compelled by immortality. These girls gather in a boarding school on a solitary island in the distant seas. The girls who possess the inability to age live and die by the experiments done there, with immortality as the aim. With nothing to rely on in an institution where immortality is worshiped, transfer student Nagami Chihaya enters the scene. Rejecting perpetual youth, she yearns to be an adult. With her transfer, the fates of the students at the institution begin to move tremendously.
背徳が待っている -  Immortality Is Waiting
Yurino's beloved is in financial trouble, so she decides to help him out by being a prostitute. However, the first guy she says "wanna have some fun with me for 500 bucks?" to happens to be a famous popular music composer, Yukio, with one of his singers, Karin, with him. The book consists of a collection of dangerous and sad love stories.
Noritaka Sawamura is a teenager; until this day, everybody has been making fun of him. Now he enters the high school which is an opportunity for him to restart a new life! He loves a girl of his school, but he needs to be a little bit stronger to be recognized by everybody. So he joins the Thai boxing section. His entertainment is very special, due to his master who seems to be a little mad. Noritaka will make you laugh, for sure! Note: My favorite passage is when Sawamura spins through a window with a helmet, his trousers missing, with crap coming out of his ass, and everybody looking at him. He is the most ridiculous man in the world at this moment!
花みちおとめ, 花道少女, Hana-Michi Otome, Hanamichi Otome
Entrez dans la vie quotidienne de Salam, le politicien populaire et son secrétaire, Yazad, où le mariage n'est ni la fin, ni l'épilogue de l'histoire d'amour. Ensemble, ils gèrent leur relation après leur mariage, travaillent pour établir leur propre place dans le monde et gèrent tout ce que la vie leur réserve. Chaque jour les rapproche encore plus, car ils continuent d’être l'un pour l'autre à travers les bons, les mauvais et les stupides moments.
Why am I in a place like this...... kissing HIM......?'' Awkward class loner Mitsuo Hanaori has a pet peeve - the handsome and popular Hachiya, who's always at the center of the class. He has soft hair and clear skin, everything comes easy to him, and his voice is easy on the ears - it's all just so irritating...... But Mitsuo can't take his eyes off Hachiya, who scores perfect shots in basketball class, and he twists his ankle as a result. After helping walk Mitsuo to the nurse's office, for some reason Hachiya suddenly brings his face close as if to kiss him!! Mitsuo's freaking out and his heart's pounding like crazy, and to his mortification, his JUNK is responding......! To make things worse, ever since that day, Hachiya's started coming onto him on a daily basis...... Just what the hell is going on!?
HTMTM -  후작님을 녹이는 방법
A survival romance in a cold and suspicious castle begins!Adrian wants to avoid getting married in any way but he was given the emperor's command to marry Marchioness Frey Busia, who's also known as the "Wolf of the Battlefield".Soon enough, Frey had already signed the marriage contract!Now, I'm married. But why is it impossible to see her?Marchioness Frey Busia.Rumors say that she would kill anyone who sees her face.Can Adrian melt her cold heart?
폭군의 번역기가 되어버렸다
I'll Just Live As A Villain, 그냥 악역으로 살겠습니다
"Je me suis réincarnée en tant que méchante dans un livre !
착하면 꼭 서브 남주 더라
Description en cours...
Imouto ga Ichi Nichi Ikkai Shika Me wo Awasete Kurenai -  Imouto ga Ichi Nichi Ikkai Shika Me wo Awasete Kurenai -  Imoto ga 1-nichi 1-kai shika me wo awasete kurenai imoto ga ichi nichi ikkai shika me wo awasete kurenai My Little Sister Doesn't Make Ey
Un court manga Twitter de Hamaken dans lequel la jeune soeur d'un frère lutte pour maintenir un contact visuel avec lui, sauf...Liens :Fanbox
An Italian girl, Francesca, suddenly appears in front of Yuji, an illustrator. At the behest of her mother, she suddenly starts to live with him! They eat dinner together and are excited to see each other in their loungewear. It's a very simple way to get to know each other better.
Two female friends having strange conversations about concepts. An experimental series.(This reads right to left like traditional manga.)
きみの奏でる光 -  The Light that You Create
4. Kimi no Kanaderu Hikari (The Light that You Create) There’s a rumour going round Yuki’s school about a ghost who inhabits the old music room. One day, while playing the piano in the music room, Yuki is approached by that ghost… - The Zero Alliance
Friday in the Atelier -  Friday's (Secret) Meeting at the Atelier -  周五相约在画室 -  週五相約在畫室 -  金曜日はアトリエで
Tired of the daily grind, office worker Tamaki silently, half-heartedly wishes for death, but not before eating pacific saury. That's when she runs into Ishihara Shunsui, a famous artist unbeknownst to her, who just so happened to trip and drop some. He then invites her back to his place to model to which she indulges feeling she has nothing to lose. As it turns out, it's nude modeling. Her nonchalance in accepting his invitation made him believe that she's in love with him and the whole experience gave her a new lease on life.
Manga Web sur un koala incompris et intimidant dans une école pour humains et créatures anthopomorphiques.
러브러브 원더랜드
Rien d'extraordinaire n'est jamais arrivé à Namjoo, jusqu'au jour où il ramasse une clé USB égarée dans la rue. La curiosité l'emporte et lorsqu'il jette un coup d'œil à l'intérieur, il découvre un jeu VR torride qui est toujours en cours d'élaboration. Pour Namjoo, le jeu semble prêt à sortir, mais il est loin de se douter du bug qui affecte tous les PNJ et les rend tous super excités.Pendant ce temps, Hye-na panique au sujet de sa clé USB perdue et est déterminée à la récupérer avant que d'autres personnes ne découvrent le défaut fatal du jeu.Rejoignez Namjoo et Hye-na dans leur voyage à Lust-a-land, un monde qui n'est pas pour les âmes sensibles... ou pour les libidos faibles.À lire sur
4 Years to Send -  2 Days to Receive -  A Pure Love -  Aşkın Saf Hâli. -  Excuse Me -  Japanese Manga from the World -  Love Letter from a Shadow's Past -  Roach Story -  Silent Manga Audition 2013 Compilation Book
Recueil de One Shot sur le thème "Lettre d'amour" (Vainqueur Grand Prix du Manga Silencieux de 2013) :1. Sky Sky. Prema-Ja (Thaïlande) :Une histoire silencieuse sur une jeune fille et sa propre façon de faire face à la mort de son vieux chien.2. Excusez-moi. Alex Irzaqi (Indonésie)3. Un amour pur. Dee Juusan (Jordanie)4. HISTOIRE DE ROCHERS. Erwin Prasetya (Indonésie)5. Début et adieu. Vincent Lange (Allemagne)6. Donner. Rouge (Viet Nam)7. Cœur. Ink-pop (Allemagne)8. Miaw Miaw. Olvyanda Ariesta (Indonésie)9. Facteur. Marx Markuz (Thaïlande)10. Ensemble pour toujours. Eduard Balust (Espagne)11. Un meilleur lendemain. Miyuli (Allemagne)12. Konga konga. Mikko Raassina (Finlande)13. Lettre d'amour du passé d'une ombre. Lydia (Malaisie)14. L'amour à quatre feuilles. Deathdy (Indonésie)15. Canggung. Bening (Indonésie)16. Miaou Crunch. Melanie Schober (Autriche)17. Morceau d'amour. Alhamra (Indonésie)18. Courage. Mimi N (Indonésie)19. Livre de croquis. Matto (Indonésie)20. La mémoire de l'amour. Arial (Italie)21. La fleur du bonheur. Vanille (Indonésie)22. LIFE LINE. Enigme du MoMo (Italie)23. Tutor Love. theterm (Thaïlande)24. Déjà vu. Le Manh Cuong (Viet Nam)25. 4 ans pour envoyer, 2 jours pour recevoir. vinhnyu (France)26. Une lettre d'amour manga. Wopanda (Allemagne)
In which bored familiar Nico finally gets something to do.
4 Years to Send -  2 Days to Receive -  A Pure Love -  Aşkın Saf Hâli. -  Excuse Me -  Japanese Manga from the World -  Love Letter from a Shadow's Past -  Roach Story -  Silent Manga Audition 2013 Compilation Book
Recueil de One Shot sur le thème "Lettre d'amour" (Vainqueur Grand Prix du Manga Silencieux de 2013) :1. Sky Sky. Prema-Ja (Thaïlande) :Une histoire silencieuse sur une jeune fille et sa propre façon de faire face à la mort de son vieux chien. 2. Excuse Me. Alex Irzaqi (Indonésie)3. A Pure Love. Dee Juusan (Jordanie)4. ROACH STORY. Erwin Prasetya (Indonésie)5. Beginning and Farewell. Vincent Lange (Allemagne)6. To Give. Red (Viet Nam)7. Heart. Ink-pop (Allemagne)8. Miaw Miaw. Olvyanda Ariesta (Indonésie)9. Postman. Marx Markuz (Thaïlande)10. Together Forever. Eduard Balust (Espagne)11. A better tomorrow. Miyuli (Allemagne)12. Konga konga. Mikko Raassina (Finlande)13. Love letter from a shadow’s past. Lydia (Malaisie)14. Four Leaf Love. Deathdy (Indonésie)15. Canggung. Bening (Indonésie)16. Meow Crunch. Melanie Schober (Autriche)17. Piece of Love. Alhamra (Indonésie)18. Courage. Mimi N (Indonésie)19. Sketches Book. Matto (Indonésie)20. The Memory of Love. Arial (Italie)21. The Flower Of Happiness. Vanilla (Indonésie)22. LIFE LINE. MoMo Riddle (Italie)23. Tutor Love. theterm (Thaïlande)24. Déjà vu. Le Manh Cuong (Viet Nam)25. 4 years to send, 2 days to receive. vinhnyu (France)26. A manga loveletter. Wopanda (Allemagne)

Melting Point

멜팅 포인트
"Qui pourrait aimer quelqu'un comme toi ?" Ces quelques mots prononcés à Hyun au lycée le hantent depuis. Incapable de réussir dans sa carrière ou ses relations, Hyun a rencontré tous ses espoirs sur un dernier entretien d'embauche. Mais en arrivant au bureau, il se retrouve face à face avec Myungook, la source de son traumatisme passé ... Maintenant, dans la même équipe, ils devront d'abord résoudre leurs problèmes passés. Les deux peuvent-ils guérir de vieilles blessures ou cette relation est-elle destinée à s'enflammer ?
Friendship- four panels at a time.
Crescent Moon Marching -  Mikazuki Maachi -  みかづきマーチ
Mizuki is a first year high school student and bored with her daily life and immersed in her studies. She runs away from home during spring break to visit her aunt Yuki, who runs a coffee shop in Akita. One day, she accompanies her aunt to a local high school to make a delivery.A coming-of-age story dedicated to eight minutes of music and movement in the marching band.
Shen Jing -  蜃景
I'm afraid that your smile is merely a boring lie, just like a mirage on a fine summer's day.[url=]Artist's Weibo[/url]
Original Web Manga
わたしのクロちゃん; Watashi no Kuro-chan
Zut alors ! Minette à perdue son précieux chat Noir ! Ces parents sont occupés, alors elle vas devoir le retrouver seule !
Que se passe-t-il lorsque l'héroïne arrive au château du roi des démons et sait qu'elle ne pourra pas le vaincre ? Elle pleure et est réconfortée par le roi des démons lui-même !Web Comic original
逃げる夏, Summer Escape, Summer of Escape
A collection of short stories.The title story focuses around Chihaya, who has a crush on Morisaki. However, the flower arranging school she inherited from her father isn't doing well, and her step-mother wants her to marry into another school to revitalize it. Chihaya disobeys her step-mother and runs away, only to be later rescued by Morisaki. Unwilling to go back home, Chihaya starts to spend the summer at Morisaki's place, painfully aware of the situation... though Morisaki doesn't even seem to notice.